Chapter 299: Rule Strengthening X Not Life or Death

The flames of the world are constantly being consumed, just like fuelwood thrown into a furnace.

Compared with the previous [Weapon Type] rule that could be modified with only three flames, this time the resistance was extremely great, and the difficulty of modification is not a level at all.

5 flowers, 7 flowers, 10 flowers, 15 flowers…

The consumption speed of the world flame made Heather a little frightened. What if all of them were thrown in but failed to modify, wouldn’t it be a loss?

Finally, when there were four flames left in the flames of the outsiders, the flames stopped consuming.

The mind power rules that consumed 25 flames seemed to be melted by the flames, and they were about to dissipate completely.

Before Heather was excited, this rule seemed to have not melted completely enough, and condensed into a new rule again, but this time the rule restrictions were greatly relaxed—

[A maximum of three “weapons” can be realized at the same time]

Heather couldn’t help grinning after seeing this new rule on the cover page of the [Mythological Weapons Catalogue] in the depths of his mind.

Although it is not the perfect cancellation rule as expected…

laugh–! !

Amidst the intense black foggy sea, a fierce golden flame suddenly shone!

The golden cross sword was held high above his head by Heather and stretched straight into the sky. The fierce flames burned around the blade like the purest hot torch, dispelling all darkness and evil.

The four light eggs still maintain the [Four Days of Holy Spirit Return] defensive structure, which firmly protects Heather.

As long as in the full-time hunter world, [Absolute Throne] is the sharpest ‘sword’, and [Light Egg] is the strongest ‘shield’.

“Come on, let me see how powerful [Black Mist] once made me humiliate and escape from this world!”

The outside flames suddenly gathered to the surface of the blade, looking from a distance, what Heather was holding tightly in his hand was simply a light blade composed entirely of golden flames! Then, cut it off!

The black mist that was smashed by the light blade disappeared, as if Chunxue met a blazing sun and melted into nothing. The black mist in the entire room was tumbling violently, as if he felt pain and threat.

Each volley slash will dissolve a large amount of black fog, and the black fog in the room will be visibly reduced with the naked eye, and soon Heather will come to the front of the huge black cocoon.

The black cocoon seemed to have an induction. When Heather approached, the black cocoon suddenly contracted and then expanded and expanded around. Countless black tentacles stretched out from the surface of the black cocoon and attacked Heather from all directions!

[Insect Shield·Light Egg] stands for absolute defense against mind qi, as long as it is the effect of the full-time hunter world mind ability.

Countless black tentacles slammed against the defense barrier of [Four Heavens Sage Return], but they couldn’t shake it even a little bit, even a slight shake.

“That’s it? Didn’t you eat, brother!”

Heather slashed on the surface of the black cocoon with a single sword. The cocoon’s clothing failed to exert any hindrance. He immediately split a huge gap and spewed a massive amount of black slime from it.

This slime looks like a solidified black mist, which is extremely dangerous to any living body. Just smelling it will make a powerful mind master immediately go crazy. But the Light Egg’s [Four Days of Holy Spirit Return] can filter out any harmful substances and the influence of thoughts, and the inside of the regular tetrahedron defense barrier is absolutely safe.

In the monitoring room, due to the large amount of black fog being cleared by the flames of Absolute Kingship, the monitoring screen can barely see the situation inside the ‘Dark Fog Cave’.

“He, he is not afraid of those black fog!”

Jenuo almost pulled off his beard excitedly. God knows how many butlers and tourists were killed in order to deal with this weird black mist. Even Sheba almost planted on it, but fortunately, Maha rescued him in time and didn’t let the beating enemy Hakka contemporary Patriarch die in that dark mist cave.

Sheba narrowed his eyes slightly, for fear of missing a little detail: “…His [Nan] is different from before, it has become stronger!”

After Heather’s’death’, his intelligence of thought ability was deliberately circulated to the black market by Parisstone, which is not a secret among the masters of ability.

“Originally, Heather’s thought ability can only manifest one weapon at the same time, but now he can control two at the same time without any burden. I want to re-formulate or modify the’restrictions and restrictions’ of [Nian]… It’s amazing. .”

Even the Illi fans who are above the top have to sincerely praise, like continuing to improve the thought ability that has been formed and perfected. This is rare in the history of the mind, let alone the object of improvement. Senna has the strongest mind ability in history.

Sheba suddenly widened his eyes: “Look! The black cocoon is about to be destroyed!”

In the dark mist cave, Heather kept raising the knife and falling, and the golden light blade was like a hot knife cutting butter. The black cocoon coat was easily broken. The black mucus washed outward but could not stay on the surface of the [Four Days of Holy Spirit Return]. Dirt in the bottom half.

Gradually, the black slime was also burned out by the golden flames, as if completely evaporated.

With another cut, the battered black cocoon couldn’t hold it anymore, and it exploded. All the black cocoon clothes and black mist disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, the’Dark Mist Cave’ revealed its true colors. It is an empty and huge rectangular space. Both the roof and the walls are covered with yellow talisman paper, which is exactly the same as the talisman paper pasted on the door. , Are all [Evil Absolute Talisman] made with the aid of mindfulness by a mind-eliminating master who was hired to beat the enemy Hakka at a great price.

It’s just that these rune papers have been corroded by the black mist. If Heather does not come, I am afraid that he will be completely eroded by the black mist in a week, and then beat the enemy guest mansion and even the entire Slaughter Mountain City. Being swallowed by the black mist, no creature can escape.

In the center of the room, where the black cocoon was originally located, the solid metal floor has been corroded into a huge pit, and two small figures lie in the center of the pit.

Qiya and Aluka, their clothes and posture remained the same as they were when they died on February 15th, cuddling each other.

It’s just that both of them have stopped breathing. In other words, lying here are two well-preserved bodies.

Four months have passed, and the two bodies showed no signs of decay, not even Madara. Had it not been for the light egg to make the judgment of ‘dead’, Heather would even think that they were just asleep.

Step, step, step…

After Heather lifted the [Four Days of Holy Spirit Return], he landed gently on the ground and walked towards the huge pit step by step.

Everyone in the monitoring room also held their breath and stared at the screen nervously.

Walking to the two of them, Heather lowered his head and looked down at Qi Ya, frowning slightly. He understands a little bit what Jen Nuo meant by non-life and non-death. In theory, Qi Ya and Aluga have completely cut off the vitality in their bodies, but it happens that there is no decayed aura belonging to the dead that radiates from the body surface, as if Their time was frozen at the moment of death.

I just don’t know whether this “moment” is the moment before or after death.

Shit, is Schrodinger’s strange ya?

Heather shrugged his shoulders, and he was seriously ill. He hoped that those in the monitoring room would not get scared of a heart attack. Thinking of this, he raised the golden cross sword in his hand for absolute kingship, with the tip of the sword facing down.

Then he stabbed Qi Ya’s chest hard.

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