Summary at the end of the volume

How should I put it, the state of this article is extremely poor, partly because of physical problems indirectly, and partly because the writing of this chapter is far less interesting than I thought.

The drama of dimensionality reduction and revenge is a bit boring, I prefer the travel style, but the fixed route through the world at first locked the possibility, so the writing is rigid, and you are also boring to look at it.

But the Ant King is the last one that I pre-locked through the world, and then I can play it at will. Then, in the next world, I will write a growth story, and be happy.

Anyway, now I don’t look at the background data anymore. Looks too miserable, worrying.

Then, the old rules are revised to Thursday, and the outline is processed again, and by the way, the brain is free to change the writing mentality, and a new chapter will be released on Thursday——

Outlanders and Final Fantasy.

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