Episode 294

Dothronsip thought he was fearless, even the ant king was just a puppet he could replace at any time.

Race! mind! strength! Ability to read! Dothroncipe believed that he was at the top of the world, and it was only a matter of time before he became the king of the world.

Therefore, as the guard of the ant king, he can still forcefully violate the submissive instinct of the ant king in the depths of his genes with an unimaginably powerful will. The ant king, who was born to tear his mother and gnaw on his family, was nothing but a faint king who had powerful power but couldn’t use it. It was no big deal.

As long as he has the two mindful abilities of [Monochrome Mangekyō] and [Spectrum of Deja vu], Doslon Sip will always be full of high-spirited self-confidence. No matter how amazing his opponent possesses, he can take it as his own and improve it.

I am the king of the world!

But now, Doslone Sipu was terrified.

Heather’s eyes traversed the distant battlefield, pierced through the thick soil slope, and looked directly at Doslonkip.

Dothroncipe was like a frog stared at by a snake, not to mention running away, even breathing was very difficult, and a lot of sweat broke out all over his body.

It’s too far…this is the absolute suppression of the biological class! That guy is definitely not a weak creature like humans, but a stronger and more perfect creature far beyond the chimeric ant!

Why? Obviously copied that guy’s thinking ability, he should already have the strength to fight him, why is he still so scared?

Even if the mind ability of the Ant King and the President of the Hunter Association is copied by him, he can immediately use it familiarly. Why does this guy’s mind ability not at his own command?


Dothroncipe became more and more frightened as he thought about it. He summoned his courage and smashed the slope into pieces.

escape! leave here! Find a place to accumulate strength again, as long as I rely on my ability to read, I will be able to make a comeback!

“That guy… is one of the escorts, Dothroncip!”

There was a commotion in the human side for hundreds of meters in the appearance battle. Most of the survivors at the scene recognized this powerful and strange legion commander. This guy actually survived the rain of fire just now?

“Want to run? The old man won’t let you get what you want.”

Nitro has been restored to his best condition by [Light Egg]. He was irritated by the battle between Heather and the Ant King before. Where can he be restrained at this time? With a sudden force from his feet, he hurriedly chased Dosluncip.

At the same time, the three members of the beating the enemy Hakka family also got up and pursued at the same time. If you catch this chimeric ant guard, maybe you can add some impression points to the beating the enemy Hakka in Heather’s heart? In order to smoothly invite Heather back to the Slaughter Mountains, the Beating Enemy family is now doing everything possible to please Heather.

Can a fierce man who can destroy the United States of Sahelta and completely change the world map in a rage, is there any other way besides please?

On Heather’s side, the ant king, who was beaten to pieces, did not take advantage of Heather’s distraction to kill him, but cautiously leaped back, taking the opportunity to use his mind to recover his injuries.

“Oh, very clever.”

Heather then withdrew his gaze from Dosroncipe who fled to the distance, and looked at the ant king meaningfully:

“I thought you would take the opportunity to sneak attack, but I didn’t expect to have a martial arts demeanor?”

The surface of the ant king Meiluam’s body was full of potholes and damages punched out by Heather’s fists and feet. At this time, he was squirming desperately to recover his injuries. He sipped a mouthful of bloody sputum with broken teeth and said in a deep voice: “You just looked like Distracted, in fact, the Qi is already locked on me. As long as I start a sneak attack, you will give a thunderous blow mercilessly, right?”

Heather applauded perfunctorily: “BINGO~~ I’m already a little annoyed with this fist-fighting game. As I said at the beginning, I will have a date later, so let’s make a quick decision. ?”

“I have this intention.”

The injury on the surface of the ant king’s body has been recovered, and his feet slid forward and backward, his right fist was clenched tightly around his waist, and his left hand was squeezed into a claw and leaned forward. I saw his eyes condensed suddenly, and his whole body exploded like a bomb exploded!

The eyes of the others were immediately attracted by this side.

In their vision, the dark purple ominous thoughts of the ant king unreservedly released with all their strength, and looked like a huge purple pillar of fire rising into the sky from a distance! The bright purple flame washed the earth and the air, constantly releasing shining purple light spots.

