Chapter 295-The End of the War X The World’s Strongest

The scene was silent.

No one had expected that after the ant king burst into such a powerful force, Heather would be so easily defeated.

Shouldn’t it be the two who burst out their strongest thoughts and then fight to death and death?

Seeing Heather with green blood on his trench coat, Jin squatted a little: “This, this is over?”

“Huh? What else would you like to see?”

Heather raised his eyebrows: “It’s already boring to play with this little ant in the’combat growth game’, so it’s better to solve it earlier.”

“According to the theory of the strong showdown, after the ant king bursts out of the strongest mind, shouldn’t you also respond to the opponent’s fighting intent and use your strongest mind to defeat the opponent head-on?”

The silver pagoda gestured happily on the side: “This way! This way! And this way! The two most powerful minds in the world compete on the battlefield. Only when the race represented by the side wins can be qualified to continue on this planet. stay alive.”

“The romance of battle.” Potter White added with his arms folded.

“…You are so boring.”

Heather shrugged, took the canteen offered by Chidor, took a sip and wiped the corners of his mouth, then said:

“I have already seen the limit of that guy, and it will only waste time if I consume it any more. And I can kill him with so many [weapons] casually, why do I stupidly fight with him with bare hands?”

You didn’t behave like that just now! Everyone spit out in unison.

Potter White suddenly asked: “Heather, you have the most say about the strength of the Ant King. How strong is he?”


Heather rubbed his chin for a moment, then raised his finger and flicked in front of everyone:

“Except for Jin and Nitro, the potential POP of everyone present is not as good as him. In terms of combat power… Nitro, who is in full condition, can last for 5 minutes in front of him, and Jin can keep it for 3 hours. If you lose, you will be dragged into a consumption situation and finally lost. Potter White can last for 50 seconds, and the rest will be killed in seconds when they meet.”


Everyone fell into a shocked silence. Even a master at the level of the twelve earthly branches is no different from an unarmed child in front of the ant king who has swallowed the two guards.

Jin frowned and thought for a while: “Is there no other way to beat him?”

“Of course there is. [Rose]’s detonator is installed in Nitro’s body. As long as the heartbeat stops, [Rose] will instantly detonate. Even the King Ant cannot escape the explosion range at the moment [Rose] is detonated. High temperature will destroy it. His hard shell can’t kill him, and then he will use his mind to recover his injury and become intact.”

Heather smiled and deduced to everyone the [Ending] if he didn’t make it:

“Of course, everyone present will be killed, so he won’t know that [Rose] is not really terrifying from the high temperature of the explosion but its’toxin’. The strong and contagious lethal poison will erode him. Cells, when he found out, he could not be cured by mindfulness. Eventually, he would fall down in anger and despair, roaring in pain and wriggling, and after suffering and torture, he would bleed to death all over his body.”

“…Fortunately, you invited Heather over, this time you have done a great job. → Jin”

Chidor glanced at Jin, which was considered to have recognized the troublemaker who was the most popular among the twelve earthly branches.

Jin scratched his head, a little shy: “It doesn’t matter if I ask or not, Heather is willing to come…The president, they should be back soon, right?”

As soon as the voice fell, the president and others appeared in the distance.

President Nitro still walked in front with his hands on his back, followed by the three people of Sheba. Ilmi held in his hands Doslonsipu, whose limbs and joints had been removed and tied up by five flowers.

Even if I copied Nitro’s [Hundred-style Guanyin] again, Doss, who was already scared by Heather, in the face of full-fledged genuine users plus three extremely powerful and co-operating members of the Hakka family. In just a few rounds, Nitro and Jenuo seized the opportunity to defeat the manifestation of the Insect-Men Guanyin, and then the Il fan took the shot and nailed the meditation nail into the key hole, blocking all the flow of meditation.

As soon as he hurried back, four people and one ant found the headless corpse lying on the ground.

Of course, they also noticed the violent purple psychic fire column that rushed into the sky. They did not expect that the ant king who possessed such a powerful psychic qi was still beheaded by Heather.

Nitro, with his beard and beard, smiled and looked at Heather. It was the [Absolute Kingship], right? Heather’s famous weapon, the fire sword that restrains all those who think of abilities, is really extraordinary.

After approaching Heather, Jen Nuo pointed to Doslon Sip who was holding Ilmi’s hand: “What to do with him?”

Heather didn’t even bother to take a look at Dosroncipe, but waved lazily: “Kill it.”

“What? No, wait…”

Dosroncip’s exclamation begging for mercy stopped with a dull bone breaking sound before he could finish his cry. His head was screwed off by the Irfan, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Sheba leaned over to confirm that Dosluncip was indeed killed and there was no possibility of turning back. Then she stood up and nodded to Jenuo: “It is indeed dead.”

Jenuo tentatively asked with a smile, “Mr. Heather, I wonder if you are free next…”

“Let’s go, go to Dry Slaughter Mountain.”

Heather simply said, since there was a promise of free removal and he agreed to keep the appointment, then act quickly.

He turned his head to look at Nitro again: “I will leave it to you to deal with the remaining ants in the nest.”

“Do you want to kill them all?”

“It doesn’t matter. Anyway, the king and queen are dead. This chimeric ant colony has no possibility of reproducing at all. It is also good for the remaining ants to grab and do a slice study.”

Heather waved his hand:

“Leave it to you, I’m leaving.”

Everyone watched the dragon beast take off again and rise into the clouds. It took a long time before they turned their gazes to look at the messed up battlefield.

Nitro clapped his hands, and said loudly: “Everything is moving, the finishing touch can’t be ambiguous.”





June 19, 2000, was a day worth remembering for all mankind.

On this day, the United States of Sahelta, one of the only five superpowers (V5) in the world, was annihilated by one person.

Destroyer, Heather.

On this day, humans and the chimeric ants fought a fierce battle for the right to survive in the future. When the victory was about to fall to the chimeric ants, the human side stood up as the savior and swept all the chimeric ants with the momentum of thunder, saving humanity. future.

Savior, Heather.

The United States of Sahelta killed more than 4.96 million people and displaced 20 million in the super storm that swept across the continent. The northern part of the Yulubian continent where the Saherta United States is located was razed to the ground, and the world map was redrawn.

At the same time, the United States of Sahelta has been taken over by international peacekeeping organizations and has become an abolished state in the actual sense.

The remaining four countries of V5 divided the state-owned property of the former Sahelta and jointly took over their land. On this condition, the remaining four countries of V5 promised to accept a total of 24.38 million refugees from the United States of Sahelta.

In addition, the V5 meeting decided to designate the southern region of the former Saherta United States as a permanent nature reserve, and this proposal was unanimously approved at the meeting.

At the same time, the meeting decided that all matters such as the jurisdiction and responsibility of the protected area should be handed over to the Hunter Association.

Shocked the world!

At the same time, the world of those who recite the ability is preaching Heather’s new title in awe.

[The strongest person in the world]!

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