Chapter 300: End X Leave

Qi Ya’s small body was directly pierced by the crossed sword blade burning with golden flames. The next moment, a large amount of blood poured out from the wound, staining the ground and Aluka beside him.

In the surveillance room, when the Il fans saw this scene through the surveillance screen, they lost their senses with a humming in their heads. His face, which was always indifferent, was twisted like an evil ghost and turned and rushed directly towards the door of the surveillance room.

He is going to kill Heather! now! immediately! !

But as soon as he leaped up, he was firmly grasped by a big hand, and his head was firmly pressed on the floor, even smashing the concrete floor.

Sheba’s arm muscles pierced into blue veins and violently pressed his eldest son to the ground, even if the Irfan roared frantically and even scratched deep finger marks on the concrete floor, there was no sign of letting go.

“No one is allowed to interfere with Heather’s treatment process.”

Sheba’s gloomy voice resounded through the monitoring room, and everyone understood the subtext-who went and who died.

Jeno and Maha’s attitude is the same as that of Sheba. The two elderly people stood on either side of the monitoring room door and looked at the monitoring screen without saying a word.

Now it’s not just the problem of Qi Ya, it’s about the future of the entire family of beating the enemy and the Hakka. He must not cause Heather’s action to fail just because someone on his side impulsively.

At this moment, an astonishing scene suddenly appeared on the monitoring screen.

Qi Ya’s body moved!

It was like an unconscious spasm. Qi Ya, who was stabbed through the heart by absolute kingship, suddenly twitched his hands and feet, and the whole person was shaking, and the eyeballs under the closed eyelids were also turning frantically.

“The worm with its head and tail…come out!”

The golden cross sword in Heather’s hand suddenly burst into flames, and even Qi Ya’s whole body and even the inside of his body were swept by golden flames.

Suddenly, Qi Ya straightened up abruptly, making a terrifying scream, and golden fire blasted out from his seven orifices: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

A large amount of white aura gushed from all the fine holes in his body, no, it should be driven out by the golden flame to be exact.

These white mists gradually condensed into a weird worm-like life form above Qi Ya’s body. Its weird appearance is simply difficult to describe in human language, as if the deepest shadow of a human nightmare.

If you look closely, only the head of this worm-like lifeform is still intact, and the body part appears to be twisted like this, and there are severe burn marks on the surface.

There are four huge eyes of different sizes on each side of its head. After turning twice, it stares at Heather in front of it. It unexpectedly utters words during the collision of the mouthparts, and the tone is frightened and angry:

“Chichichichichi…It’s you again! Heather! Aren’t you driven away!?”

Heather tilted his head: “We know? Oh… the parasite on Miki Shintaro’s body is you.”

“Chichichichi! Obviously give me some more time to complete the devouring… You are actually here again! Hateful! Hateful Chichi!!”

The sound of the worm’s mouthparts collided with the words, very sharp.

It was stared at by that strange “unknown thing” because it obliterated Qi Ya’s vitality on February 15th. The opponent’s power could have completely wiped out itself without leaving any remnants, but he committed a fatal two. Point error.

First, the unknown object was afraid of harming Qi Ya’s body, so it only took the bugs out of Qi Ya’s body, and the treatment was unfavorable.

Second, the wish made by the unknown is too great, ‘get rid of everything that does not belong to this world’. Unknown thing did not expect that there is a figure like Heather in the world, and most of the ‘mind’ generated by the wish to deal with Heather caused the bugs to have a breathing opportunity.

Insects, that is, the ‘ecplanar invasion boarder’ decisively cut its tail to survive, leaving a bit in the heart of Qiya, while the rest actively let the unknown objects be removed and crushed.

The abacus was done well, but He did not calculate that Aluga, who lived with the unknown, also possessed some strange abilities when the unknown died. When Aluka lay down beside Qi Ya, the thoughts from the wish formed a black mist hovering and enveloping the two of them. Hei Mist has inherited the desire of the unknown, and has been trying not to damage Qi Ya’s body and expelling the last little bit of ‘explanatory invasion host’.

But without the power provider, the power of the black mist is far less than the level when Heather was expelled. It will take time to regain strength.

The ‘Explanatory Invasion Host’ has the power to destroy the entire world. He is trying to erode the Black Mist while seizing the time to recover himself, but he has succeeded in two ways. The Black Mist has been tampered with and turned into a worm’s tentacles.

Even if the Hakka beat the enemy and hired a Cultivator to seal the black cocoon in the Dark Mist Cave with the “Evil Absolute Talisman”, it is only a matter of time for the insects to break through the seal.

Unfortunately, just when he was about to succeed, he saw through his tentacles the face that made him frightened.


Damn it! Isn’t this person driven out of this world by the desire of unknown objects? Why are you back again! ?

