Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 364 The Afterglow of the Ending

"Phew, finally back again."

The Eighth Prince took the map in his hand and compared the surrounding terrain, and found that he was not far from the finish line.

He was now alone, with only a horse and a sea holly to keep him company.

The horse was carrying loads of prey, and it was obvious that the Eighth Prince had gained a lot these days.

After he led the Little Douding Alliance to complete that tragic battle, he was able to escape smoothly with the help of Axiang who was hiding in the dark.

After that, the Eighth Prince kept a low profile and just hunted silently, no longer thinking about eliminating other people.

Anyway, the third prince he wanted to eliminate the most was already out.

And with his current strength, it would be difficult for him to conflict with others.

Now, as the game came to an end, the Eighth Prince planned to call it a day, finish the game, and get the points.

Otherwise, if you wait until the last day to go back, you will probably meet other people.

The eighth prince doesn't even have a single attendant at his side. It would be troublesome if he met the eldest prince and others.

Up to this point, the Eighth Prince's considerations were completely fine.

It wasn't until he came to the finish line and found someone camping and barbecued here that he realized that his thinking was a little too naive.

"Isn't this too much for you?"

The Eighth Prince secretly thought something was wrong and was about to retreat quietly, but he did not expect that his traces had been discovered by Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was wrapping a skewer with his tail, concentrating on controlling the heat.

Suddenly, one of his cat paws lifted up, and then without looking in the direction of the Eighth Prince, he waved his paw in that direction.


The next moment, accompanied by the roar of a thunderous tiger, a huge figure sprang out from the side and headed straight for the Eighth Prince.

"Gan, do you three still have any humanity left!?"

The Eighth Prince only had time to curse, then turned around and ran away.

But although the black star under his crotch is a good horse, there is no way it can outrun Dabai in this forest.

The three little ones continued to camp and barbecue without paying too much attention to the Eighth Prince, leaving all the power to Dabai.

"Axuan, is your piece of venison?"

"Ah? It's roe deer meat. Will you become stupid after eating it?"

Princess Ankang was still craving for the piece of meat that Li Xuanzheng was roasting. When she heard that it was roe deer meat, she suddenly showed hesitation on her face.

The roe deer wasn't even hunted by them.

The three little roe deer just lit the fire this morning and planned to camp and barbecue to kill time. However, a roe deer came uninvited and curiously came to the side to see what they were doing.

How could Li Xuan not accept the prey that was delivered to his door?

Princess Ankang and Yu'er still felt that the roe deer was too stupid, and they couldn't bear it.

But now after asking Li Xuan to bake it and get the aroma, they became interested again.

"Is Brother Eight Emperors going to be okay?"

Princess Ankang took the roasted roe deer meat from Li Xuan's hand and said casually.

Although the little girl was concerned about the Eighth Prince, it was obvious that her concern could not be avoided by the roasted roe deer meat in her hand.

Princess Ankang carefully blew the hot air on the barbecue, took a small taste at first, then opened her eyes wide and nodded repeatedly, then sprinkled some salt on it, and ate happily.

It seems that the impression of roe deer on Princess Ankang has changed from "silly" to "delicious".

Seeing Princess Ankang eating happily, Li Xuan couldn't help but smile at the side.

Perhaps it is because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world is more abundant, and the taste of most game meat is unexpectedly very good.

Of course, some parts of the meat are fatty, and the three little ones won't be able to finish it after just a few.

After all, what they eat on weekdays is royal food, and there is never a shortage of oil and water.

But for those people who can't eat meat even once a year, the oil and water are enough to make them dream of delicacies.

And just when Princess Ankang was getting rid of the piece of barbecue in her hand, Dabai came back with the eighth prince who looked hopeless.

It's just that Dabai's mouth was bloody and covered with thick blood stains.

This made Li Xuan's heart tighten. He immediately stood up and asked Dabai:

"Meow? (Did you eat his horse?)"

Li Xuan had previously told Dabai not to hurt the Eighth Prince and his mount.

The Eighth Prince was still breathing. Although there was a lot of blood on his body, there were no wounds. It was obviously the blood from Dabai's mouth.

After several days of contact, the communication between Li Xuan and Dabai has obviously become much smoother, and at least the general meaning can be communicated clearly to each other.

When Dabai was questioned by Li Xuan, his big head immediately shook like a rattle.

It looked quite cute when such a big guy made such an action, but the eighth prince who was being held in his mouth was also being tossed around, and his eyes were spinning around.

Coupled with the bloody smell in Dabai's mouth, the Eighth Prince almost spit it out in mid-air.


