Chapter 303

When Tifa walked into Room 202, he found that the situation in the room was very different from what he had imagined.

There is no sloppy rubbish that is thrown away everywhere, and there is no strange smell. On the contrary, the furnishings in the house are very neat and even concise.

The overall area of ​​Room 202 is very small. It can only accommodate a writing desk, a single bed, a vertical hanger, a small round table, a sink and a separate bathroom, and the rest of the space is pitifully small.

The sheets on the single bed are very clean and neatly laid. The floor inside the house is also very clean. Tifa can also smell a faint smell of washing powder in the house. The smell comes from the direction of the bathroom. It looks like Brother Heather is washing the clothes. It was time to be disturbed by myself and Master.

The only light source in the room was the lamp on the desk, and Tifa noticed that there seemed to be some papers and stacked books on the desk.

But before she could see clearly, Heather had already picked up a kettle from the round table, poured water into the glass that he didn’t know where it came from, and said without looking up, “I’ve always lived here by myself, so No extra chairs were prepared.”

Seeing Heather handing him a glass of water, Tifa quickly stretched out his hands to take the cup: “Excuse me, Brother Heather.”

Heather did not hand her the cup directly, but raised his chin toward the chair at the desk: “Sit.”

Tifa sat on a chair dumbfounded, holding a glass in his hand, and couldn’t help thinking: Brother seems to be very kind, why do both Granny Mare and Master say he is weird?

Zangan’s tall body almost reached the roof. He looked at the furnishings in the house and said, “It’s strange, you are obviously very rich. Why do you live in a slum on Qifan Street?”

“Nothing to do with you.”

Heather choked Zangan directly with a single sentence. He stood in the middle of the room and hugged him in front of him. He said indifferently: “If you have something to say, I will go out soon.”

Zangan seemed to organize language in his heart, but as a master he wanted to beg his disciples for help, he didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Tifa saw it in his eyes, and made a decision in his heart-he can no longer embarrass the master, this matter should have been said by himself.

She put the cup on the desk, stood up and bowed heavily to Heather: “Brother Heather, Master borrowed money from you to treat my illness. I know that the amount is very large. Maybe I can’t afford it after several years of work. , But I will definitely work hard to pay back the money.”

Regardless of whether it was Heather or Marley’s mother-in-law’s money, Tifa was determined to pay it all off. Master has given up his face and borrowed money for treatment for himself, and he must bear the responsibility of repaying the money.

Heather looked at the girl who was still bowing, then looked at Zangan, and sighed: “…Forget it, let’s talk about how she got hurt.”

Zangan knew Heather’s attitude had finally loosened when he heard it, and he quickly put Tifa back on his chair, and then described in detail the tragedy that took place in Niedelheim that day.

“…Her injuries were so serious that I had to take her to the Central Hospital in Midgar for treatment. You know the next thing. The treatment cost is 30,000 GIL. I only asked Marley to borrow money. I found out that you live here. Thank you Heather. If you hadn’t lent me so much money, Tifa might really have died.”

With that, Zangan nodded solemnly to Heather.

Heather sat on the edge of the bed with Erlang’s legs tilted, and fell into deep thought: “Shenra officials have not yet released relevant news. It seems that they are planning to completely block the news. After all, Sephiroth is the strongest warrior of Shinra and the world. The whereabouts of Tucun then went missing. This is not positive news… So, you brought her to me, not just to repay the money, right?”

Zangan nodded: “Tifa wants to live in Midgar, but it is too dangerous for her to live alone in Midgar as a lonely girl. Heather, I want to ask you to take care of her.”

“Zangan, I’m not a full-time nanny. Marley’s old lady should like a well-behaved girl like Tifa, why not ask her?”

“Marley has exhausted all her energy running such an apartment in the slums of Qifan Street. I can’t ask her for more. But you are different, Heather.”

Zangan looked at Heather with piercing eyes, and said in a deep voice:

“Even if you don’t recognize it, Tifa is still your sister. After I leave, you are her only [family] in Midgar. I don’t ask you to look after her all the time. Tifa is a very An independent good child won’t bother you everything. But if she really encounters something she can’t solve by herself, can you please help her?”

“…This is Midgar, Zangan.” Heather looked at Zangan, and he seemed to have something to say.

Zangan stared at him without showing weakness, but his tone finally eased:

“I don’t know why you have been deliberately keeping a distance from everyone, but when I was at Wutai Arena two years ago, I could see your heart through your fist. You have a fiery heart of integrity, I I trust you from the bottom of my heart, so I can trust Tifa to take care of you…please, Heather.”

Heather’s expression froze, he scratched the mess of black hair and looked at Tifa subconsciously.

The girl lowered her head slightly, looked at the floor with teary eyes, trying to keep herself from crying. She didn’t want Master and Brother Heather to feel that she was a burden. She also wanted to stand up and confidently say that she could stand firm and pay off all debts in Midgar.

But after all, she was just a 15-year-old girl who lost her family and hometown overnight. Master was leaving herself, but her brother was unwilling to accept herself. Helpless, she seemed unable to see the way forward, and the lonely cold completely surrounded her.


Heather scratched his head vigorously, thinking of hardening his heart to refuse Zangan and drove them out of the room. But… I can’t say it. Is it necessary to be a wicked person?

When Tifa was hanging his head down in distress, he suddenly found a big hand hanging in front of him.

She raised her head and found that Brother Heather was standing in front of her, extending her right hand to herself: “Introduce myself, my name is Heather.”

“…Tifa, Tifa Lockhart.” Tifa stretched out his hand dumbly and took Heather’s big hand.

“In the days to come, I will continue to teach you [Zangan Liu Wushu] instead of Zangan.”

Heather pursed his face deliberately: “Previously declare that I will not be as gentle as Zangan, so be mentally prepared.”

“Brother, what do you mean…you are willing to accept me…” Tifa’s voice trembled after falling to a trough and suddenly re-climbing the peak.

“It’s not acceptable, I just came to Midgar not long.”

Facing the girl’s excited gaze, Heather scratched his cheek a little embarrassedly:

“Uh, it can be regarded as supporting each other. Please take care of it in the future…Junior sister.”

“Yeah! Please take care, brother!”

The girl’s heart suddenly became a lot more stable, and she had a new [family] in Midgar.

I am not alone.

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