Chapter 305

The brown-haired girl looks slightly older than Tifa, probably between 17 and 18 years old.

She was wearing a white dress with fair skin and beautiful appearance, and her long brown hair was tied behind her head with a red handkerchief tied in a bow. She pushed the wooden cart and walked slowly along the stone road on the side of the street.

Tifa just wanted to walk out of the mall and look at the flowers, but Heather grabbed his arm and asked strangely, “Brother?”

Heather didn’t answer, but looked in the direction of the alley on the opposite street corner, and immediately retracted his gaze: “What’s so beautiful about flowers, hurry up and buy daily necessities. Or do you plan to have dinner on Bafan Street?”

Thinking of the terrible prices, Tifa couldn’t help but whispered, and quickly pushed Heather towards the mall: “Then let’s go, brother. Hurry up, go shopping!”

The two looked at the sign on the first floor, and then went straight to the daily necessities store on the third floor.

And in the corner alley opposite the Staples Mall, a figure slowly walked out.

This is a tall young man wearing a special uniform that looks like a decent black suit. His black hair is pulled back behind his head into a short ponytail, and there is a mole in the center of his forehead.

He glanced at the direction of the Staple Mall, then set his eyes on the girl who was pushing the car, his cold stern eyes softened.

A burly man who also wore a special uniform stepped forward and handed a mobile phone that was shaking: “Director, it’s Director Heidegger’s phone.”

The black-haired man took the phone and clicked the connection button: “Director Heidegger, please instruct.”

[Zeng, immediately returned to the headquarters of Shinra Corporation, the president must have new instructions for the public security maintenance department. You must be present as the director of Tucks, have you heard? ] A rough voice came across from the phone.


[The surveillance task is temporarily handed over to your subordinates. I really don’t understand why you, Director Tucks, Tenten stared at a surveillance task…Hurry back! 】


Click! The other side hung up the phone.

Zeng threw the phone back to his men expressionlessly: “Watch her, but don’t interfere with her daily life.”

“Yes, the level of interference…”

“Let her not feel our existence, that’s it.”

Zeng put on the coat he had handed over, and before leaving, he glanced at the direction of Samp Mall.

An illusion? The man with glasses seemed to notice his side…

He shook his head slightly, turned and disappeared into the alley.

In the mall on the other side, Heather made a list for Tifa and asked her to buy it accordingly.

“Toothbrushes, towels, sheets, shampoo, soap, shower gel and the like should be prepared. The old lady Maret just rents an vacant room for you and will not provide you with the relevant daily necessities. By the way, the water quality filter must also be considered. To put it a little better, the water in the slums does not take the same line as the water in the upper city, and it is more or less polluted. As for the daily necessities other women should buy… I don’t understand this aspect, you try to be considerate. ”

Tifa looked at the form from top to bottom, and the more he looked at it, the cooler he felt, and he touched his pocket subconsciously. There is less than 500 GIL in her pocket, that is all her money. After deducting the rent and the most basic meals, she didn’t know which items on the form could afford with the remaining money.

Heather noticed Tifa’s movements and took out a purse from Kabuto on the side of his jacket and handed it to her: “Don’t think about the money, I’ll take it out.”

“No, no, I’ve already borrowed so much money from brother, so I can’t use brother’s money anymore…” Tifa hurriedly waved his hand.

“I borrowed this from you, so it should be included in the previous debt. Just treat it as a [loan]?”

Heather grabbed her little hand and squeezed the wallet into her hand firmly: “I have nothing to spend, so you can use it. If you do, move quickly, we have to go back to the downtown area of ​​Qifan Street before dinner. Woolen cloth.”

Being urged repeatedly by Heather, Tifa had to trot to the daily necessities area with her wallet to choose the goods, but she all tried to choose the cheapest one.

Brother lives in Midgar alone, it is not easy to make money, let alone borrow so much money before, you must save money.

Heather walked to the rest area on the third floor, found a bench to sit down, and lost his eyes in thought.

So, now is the world of “Final Fantasy 7”, and it is five years before the beginning of the true story.

I originally made up my mind to no longer be associated with people in these plot worlds, but I still made an exception… I was still the person who likes to be emotional.

Since the destruction of the Sahelta United States in the full-time Hunter World, Heather has deeply reflected on himself and finally came to the conclusion-it is precisely because he has too many connections with people in these plot worlds and acts too casually. It will cause things to get out of control.

The reason why Jack Jack and Roda Kindom ended up so miserably, he also has his own responsibility.

When he learned of the tragic deaths of these friends, the anger dazzled Heather’s head. He desperately wanted to punish all the murderers, even at the expense of using the [Knife] to destroy the entire United States of Sahelta, even if the price was to fall into the gods. The transformation can never be restored.

But the emptiness after the revenge made him feel pain. Bast’s words awakened him even more-your relationship with the characters in the plot is too deep.

Either recklessly or indifferently on the sidelines, this is the real way of dealing with things outsiders. Not being indecisive and indecisive will only harm you and those close to you. This is a lesson learned by other outsiders.

The most important thing is to set a firm goal for yourself. As a foreigner, do you become a [hero] who saves the world? Or the [Devil] that ravages the world? Or the [traveler] watching everything? Everything must follow the heart, and do not leave regrets and regrets.

In the end, Heather decided to indifferently refuse external emotional communication, so that he and others would not be harmed.

It was a good idea, but as soon as he entered this world, Heather was immediately hit by the head.

He was in a wilderness when he first entered this world. As soon as he landed on the ground, he felt that the power of his whole body was extremely oppressed, as if he felt super strong gravity, and at the same time, the [Nian] that did not belong to this world was being suppressed.

The foreigner’s fire on his chest immediately burned and spread the flames all over Heather, which made him feel better. But the physical oppression is reduced, but the psychological oppression becomes more obvious.

He was targeted by [the world].

This [World Will] is very different from the world Heather has experienced in the past. The world that I have experienced before either has a superficial stress response to the will of the world, or the Buddha system is unable to sense it at all. And this time the will of the world is like a living life. Heather was immediately discovered by him as soon as he crossed over. He seemed to be extremely sensitive to such things as [foreign life], and he was almost instantly exposed to Heather in all directions. suppress.

It looks like it should have been severely pitted by [Foreign Life], that’s why there was such a reaction.

And such an active world will brings unprecedented pressure. Heather only felt that both the body and the mind were so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood, and a concept that Bast had mentioned to him subconsciously flashed through his mind——

【World Pressure Rating】.

This can be regarded as a conventional calculation method among outsiders. As long as outsiders travel through multiple worlds, they will find that each world has different impacts on them. Some have minimal impact, and some even completely suppress the strength and will of outsiders, and force them to be reduced to the current level. The average power of the world’s creatures is not much different, and this comprehensive influence is called the “world pressure rating” by people from outside the country.

There does not seem to be a fixed rule for the pressure levels in the world, but there is a key point that is recognized by all outsiders. That is, if the world will of a world is more active, then the pressure level of this world will be higher, without exception.

The more the flames of outsiders are strengthened by the flames, the stronger the pressure of the world can be resisted.

Heather once calculated in private that the world pressure levels of the main world earth and the full-time Hunter World are [1], the Pirates of the Caribbean and One Piece World are [2], and Monster Hunter World is [5].

In this world, the pressure level is-[7].

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