Chapter 304

At the Shangcheng Station on Wufan Street in Midgar, the waiting hall is full of passengers coming and going and their relatives and friends seeing them off.

Zangan carried a simple bag on his left shoulder, and said goodbye to Tifa and Heather who had come to see him off.

“Tifa, you now need to recover from a serious injury and you need to rest. When the injury is completely healed, you will begin to practice martial arts. Don’t relax and hear?”

Zangan nagged like an old father, but it was the warmest words to Tifa. She nodded with red eyes: “Master, don’t worry, I will work hard.”

Although Zangan likes to accept disciples when he goes to a place, his apprentices spread all over the world, but Tifa is the one that Zangan likes most in terms of talent and personality. It really feels like a true disciple.

Heather? The talent is strong and strong, but that character is simply too awkward… Thinking of Heather, Zangan looked aside again.

Heather was wearing an old but cleanly washed dark blue jacket and jeans, still messy pot lids and old-fashioned glasses. At this moment, he is putting his hands in Kabuto, leaning on the pillar behind him, seeming to be distracted.


Zangan stretched out his large, calloused palm to Heather, and solemnly said:

“Tifa is pleased to you. And…thank you.”

“…Hey, you don’t need to be long-winded.”

Heather hesitated, but reached out and shook Zangan.

Tifa looked at him and couldn’t help but chuckle. The brother seems to be at odds with Master, but in fact, he is also happy to see Master again, right?

Ding Dong! There was a sweet announcement in the waiting hall–

[Dear passengers, the AC177 train from Midgar to Zhunong is about to start. Please hurry up and get on the train. Friends who are sending off relatives and friends, please stand inside the white safety line on the platform to avoid danger…]

Zangan smiled reluctantly, just as he was about to say something, he was hugged tightly by Tifa.

“Master, thank you so much… I will pass by Midgar in the future, and I must come to see me.”

The parting was imminent, and the girl could no longer restrain her crying.

Zangan’s eyes were red, and he hugged Tifa lightly: “You are a strong, good boy. I believe you will be able to stand firm in Midgar. Don’t panic in case of trouble, and discuss with your seniors.”

In the end, the girl wiped her tears and watched the train painted with the sign of Shinra slowly start and drove away.

The only person in the world who cared about himself the most also left, and Tifa was at a loss for a while not knowing what to do.

Snapped! Heather snapped his fingers in front of her, and Tifa immediately came back to his senses: “Brother?”

“Don’t stand stupidly and go.”

Heather hooked his hand and walked out of the station first.

“Go, where are you going?” Tifa trot a few steps to chase after Shanghai Se, following him step by step.

Heather looked at the foolish gaze: “Of course I bought some household supplies for you. Are you going to live in Tianwangzhuang? The standard room there is empty and there are no towels. You are planning to stand in the house after taking a shower. Does it air dry naturally?”

Tifa blushed all at once, and his mouth was dull without a word. The brother spoke so vulgarly!

The two walked out of the station one after the other, and then took a bus toward Bafan Street. There are not many passengers in the car. Heather and Tifa are sitting in the back double seat, the former is explaining to the latter:

“Bafan Street is the cultural center of Midgar, and the Grand Theater on the Fountain Square will stage the opera “LOVELESS” every year. By then, it will become crowded with people and it will be hard to find a ticket.”

Tifa is a little weird: “LOVELESS, is that opera adapted from a famous poem? Why is it performed only once a year…”

“The crew will tour all over the world. It is said that the Kingdee Playground just established this year spent a lot of money to dig corners, but considering that Midgar is the world’s economic and cultural center, the most solemn performance will still be placed in the Midgar Fountain. Plaza Grand Theatre. Of course, this has nothing to do with the oppression of the power of the Shinra Corporation. Shinra Corporation hopes to build Midgar into the center of the world. Technology, economy, and culture must be top-notch. A crew , How dare you defy the Shenra who dominates the world?”

Tifa turned into a curious baby: “Kingdee Playground? Where is that?”

Heather glanced at her: “It’s not a good place for a little girl like you, don’t ask so much.”


Tifa nodded obediently: “So, are we going to Bafan Street?”

Heather replied: “The Shangcheng District on Bafan Street is not only a sacred place of opera culture, but also has many department stores and high-end shopping malls. Thanks to the favorable conditions here, the housing prices in the Shangcheng District on Bafan Street are the highest in Midgar. ”

“Well, wouldn’t the things there be very expensive?” Tifa panicked, she didn’t have much money, and it was less than 500 GIL.

Instead of comforting her, Heather continued to add fuel to the fire: “That’s right, the 30,000 GIL you spent on treatment in the eyes of the upper class on Bafan Street is also the money for a meal in a high-end restaurant. If you think about it this way, does it feel like this world? Is it really unequal?”

Tifa narrowed his mouth, and his little head suddenly thought of a good way: “…I want to go to the market in the down town of Qifan Street. There must be good and cheap things there.”

Heather couldn’t scare Tifa, and stopped pretending to be a bad person: “Hey, I soon learned the slum survival manual without a teacher, yes, one of the key words for survival in the lower city of Midgar. That’s—[Buy the most suitable things with the least amount of money]. The downtown area of ​​Qifan Street is the relatively safe and peaceful one of the eight districts, so the market there is more lively.”

“Slum Survival Manual… sounds interesting, are there any other rules?”

“It’s up to you to realize your own feelings when you live in the slums of Qifan District, Junior Sister.”

The two were chatting on the bus, and the public bus drove half a circle along the main street surrounding Midgar Disk and arrived at the Bafanjie Station.

Although you can find a lot of practical daily necessities in the slums of Qifanjie, it takes luck. Tifa’s personal daily necessities in life will still need better things, and it will be more convenient to buy them on Bafan Street.

Heather skillfully took Tifa to turn around the ten-story luxury shopping malls, and came to the door of a four-story old department store.

It is located in a relatively remote corner of Bafan Street. Both the public facilities on the street and the clothes of pedestrians on the street look older than the main street of Bafan Street, but it is still much better than Xiacheng.

“This department store is called Steamp, and yes, it is named after the mascot of the Shinra Corporation, “Steamp, the Faithful Dog”. It’s a coincidence, isn’t it?”

Heather didn’t care about the stagnant revolving door at the front entrance, and led Tifa into the mall from the side door: “Don’t worry about that revolving door. No one has been responsible for repairing it since it broke half a year ago. This mall is Midgar. Established in the second year of establishment, it can be regarded as an old antique. Although there are no brands in it, the advantage is that the price is relatively cheap and it is very popular with the working class nearby.”

“Oh… Brother, look, it’s flowers!” Tifa suddenly took Heather and pointed out to the mall: “The area near Midgar is full of wilderness, why are there real flowers?”

Heather looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw a brown-haired girl outside the mall slowly walking by pushing a small cart filled with flowers.

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