Chapter 298 Black Mist X Modification

As those yellow talisman papers were torn apart, the speed at which the black mist escaped greatly increased.

Just being blown by the black mist on the surface of the body would hardly contain anger or negative negative emotions, and the weaker Mi Ji even knelt on the ground and fell into a semi-fainted state.


Four stone balls appeared on the surface of Heather’s body, and the surface of each stone ball was engraved with Gubarot runes. The golden light was prosperous!

【Insect Shield·Light Egg】Log in.

Three of the light eggs quickly flew in front of Heather and built a triangular golden shield to firmly resist the black fog outside. The remaining one turned into a stone worm and quickly flew by everyone, all affected by the black fog. Those who arrived felt that the negative thoughts in their hearts were wiped out.


Heather pointed to the code door, and Seeba saw that Heather had controlled the black mist and immediately continued to enter the ten-digit code.

Soon, with the dull sound of gears turning, the metal door 30cm thick opened slowly to the sides.

Behind the door was another coded door of the same style, and Xiba stepped forward and entered a completely different 10-digit code.

The third way, the fourth way…

After crossing four password doors, everyone finally came to the last tightly sealed metal door.

At this time, the intensity of the black mist has materialized, and even people who don’t understand it can clearly see it. But such a strong and malicious black fog cannot break through the ‘light shield’ constructed by the light egg.

“Then, please, Mr. Heather.”

Sheba entered the password into the last metal door and then retreated. Not only him, but all the members of the beating enemy and Hakka family evacuated to the rear, leaving only five loyal butlers to stay in place, in case Heather was in the next. During the course of treatment,’meat shield’ and’cannon fodder’ are needed, and the five of them are the best choice.

Cang Dang!

Pulling the door to both sides, you can see that the inside of the metal door has been seriously corroded, and the room is completely covered by black fog, and the visibility is zero.

Heather waved his hand to the rear without looking back: “You guys also go, this is no longer a level where ordinary people can participate.”


The five butlers bowed slightly, and then evacuated back without hesitation.

When there were no more people in the corridor, Heather gathered the four light eggs in front of him, one point on top of his head and three points below his feet, and he constructed a tetrahedral golden defensive absolute space for himself. All the black mist was blocked out.

[Four days of holy spirit return]!

Following the successful construction of the absolute defense space against Nian Qi, Heather floated his feet off the ground, and the golden regular tetrahedron floated into the dark misty room.

The enemy passengers who have returned to the monitoring room have all got a huge display, and the screen is slightly looked at the screen from time to time.

On the screen there is only a black mist that looks like tentacles. Originally, after the seal was lifted, Syba thought that the black mist would take the opportunity to spill out crazily, but I don’t know if it was because Heather brought light eggs into the black mist, the black mist spread out. The momentum is stagnant.

Jen Nuo looked at the screen and subconsciously murmured with his beard:

“[Dark Mist Cave] has been completely opened. If Heather fails, then the beating of the Enemy and the Hakka Clan and the Slaughter Mountain will become history from now on.”

“Grandpa! Dad! In order for Qi Ya to catch up with the whole family, I don’t approve of such a decision!” Perhaps affected by the black mist just now, Mi Ji, who had never dared to disobey his father, was occupied by anger and fear in his heart, and roared. :

“Brother Yiermi can also do it if the owner of the house, why do you have to be obsessed with Qiya!? Obviously just a lover of emotion…”


Before he could finish speaking, Mi Ji, a plump body, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, with a round head pinned at the back of his neck.

Ilmi still held several reading needles between his fingers, and looked around: “…If there are people who can’t control their emotions, I can help.”

Sensing Ilmin’s naked killing intent, even his birth mother, Jiju, and his fifth brother, Curt, couldn’t help but close their eyes.

This is the case with the beating of the enemy and the Hakka family. Except for Mi Ji, all members of the whole family are controlled by Qi Ya, especially Yi Er fans are the most typical.

“I believe in Heather.”

Sheba stood in front of the surveillance screen with her arms folded, and suddenly said:

“Since he can break through the black mist and return to this world, then he must have a way to save Qi Ya. Right, Grandpa Zeng?”

At this time, the crowd found that a small figure appeared quietly among them.

His bald head and face are full of folds, teeth in his mouth are all out, and he is wearing a sportswear jacket and shorts, and there is no expression on his face.

Maha Beat Enke, he is the great grandfather of Shiba Beat Enemy, and he is the strongest person in the Enemy Family. President Nitro is the only one who has fought Maha and is still alive, and his assassination skills are unmatched.

Maha’s lips murmured and grinned like a smile, and the old voice sounded:

“He, he, he… That kid’s power is far beyond your imagination, don’t worry, wait patiently. If he can’t do it, no one in this world can do it.”

The monitoring room suddenly fell silent.


Beat the enemy guest’s mansion on the seventh floor underground, the dark mist cave.

As soon as he entered the room, Heather felt the impact of the black fog several times more violent than outside. These black mists were as aggressive as the black mist tentacles that drove them away at that time, constantly impacting the golden tetrahedron constructed by light eggs [Four days of holy spirit return].

But Heather’s power is no longer what it used to be, and the light egg blessed by the powerful mind can easily resist the invasion of the black mist.

The magnetic field in the room had been completely disordered, and coupled with the zero visibility field of vision, Heather was a little confused as to where to go.

Pick a direction at will, the golden tetrahedron turned two times on the spot, just found a direction and flew forward.

The farther you fly, the stronger the impact of the black mist can be felt. Looks like you have chosen the right direction?

After flying for about ten seconds, what appeared in front of Heather was a huge black cocoon. The surface was completely composed of black fog, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

“Found it, is this the source?”

Inside the golden tetrahedron, Heather tilted his head. Although [Four Days of Holy Spirit Return] will not be broken by the black mist, how can I get rid of this black cocoon?

After much deliberation, that rule should be revised as expected.

He threw his mind into the foreigner fire on his chest, where a total of 29 world fires were stored.

Originally, there were 17 flowers, but after completing the task in this world, 12 flowers were obtained.

[‘The World’s Strongest’-Become the world’s most recognized person with the strongest ability to think. Difficulty evaluation-B], the final evaluation is B, and 4 world flames will be obtained.

[‘Exterminators’-personally destroy 100 chimeric ants, 5 division leaders and 1 Ochoku guardian ant king. Difficulty Evaluation-EDCB], the final evaluation is B, and 4 world flames will be obtained.

[‘Heroes Falling from the Sky’-Relieve a disaster from the Dark Continent that has reached B-level and A-level danger. Difficulty evaluation-BA], the final evaluation is B, and 4 world flames will be obtained.

Heather settled down, and then threw a large amount of flames into the [Mythological Weapon Catalog].

The catalog immediately opened the cover page, and one of the rules [Only one ‘weapon’ can be manifested at the same time] began to vibrate violently, and it seemed that there were signs of melting.

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