Chapter 306 Midgar

With preparations this time, Heather wouldn’t be subtly changing his personality like in Monster Hunter World, but his unparalleled suppression made him feel like a fish out of water.

Under the gaze of the will of the world, even the event organizers of outlanders’ journeys no longer show the world mission in front of Heather in a fancy way, as quiet as if they don’t exist.

For unreliable things, you still have to rely on yourself in the end… Heather scolded in his heart, but his thoughts turned rapidly in his mind.

Soon, Heather discovered his [threat] in the eyes of the will of the world-those forces that do not belong to this world. Nian, weapons collected from various worlds, Haki… As long as you rashly display these foreign forces that will be regarded as threatening by the will of the world as an ‘invasive species’, it will incur a thunderous blow from the world.

If it is just that the world’s pressure level is high, you can still think of a way to be stared to death by the will of the world at all times. When Heather came to the world for the first time, he didn’t even know what kind of work it was in the world.

At this time, some monsters who were strong and resembling giant wolves gathered around the wilderness. They starved hungrily at Heather, who appeared alone in the wilderness, and faintly blocked all of Heather’s path.

A little bit of wisdom, know how to outflank and observe the enemy’s situation? And this body type has nothing to do with [Wolf].

Even if he can’t use all his extraordinary abilities, Heather is still not afraid. His super physique, which is far beyond ordinary people, is his best support. Just as soon as he came to this world, he was suddenly hit by the will of the world. Heather’s face was very pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

The magic wolves seemed to know how to watch the prey’s face and set the dishes. Seeing Heather’s sickly appearance, he was eager to try and launch an attack. Heather seemed to be loose in his body, but he had already accumulated enough strength. As long as the wolves dared to go up, he would dare to kill them with fear.

Just as the battle was about to break out, a violent shout suddenly approached from far and near.

Immediately afterwards, Heather saw a red figure transforming into lightning and ramming among the wolves. Every heavy punch or kick would blast a huge demon wolf, like a tiger into the flock.

After the loss of more than a dozen demon wolves, a demon wolf with a larger body shape resembling a leader wailed up and howled, and the wolves decisively withdrew under its leadership.

Heather charged up for loneliness, feeling that all his experience points had been robbed, and looked at the red figure dumbfounded.

This is a burly man wearing a sleeveless red windbreaker. His face is full of beard and short ponytail hair is brown and black, his body is full of muscles, and his face is full of anger and prestige. He patted the non-existent Hui on his palm and watched the wolves away. Then he turned to look at Heather, and laughed loudly while giving a thumbs up:

“Don’t be afraid, it’s okay. Ask why? Because I’m here!”,

“…Uncle on the stage.”

This is the first encounter between Heather and Zangan.

As you can all guess, Zangan found that Heather was an inexperienced martial arts wizard, so he kept pestering him to teach him Zangan Liu martial arts, and Heather, because he could not use the power from other worlds, urgently needed a school that could be used in this The fighting skills used in the world are a hit.

It’s just that because of the last world, Heather didn’t want to involve too much with those who showed kindness to him, for fear of causing miserable end for him, so he was full of strange words during the trip, and he acted like a complete weird everywhere.

The two set off on a purposeless trip from the wilderness near Midgar, and finally arrived at [Wutai].

[Wutai] It was once a very powerful country on this planet, but it was unilaterally attacked by Shinra and launched a 9-year war. In the end, Wutai was occupied by Shenluo and transformed into a scenic spot.

Heather and Zangan caused a series of incidents in Wutai accident, but they had a huge disagreement on the handling of the final incident. Zangan had to harm Heather’s interests for the sake of morality in his heart, and although Heather didn’t care very much, he realized that this was a good opportunity to break with Zangan, and pretended to be angry and announced that Zangan would cut off his master and apprentice. Relationship, and angrily left Wutai.

After Heather left Wutai, Kabuto Kabuto turned around, and finally came to the slum of Qifan Street in Midgar and began living in seclusion.

Zangan consciously owed his disciple Heather, and continued to travel frustrated, but found Tifa while staying in Niebuhrheim and accepted him as a disciple.

Then, there is the story as everyone knows.

Now, Heather was sitting bored in the rest area of ​​the commodity store on the third floor, watching Tifa’s figure shuttle back and forth between the containers.

Except for knowing that the current timeline is five years ago, the other related plots are all at a loss. Who told SE to make up the relevant plot?

When Heather was thinking about it, Tifa also settled the bill. She ran over to Heather excitedly holding a large bag of things, her petite and pretty face flushed, attracting men around her to peep from time to time.

“Brother, there are so many things here, much more prosperous than Niebuhrheim.”

After all, Tifa’s hometown, Niburheim, is only a remote mountain village. As a small village girl, where has she seen the prosperous shopping malls of big cities? Just visiting the daily necessities area is almost dazzled.

Heather took the wallet that Tifa handed over, and returned it to Kabuto without looking at it, and then planned to check if Tifa had bought everything. But the girl reacted quickly to hold the plastic bag tightly in her arms to prevent Heather from checking, her face flushed.

“Cut… redundant reaction.”

Heather curled his lips: “Let’s go, I should be able to catch the train back to the down town of Qifan Street.”

“Yeah.” Tifa held the package and followed Heather step by step.

The two walked all the way through the bustling streets of Bafan Street. The girl tried her best not to let her gaze be attracted by the colorful billboards and towering luxury buildings. She hung her head and followed Heather closely, even so. Almost lost Heather several times.

Heather seemed to notice this and slowed down a little.

The train station in the upper city area on Bafan Street is luxuriously decorated, and even the floor is bright marble. Heather bought two tickets and boarded the train with Tifa. With a slight shaking, the train began to circle Midgar in a spiral track toward the lower city.

About halfway through the car, red light flashed three times from the front to the rear of the car. The red light filtered through everyone in the car, including Heather and Tifa sitting in the seat.

Tifa had been scanned by red light once in the car with Zangan before, but at that time she didn’t ask because of her depression. This time she curiously asked Heather, “Brother, what does this red light do?”

“The train passed a specific scanning checkpoint just now. These three red lights will scan the ID card of each person in the carriage one by one. The confirmation content is [Speaking year, month and day], [Residence permit category], [Reward and punishment record]. Compare passengers with a central database with all data to maintain law and order.”

Heather yawned: “Your residence permit should be a temporary card that Zangan helped you handle. Once the time limit expires, you cannot take the train to Shangcheng District at will, otherwise you will be arrested.”


Tifa did not expect that Midgar seemed peaceful but had such a strict hierarchy: “What about you, brother?”

Heather spread his hands: “Me? I have a permanent residence permit. I only live in Xiacheng out of interest. Of course, the housing prices in Shangcheng are also a major reason.”

Having said this, Heather couldn’t help being a little serious: “Speaking of which, you should consider what kind of job you are looking for, Junior Sister. In Midgar, everyone has his own position.”

Tifa was a little uneasy. He lowered his head subconsciously and rubbed his red sneakers against the floor of the carriage: “I, I don’t know what I’m suitable for, but I will try my best to find a job when I go back.”

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