That is the unique [Circle] of the ant king Meilu Aim. He transforms his mind into light particles and spreads them on the battlefield. These light particles can read all the movements in the range at any time, and even touch the light particles. After other creatures read their mood and emotions.

“Like Heather at that time…no, it’s far surpassed Heather when he was in a duel with the president.”

Korsai stood in front of him and murmured: “Monster…If Heather doesn’t arrive in time, I’m afraid that none of the humans present can defeat him.”

Yinda felt the purple light particles scattered in the air, and his face was ugly: “This light particle is his unique [round]! According to this density and intensity, if the king of ants is willing, he can even spread the light particles throughout the entire Within the NGL autonomous region. Using [Circle] to monitor an entire country is terrible.”

“Then we are dead?” Biyou was nervously clutching the rabbit ears above his head and pushing down hard.

“Shut up!”

Jin’s loud shout stopped the restlessness of the human side, and he said with a serious expression:

“We forcibly entrust the position of [Admiral] and the responsibility of saving mankind to Heather, then we must trust him unconditionally! Don’t talk nonsense, and watch how Heather defeats the King Ant!”

Hearing Jin’s words, the tumultuous crowd gradually calmed down and looked at the battlefield intently.

On the battlefield, Heather looked at the huge momentum created by the opposite ant king, and squeezed his chin and commented:

“The effect of light and shadow is good, but the color is wrong. It should be changed to gold… What about lightning? The air flow is there, but it is incomplete without the sound of sashimi! You can only be the king of COS at best, so don’t think about Super Saiyan. .”

The king of ants kept mobilizing the whole body’s mind, surpassing his previous self every second, not yet… not yet at the limit! I can also become as strong as him! No, I can definitely surpass him!

With a loud drink, the ant king’s momentum skyrocketed again, and the ground under his feet was smashed to pieces, and rubble and gravel were scattered along with smoke and dust.

“sorry to keep you waiting.”

As the smoke dissipated, the figure of the ant king appeared.

Compared with the previous time, the size of the king ant has been adjusted further, his hands and feet have returned to their original sturdy appearance, the muscles all over his body are bulging, the tail is still huge behind him, the strong purple thoughts entangled his whole body continue to burst and explode, sparks explode from time to time, dust and gravel under his feet Being blown by Nian Qi’s substance, it forms a steady stream of waves.

“Thank you for providing me with the [warm up]… I regret that I have surpassed you.”

The indifferent voice of the ant king resounded through the battlefield.

Compared with the ant king, the lingering thoughts on Heather’s body surface were simply fireflies and Haoyue, and it was not a series at all.

The Ant King has absolute confidence in his combat effectiveness at this time, and he hooked a hook to Heather: “Come, use the [Flame] and [Dragonman] you are proud of. I will defeat you completely and reward you. Your bravery.”

Through the calculations flashed in his mind, Ant King concluded that neither [Flame] nor [Dragonman] could break through his current mind defense, and he could beat him 100%.

Heather shrugged his shoulders: “The COS King ah? Although I can also play a wave of Super Saiyan smashing the King, it is as boring as a child’s grudge.”

Scattered firelights condensed and formed in Heather’s hands, and finally turned into a golden cross sword shining with flames.

“Do you recognize this thing?”

“… Pretending to be a god, no matter what means you use, you will not be my opponent.”

“I don’t know… If you don’t know, it’s right. Then, bye~”

Heather, who carried the cross sword on his shoulders, nodded, and his body suddenly disappeared.

coming! As soon as the king of ants put out his defensive posture, he suddenly felt the world spin.

That headless body is very familiar…


The head of the ant king rolled a few times in the air, and then Heather, who appeared quietly behind the ant king, reached out and caught it. And the strong purple thoughts on the surface of the headless body of the ant king had been completely burned up when it was cut by the golden cross sword [Absolute Kingship], and it shook a few times and fell to the ground with a puff, only the tail and feet are still there. Minor twitches unconsciously.

The king of Ants slowly turned his eyes to look at Heather, and said aloud: “I recognize your strength, your future will definitely…”

Before the words were finished, the head of Ant King was chopped by Heather with a sword, and green juice was spilled all over the floor.

“That’s a lot of nonsense.”

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