Suddenly, the figure of the eighth prince fell from Dabai's mouth, and then fell to the ground in a miserable state.

And his originally majestic hunting attire suddenly turned into an alluring backless suspender belt, even exposing all the way to his curvy curves that had been tempered by years of practice.

Dabai seemed to realize that he had gotten into trouble, so he turned around and ran away to nowhere.

The three little ones held the barbecue in their hands and stared at the Eighth Prince on the ground in stunned silence. Their eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the alluring curves.

"Ah, this Dabai!"

Princess Ankang exclaimed.

Yu'er quickly stepped forward and covered Princess Ankang's eyes, muttering:

"Your Highness, don't look at anything inappropriate, don't look at anything inappropriate..."

But obviously in order to help Princess Ankang cover her eyes, Yu'er could only reluctantly be rude once.

"So round and white."

Yu'er silently exclaimed, then realized that she shouldn't look anymore and turned her head away, but the looming ravine lingered in her mind for a long time.

Li Xuan looked at the eighth prince lying motionless on the ground speechlessly.

What a coincidence, you say. Dabai tore off the sexy halter top for the Eighth Prince, exposing most of his buttocks.

"I didn't expect that he is still a young man with a cocky butt."

Li Xuan sighed with emotion, silently took out a hare from the Emperor's Bone Ring, and covered the eighth prince's buttocks.

At this moment, Yu'er finally put down her hands covering Princess Ankang and turned her head.

However, Li Xuan always felt something was strange.

"I haven't greeted Yu'er yet, how did she know that I covered the Eighth Prince's buttocks?"

Facing Li Xuan's confused gaze, Yu'er blushed with embarrassment, coughed twice in embarrassment, and pretended that nothing happened.

"Oh, where did Dabai go? He couldn't just get lost, could he?"

Yu'er looked at the distance where Dabai was leaving, and suddenly became concerned.

This time, Yu'er behaved so abnormally that even Princess Ankang squinted her eyes and looked at her with suspicion.

"Sister Yu'er, you just covered my eyes, then did you cover your own eyes?"

Princess Ankang asked dissatisfiedly.

Yu'er's expression remained unchanged, with a sullen face, pretending that she didn't hear anything, and looked increasingly anxiously towards the direction Dabai left, as if she was going to rush out to look for him the next moment.

"Meow? (When did you and Dabai have such a good relationship?)"

Li Xuan also imitated Princess Ankang and came over from the other side, attacking Yu'er from both sides.

Just when Yu'er was about to lose her strength under the pressure of one person and one cat, Dabai's figure in the distance actually left and came back.

Along with Dabai's figure, there was a shrill scream.

This time Dabai actually brought back the Eighth Prince's mount Black Star.

Black Star was so frightened that he screamed repeatedly. Dabai grabbed the saddle and dragged him all the way back. There were still water stains in the drag marks on the ground.

It turns out that Baymax went to catch Black Star to prove his innocence.

"Where did the blood in Dabai's mouth come from?"

Li Xuan suddenly felt strange.

"Neither the Eighth Prince nor Black Star was injured..."

Li Xuan thought about it, and immediately noticed that the place where Black Star originally carried the prey was empty, and there were still sporadic blood stains on it.

Li Xuan immediately understood what was going on.


Li Xuan pointed angrily at the part where Black Star had dragged the prey before, and then made a big circle with his two front paws, indicating where such a large pile of prey went?

Dabai's eyes suddenly became wandering, and then he kept gesturing at Black Star with his head, as if to say that it had nothing to do with him and asked Li Xuan to ask Black Star.

"Okay, just use that little cleverness on me, right?"

Li Xuan's eyes widened, his chest bulged, his mouth opened, and he immediately unleashed the roar of a dragon, tiger, and wind.


The sound wave, which was like substance, struck Baymax, causing his fur to flip backwards.


Dabai immediately let out a pitiful whimper, and then honestly went to bring back the hidden prey.

However, the prey that Dabai brought back was only half of the original, and the rest were all bloody. It was obvious that when it was eating before, it just opened its mouth to bite these prey.

Li Xuan felt a headache when he saw only half of the prey left.

He couldn't understand that in just a short while, Dabai still had time to cook.

"Compared to this guy's combat power, its cooking ability is obviously higher."

Being stared at by Li Xuan, Dabai lowered his head guiltily and did not dare to look at Li Xuan more.

Since being defeated by Li Xuan, it is obvious that Dabai has become much smarter.

It seems that this guy was used to being domineering and pretending to be mentally retarded.

Now in order to survive, flexible IQ has taken over the high ground again.

This is very real.

Just like some people will flexibly choose "fist" and "reason" as the main ways to persuade others.

