Episode 297

Ignoring the tourists behind them, Heather and Ilmi walked straight into the dense sea of ​​trees behind the [Trial Gate].

The tourists were stunned for a long while, until the door was closed again before they suddenly woke up, and wanted to pick up their phones and cameras to take pictures.

Are you kidding me? That was definitely a member of the Hakka family who beat the enemy just now! If you take pictures of their faces, you can immediately get a reward of 100 million jinni!

Only a few passengers and the beautiful tourist guide were slightly awake. Instead of leaning over to take pictures, they ran towards the sightseeing bus intently.

How courageous is to take photos in front of the most notorious killer family in the world to peek at its secrets, or in front of other people’s guards?

Soon, the tourist bus fled here in a big turn, leaving only a group of tourists who surrounded the guard room and wanted to gather information.

Then, some huge dogs-like figures gradually appeared in the surrounding dense forest…


[Trial Gate] Behind it was an open space surrounded by a sea of ​​trees. After a few steps, Ilmi and Heather walked, and the bushes in front shook violently.

A huge bulldog, ten meters long and full of muscles, paced out of the woods, his indifferent and relentless gaze swept past Ilmi, and finally fell on Heather.

“This is the’San Mao’, a hunting dog raised by a Hakka who beats the enemy. It will remember the appearance and smell of human beings for the first time. It has no feelings other than that, just like a machine. As long as it does not meet the regulations, the guards If the side door of the room comes in, even I will be attacked by it without hesitation…Huh?”

Originally, Irfan was only acting as a guide with due diligence, but he didn’t expect that “San Mao”, who was praised so hard by him, suddenly bent down nervously before he finished speaking, and let out a threatening low growl at Heather.

Obviously you came in from the front door, why would’Sanmao’ still be hostile?

Ilmi looked back, and was shocked to find a giant beast appeared behind Heather, a beast of illusion with a larger body and a violent beauty.

The golden carapace was bathed in thunder, the bulging muscles under the cyan scales, the face of a giant wolf showed wisdom, and the white long mane was flying in the wind like a flame.

The 25-meter Thunder Wolf Dragon trembles slightly every time it takes a step, and Sanmao shrinks subconsciously.

It dared not continue to growl or run away, or even to look directly at the Thunder Wolf Dragon, but to lower its body and head down as much as possible in fear to show its surrender. If it weren’t for the rigorous training of beating the enemy and the Hakka family, now it might have fallen to the ground and exposed its belly to please Thunder Wolf Dragon, right?

As soon as Ilmi took out the needle, he was swept by Thunder Wolf Dragon’s gaze. Even though there was no direct contact, Ilmi felt stiff and paralyzed like an electric shock. What level of creature is this? It’s so powerful just by looking at it! ?

The lingering thunder light on the surface of the Thunder Wolf Dragon’s body became more and more dazzling, and it brought a greater and more oppressive feeling to Yiermi and Sanmao.

“Okay, old wolf, let you come out to play, not let you out to bully the kids.”

Heather’s voice sounded, and the thunder wolf dragon’s momentum suddenly dropped, leaning back to Heather and looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

However, a turbulent wave was set off in Ilmi’s heart. This terrifying Eudemon actually took orders from Heather? We must know that the oppressive feeling brought by Thunder Wolf Dragon to Yi Er fans even surpassed the Ant King who went all out! Even to say bluntly, even if the chimeric ant tribes are tied together, they might not be the opponent of this Thunder Wolf Dragon.

In other words, the single strength of this Thunder Eudemons has a dangerous degree of at least B+ level!

Heather didn’t mean to let the Thunder Wolf Dragon come out to beat the enemy Hakka. It’s simply that the environment here is very similar to the stream area where the old wolf lived before. It happened that this guy Tenten roared boringly in the [Catalogue], so let it out. Breathable.

“That’s it, don’t eat indiscriminately, don’t hurt people easily.”

Heather stroked the old wolf white mane lying in front of him: “Go and play.”


The old wolf, who could be considered a chance to let the wind out, immediately jumped up from the ground, and disappeared into the depths of the sea of ​​trees after a few leaps in a corrective posture that did not fit the huge body.

Heather watched Lei Langlong go away, and then smiled at Il’s fans: “Lead the way?”

Ilmi nodded silently, and led Heather to the depths of the mountain. He didn’t know whether Jenuo and Siba deliberately invited Heather into the Slaughter Mountain to be regarded as’leading the wolf into the room’, but Qi Ya’s state is already… Heather is the last hope, and he must be convinced to be Qi Ya anyway. Excuse me!

The next step was unimpeded, and I have to say that the scenery of Slaughter Mountains, Trees and Seas is indeed spectacular, and it is not far from the virgin forest of Monster Hunter World.

Both of them are top-notch psychic abilities. They traveled extremely fast, and arrived at the Hakka Mansion in Beating the Enemy in less than ten minutes.

Sheba and Jeno changed into grand traditional dresses and stood at the door to greet Heather.

Also with him was Kijou Beaten (the wife of Sheba), wearing a kimono and electronic eye mask, and Miji Beaten (the second son of Sheba), wearing a dark purple woman, who was sweating profusely. Kurt beats the enemy in a kimono (the fifth son of Seba).

Behind him stood neatly in two rows of housekeepers in decent suits, all bowing respectfully to Heather.

“The afternoon banquet has been prepared at home, please move to the banquet room.” Siba spread his arms, and the expression on his face is quite ‘kind’ to him.

Heather waved his hand: “It’s not urgent to eat, let’s take a look at Qi Ya first.”

Sheba and Jenuo looked at each other, and their faces were surprised. They were also ready to communicate their feelings with Heather, and strive to let Heather contribute to Qi Ya’s thoughts, but they didn’t expect things to develop so smoothly.

“Thank you very much, Qi Ya was sealed in the’Dark Mist Cave’ on the seventh underground floor. I will show you the way.”

Along the spiral staircase, the lower you go, the more cold you feel. This has nothing to do with the architectural structure or the lights, but simply the oppressive feeling caused by the ‘evil’ escaping below.

“Qi Ya was ‘cursed’ on February 15 this year. Please forgive me that I can only use the superficial term ‘curse’ to describe his suffering.”

In the empty corridor of the seventh underground floor, the old voice of Jenuo Beating the enemy brought echoes:

“Neither life nor death, Qi Ya seems to be asleep, but his vitality has been completely cut off, and there is no sign of recovery.”

The farther you go, the more weird fluctuations can be felt coming from the end of the corridor. Heather looked up at the overhead lighting. The light flickered and dimmed like poor line contact.

In the end, the group of them came to the end of the corridor. The huge coded doors on the inner and outer three floors were airtight, and the outside was covered with yellow talisman paper, but they still couldn’t stop the black mist that permeated outward.

“Kiya…it’s inside.”

Jenuo turned to look at Heather, and said seriously:

“Mr. Heather, please.”

Heather felt the dark mist that seemed to be familiar, and smiled at the corner of his mouth:

“Open the door.”

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