The frightened insect hurriedly manipulated the black mist tentacles to attack Heather frantically, preparing to perform the old tricks to drive away Heather again. But he desperately found that Heather’s power was more than ten times stronger than a few months ago? [Insect Shield·Light Egg]’s defense is solid, and the black mist tentacles can’t break through its defense at all.

It doesn’t matter. Although his defense is strong, he can only stand in a stalemate with me. As long as I hold it for a few more days, I can…just…

The golden flame broke the last dream of the insect.

The black cocoon was completely torn apart by the absolute kingship, and the worm was shrunk in the deepest part of Qi Ya’s heart, and he did not dare to show any signs of it, for fear of being seen by Heather.

Get out of here, here is Qi Ya’s corpse. Are you still going to come to “Su Sheng of the Dead”?

Pouch! The golden cross sword directly pierced Qi Ya’s heart, and then the golden flames filled Qi Ya’s body. It was a flame that was enough to burn the soul, and the bugs could not hold it anymore after only a few seconds. He screamed out of Qi Ya and was forced to show his prototype.

Looking at that handsome face that is extremely handsome for humans but is the deepest nightmare for himself, the speed of the insect’s mouthparts has become faster:

“I heard me, I have a lot of secrets you don’t know, Heather, we can cooperate…”

He also wanted to give it one last try.


The answer to him was a golden sword light, and the flame completely burned the ugly insect to ashes, and then dissipated into the air.

“Cooperation? Are you worthy too?”

Heather shook the cross blade lazily, feeling that he would dirty his sword after cutting it.

Afterwards, the three bare eggs lay down on Qi Ya and began to emit a soft light, and his wounds began to heal.


When the light egg treatment was over, Qi Ya’s heartbeat sounded and he lived.

It seemed that he had sensed it, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on Aluga, who had been quietly nestling next to Qi Ya, and then his whole body quickly decayed into ashes, leaving only empty clothes.

“My favorite brother is saved, and I don’t have any wishes or concerns anymore…Is a good boy.”

Heather looked in his eyes and nodded slightly. It’s not that he doesn’t want to save, but that Aluga is the one who is truly cut off. Although the unknown thing dies, although he bears all the costs, Aluga and the unknown are truly living together and dying together. They are actually one and two sides. . When the unknown is dead, Aluga naturally cannot live alone.

Seeing Qi Ya whose breathing gradually became uniform, Heather exhaled, then turned to the corridor and made an [OK] gesture.

The things are done here, so the last thing to do is…




Nonimu City is a remote mountain city, where the beautiful Nonimu Mountains and unique architectural landscapes are the selling points, attracting many tourists to travel here.

The heavy rain came and went quickly, the moist air was filled with a bit of earthy smell, and the surface of the streets paved with bluestone reflected the patter of sunlight.

On the street, the originally burnt-down “Octopus Jack Department Store” disappeared and was replaced by a statue.

The carving object is very strange, neither celebrity nor meaning. It is just a bust of an old man with a fat belly and a bald head. He can’t hide his thick beard with a smile on his face. He is still sitting in his open palms. A naive cartoon octopus.

A line of words is engraved on the metal nameplate under the statue-[When you didn’t know, he indirectly saved the world]

Occasionally, when a pedestrian passes by the statue, he will subconsciously look up, and then lower his head to move on.

Heather, wearing a black trench coat, stood on the corner of the street, looking at the statue quietly.

“Are you leaving?”

Kim Fulix did not know when he appeared next to him. He was still in the slightly sloppy clothes, and his face was unshaven and shabby.


Heather looked back at Xiang Jin: “Are you a representative sent by the old man Nitro?”

All things have ended. There is no longer anything worthy of Heather’s lingering in this world. It’s time to leave.

Jin smiled and stretched out his right hand to Heather: “No, just as a [friend] to bid farewell. Although I hate the sentimental atmosphere of parting, but… a good journey, Heather.”

“Goodbye, Kim.”

Heather took Jin’s hand and shook it gently. Then he walked easily towards the distance, and gradually disappeared in the crowd of Long Street.

Kim Flix put his hands in Kabuto, until there was no more Heather’s breath in the [Circle], then he shrugged, stretched his waist, and turned and walked in the opposite direction.

It’s time to compete for the opportunity to explore the dark continent.

Heather, when you come back, I will show you the “Travel to the Dark Continent” that I personally compiled! Then, I will once again invite you to explore the vast and unknown world together.


Suddenly, a crisp child’s voice sounded, and Jin’s body froze. He slowly turned his head and found that his own son Gang Flix, who had a haircut similar to his own, was standing on the street, looking at him in disbelief, and shouting excitedly: “I, I am Xiaogang! Hai! What Se said is true, you will really come here! Great!”

Jin’s face was stiff, his heart turned overwhelming, and he repeated a sentence–

Heather, you pit me!

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