If I can beat you, just talk with your fists. If I can't beat you, just talk with reason.

Unexpectedly, this is a way of survival that even animals can use flexibly.

After confiscating the stolen goods hidden by Dabai, the three little ones placed the Eighth Prince and his horse Black Star aside.

Not long after, the Eighth Prince woke up and found that his back was cold and only his buttocks was warm.

The Eighth Prince was suddenly startled, and subconsciously reached out to touch his butt. After realizing that there was no pain as expected, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But he felt a hare covering his butt and wondered what the purpose was.

Looking up, he found three little ones turning their heads to look at him.

"Myna, do you want to eat barbecue?"

Princess Ankang thoughtfully handed over a skewer of barbecue. After the eighth prince took it blankly, he naturally got up and sat next to them.

The Eighth Prince did not forget to cover his butt with the hare and asked doubtfully:

"What happened just now?"

"Hmm..." Princess Ankang thought for a while, and then replied: "Actually, it's nothing. Brother Bage, you accidentally fell down just now, and your clothes were scraped on the tree and hit your head."

"We saw that you fainted, so we asked you to lie down and rest for a while."

"Dabai didn't do anything to you."

Finally, Princess Ankang did not forget to emphasize one sentence.

Hearing this unfamiliar name, the Eighth Prince looked at Dabai who was lying on the side holding a pheasant and gnawing on it.

Looking at Dabai's huge figure, the Eighth Prince couldn't help but shudder, and covered the hare on his butt even tighter.

"What do you want?"

The eighth prince was already scared. He didn't expect that he would be able to escape the first grade of junior high school, but not the fifteenth grade.

Princess Ankang did not beat around the bush and said straightforwardly:

"Bago, I am determined to win this competition."

"Although you taught me how to ride a horse earlier, which I am very grateful for."

“But one size fits the bill.”

The Eighth Prince clicked his tongue, knowing that he couldn't be gentle anymore.

It would be the same if it were him, he would never take risks casually.

If the other party hides something behind his back, he will be the one regretting it. No one would do such a stupid thing.

Moreover, in the Royal Garden Competition, only the first place is important.

Other than that, it is of no use.

"Well, it looks like you're going to win again this time."

The Eighth Prince accepted his fate, threw his voucher to Princess Ankang, and then began to enjoy the barbecue in earnest.

After Princess Ankang received the eighth prince's voucher, she smiled:

"Then thank you Bage for making it happen."

The Eighth Prince shook his head and did not take Princess Ankang's kind words seriously. He just sighed:

"I really can't beat you in the wild from now on. Can you tame such a big tiger?"

The eighth prince was eating barbecue, but his eyes were fixed on Dabai.

He himself likes flying eagles and running dogs, and he naturally admires Princess Ankang who can tame Dabai.

However, the Eighth Prince also understood that if there were similar competitions in the future, Princess Ankang would have a huge advantage, and almost no one would be able to compete.

"If there was such a ferocious beast helping me when I was fighting with the third child..."

The Eighth Prince felt so happy just thinking about it.

He then thought that the third prince had been eliminated early and sneered.

The third prince's thoughts, the eighth prince is from a clean family, doesn't he just want to have a strong man return and suppress the heroes?

But now?

Earlier, they were mocking them in the imperial garden for not being able to defeat such a sick child like Princess Ankang.

Now that he is fine, he has been eliminated by Princess Ankang personally. The eighth prince wants to see what these three princes have to say in the future.

The thought of this was enough to make the Eighth Prince feel sour in his heart.

He gradually came out of the shadow of losing the game, chatting and laughing with the three children, and began to enjoy the outdoor barbecue around the bonfire in the camp.

They all also talked about their experiences in the past few days.

The three little ones didn't have anything to say here. They just talked about their fight with the three brothers and sisters of the eldest prince.

The eighth prince clapped his hands happily when he heard that the fourth prince and sixth prince were also eliminated, and the eldest prince even fled into the finish line in embarrassment.

As for the Eighth Prince, he was having a hard time these days.

Previously, after he got out of trouble with the help of Axiang, he found his mount Black Star, and then started low-key hunting in the woods.

Feeling that the points were almost there, I planned to end the game. I never thought that the three little ones would directly block the finish line and camp here.

"Do you plan to stay here until the end?"

Princess Ankang nodded naturally to the eighth prince's question.

"That's right, no one can be sure what other people hunted in this forest?"

The Eighth Prince looked at Dabai and sighed sincerely.

After filling his stomach, the Eighth Prince planned to say goodbye and leave. Anyway, after losing his certificate, he was no longer qualified to continue competing.

