Chapter 296 Visitor X Gate

The Beat Enemy Hakka family is located in the Killing Mountains in the Dentola region of the Republic of Batokya, which is a high mountain with an altitude of 3,722 meters.

Starting from the NGL autonomous country, it took a full day even to ride the beast of the Hakka family that can fly at a high speed.

Originally, Jenuo and Xiba planned to directly control the dragon beast to fly into the territory of the Slaughter Mountain to catch the wind and dust for Heather.

But Heather declined his kind intentions and said that only when he walked up the mountain road and entered through the main entrance did he feel ‘being a guest’.

Sheba and Jeno didn’t refuse any request that would make Heather a ‘good mood’. It’s better to say that it was just what they wanted. At the foot of the mountain near the main entrance, Jenuo and Shiba took the dragon beast to return to the Slaughter Mountain to arrange the wind banquet, and left Ilmi as Heather’s guide.

The light of the morning shone through the morning fog, and the mountain village at the foot of the Slaughter Hill also ushered in a new group of tourists.

Along the circling mountain road, the tourist bus drove unhurriedly in the mountains.

“Everyone, welcome to take the Howling Sightseeing Bus. Now I will introduce you to the famous assassin family in Dentola area-the Beating Enemy Family.”

The beautiful tour guide with golden waves and long hair is using a sweet voice to explain to the tourists on the sightseeing bus:

“Guests, please look at the left.”

Passengers holding mobile phones and cameras looked outside through the car window, exclaiming in surprises.

“There is the Withered Slaughter Mountain where the notorious Beat Enemy Hakka family lives.”

Seen from a distance, the towering Dry Slaughter Mountain is hidden among the clouds. The surrounding area of ​​this extinct volcano is covered by dense forest. The vast land is almost a small kingdom.

“It is said that their old nest is surrounded by a sea of ​​trees and is on an extinct volcano at an altitude of 3,722 meters. No one has seen its true colors.”

Among the passengers, Heather, wearing sunglasses, a dark blue jacket and sportswear, retracted his gaze from the window, stabbed Irfan next to him with his elbow, and quietly asked: “No guests in your house have ever visited. ?”

Yiermi, who was wearing a sleeveless fighting suit and changed his appearance with “Ning Ding”, shook his head stubbornly: “Occasionally, for experimental purposes, a few tourists are targeted into the sea of ​​trees, but visitors in the true sense… It’s never been sixteen years ago.”

The voice of the beautiful tour guide is still ringing–

“There are ten members of the Beat Enemy Hakka family. They are great grandfather, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, and five children. All of them are killers. Let’s take a closer look now.”

The bus came to a halt slowly, and the tourists stepped out of the bus. Only then did they discover that what was displayed in front of them was a huge wall with a height of 100 meters and a weird gate with a dragon’s head carved.

This door is enlarged from small to large, a total of seven, each door has a corresponding number engraved on the surface, there is a small guard room not far from the smallest door, and the largest door is the same height as the wall The dragon-shaped relief is very spectacular.

The tourists who got off the bus exclaimed “wow puppet”, and the cameras and mobile phones took pictures one after another.

The beauty tour guide has already seen no surprises, and said with a smile: “This is the main entrance, also known as the [Gate of Huangquan], because everyone who enters has no return. Although in theory, it can be entered through the small door next to the guard room. , But because it is the private domain of the Beating Enemy and the Hakka family, it is not possible to enter and visit.”

Some tourists put down their cameras and shouted dissatisfiedly: “Wait a minute, this is still far from the Dry Slaughter Mountain. Is this the end of the tourist route?”


The beautiful tour guide shook the big wavy golden hair and said with a smile:

“The tree sea and the dry mountain all in front are the territory of the Beating Enemy family, just like their big garden.”

Some of the tourists began to whisper.

“A phantom-like assassination of a family that no one has ever seen before, fake?”

“I heard someone bid 100 million for their photos.”

“It’s just a rumor, maybe it’s a weird rumor from the Republic of Batokia?”


The beautiful tour guide clapped his hands and raised his voice: “Guests, please take pictures and return to the sightseeing bus in an orderly manner. We are about to embark on the return journey. The souvenirs about the beating the enemy family are sold in the villages below the mountain, and the prices are reasonable and cheap… …what?”

She noticed that there were two figures walking against the crowd to the door of the beating the enemy Hakka, and she had to shout: “Two! Two! The front is the private domain of the beating the enemy Hakka, you can’t trespass without permission!”

She is a senior tour guide of this travel route. In recent years, there have been few ‘tourists’ with ulterior motives trespassing and beating the enemy Hakka, but without exception, all of them were eaten up and thrown out, leaving only a bone.

Of course, the intruders walked through the small gates of the guardhouse, because they couldn’t open the gates.

There are even rumors that the [Yellow Spring Gate] just looks like a door, but in fact the body is cast in a solid iron body and cannot be opened at all.

Seeing the two approaching [Yellow Spring Gate], a bald old man in a guard uniform walked out of the guard room, trying to stop: “You two, don’t be fooling around, go back and go back quickly… Master Yi, Yi Ermi?”

Although Yierfan’s appearance has been completely changed with a needle, the template is one of his frequently used identities, so the guard at the door can recognize it after a little recognition.

It’s not uncommon for Young Master Ilmi to return from a mission, but why is there an ordinary young man with glasses next to him?

“Master, this is…”

“Guest… distinguished guest.”

Ilmi’s voice was flat, but stormy waves were set off in the heart of the guard. He has been working here for 20 years, and this is the first time he has seen a guest visit.

The indifferent and even ruthless Young Master Ilmi can be called ‘a distinguished guest’. What kind of identity is this young man wearing glasses?

Il fans looked at Heather, pulling out the reading needles one by one, revealing his original appearance among the black hair: “The real name of this door should be the’door of trial’. You are Dear guest, it is extremely impolite to let you go through trials, so please allow me to open the door for you.”

Heather waved his hand to signal Il fans not to worry: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, tell me, why is this gate called the’gate of trial’?”

“The door of the trial has seven doors in total. The smallest door weighs two tons on the left and right sides, and the weight of each additional door doubles. The seventh door weighs 128 tons on the left and the right. The greater the power of the pusher, the greater the door opened. This is a trial of the pure power of the pusher, and it is the’door of trial’.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

Heather smiled: “Since it’s a visit, let me do as the locals do. Let me have a try.”

As he said, he put his hands in front of the first door.


In the horrified gaze of the doorman, the tour guide and the tourists, in the sight of Irmina,

A total of seven [Yellow Spring Gates] were easily and completely opened by Heather.

The mysterious beating the enemy and the Hakka family is just shown before the eyes of the world.

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