Moreover, half of his buttocks was now naked, so it was very inconvenient to stay in the wild.

But at this moment, Li Xuan noticed someone approaching.

When the opponent was almost close, Li Xuan released Dabai.

After a while, Dabai picked up two more people.

The eighth prince originally wanted to leave, but when he saw that another unlucky guy had followed in his footsteps, he simply sat down and watched the show for a while longer.

As a result, what Dabai brought back this time was also an acquaintance of theirs, the fifth prince and the seventh prince.

Everyone was a little surprised to see the fifth prince, even the eighth prince.

Li Xuan could guess the reason why the eighth prince was able to escape, because Axiang was hovering above their heads at this time.

But these fifth princes...

Li Xuan looked at the fifth prince and then at the seventh prince, wondering how they got together.

"Hey, Rare."

"You two can still get together."

The eighth prince joked.

"Baby, I want you to take care of it!"

The fifth prince choked.

Everyone knows the temperament of the fifth prince. He always has his eyes higher than his head and looks at everyone through his nostrils.

As for the Seventh Princess, it's even more outrageous. She usually doesn't open her eyes to look at people.

For example, right now, even though Dabai was holding her in her mouth, the Seventh Princess was still dozing off, and she was completely calm.

The Fifth Prince, on the other hand, looked at the few people camping and having a barbecue before the finish line with a particularly wonderful expression.

"You actually blocked the door?"

Princess Ankang immediately put on a straight face and said:

"Brother Five Emperors, where is the door here? There is obviously only one line!"

The fifth prince was speechless.

After Dabai put them down, he gradually became familiar with the subsequent process.

Dabai also brought back horses and prey, but this time there was an additional maid.

The maid-in-waiting looked pale at this moment, obviously having been taught a lesson by Dabai.

However, Li Xuan had previously told Dabai not to hurt anyone, so the injury should not be too serious.

Seeing that she was a little uncomfortable, Li Xuan directly asked Dabai to send the person to the eunuch in colorful clothes who was guarding the finish line.

However, this time it was a mistake.

The certificate of the Seventh Princess was still on the body of the maid. As she was sent out, the Seventh Princess was also eliminated in her sleep.

As for the fifth prince's certificate and the Cloud-Piercing Arrow, they had long been lying in Li Xuan's Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

Li Xuan had previously stolen two bags from these two people, and the fifth prince's baggage contained these things. As a result, the fifth prince only focused on looking for his own collection of poems and did not pay attention to his own credentials.

Princess Ankang originally wanted to send them all to the finish line, but the fifth prince refused:

"Well, I don't want to go back yet."

The fifth prince's eyes were a little evasive, but he continued:

"I promised to take her to watch the stars for ten days, and there is still one night left today..."

Speaking of this, the fifth prince said nothing more, just waiting for Princess Ankang's decision.

Today is the last night of the ten-day competition. At noon tomorrow, the competition will officially end. If you cannot reach the finish line within this time limit, there will be no results.

Princess Ankang looked at the Seventh Princess who was still dozing, and knew that with her character, she would indeed make such a request.

Moreover, with Li Xuan and Dabai in the camp, they were not afraid of the fifth prince's tricks.

Princess Ankang immediately nodded and agreed, and the fifth prince also breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it was true that the fifth prince and the seventh prince had an agreement. This was also the condition for their joining forces in the first place.

But the fifth prince himself also had his own selfish motives. He wanted to take this opportunity to have more contact with Princess Ankang, and maybe he could hear some wonderful poems.

When the Eighth Prince saw that they were not leaving, he didn't care that he was half naked and wanted to stay.

He greeted the eunuch in colorful clothes who was guarding the finish line and brought him a new dress.

Anyway, the Eighth Prince has now lost his qualification for the competition, so it can't be said to be a violation of regulations.

In this way, they waited in the camp until evening. When the sun set, the Seventh Princess woke up from her sleep on time, yawned and stretched.

The seventh princess opened her eyes and saw the unfamiliar sight before her, but she smiled and greeted Princess Ankang:

"Ankang, why are you here?"

The fifth prince held his forehead for a while and felt a headache.

The eighth prince laughed, as if he was already used to it.

Princess Ankang also smiled at the Seventh Princess, then pointed upward with her finger:

"Sister Seventh Emperor, the stars are out."

The Seventh Princess immediately looked up and was immersed in the beautiful scenery above her for a moment.

The sun had just set, and the night was not dark enough. The moon came out early, leaving behind a crescent moon like a white mark, and a few faint stars flashing in the half-dark hazy night sky.

The bright clouds are bright and red, the sun is setting, the clouds are shining, and the moon is shining brightly.

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