Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 365 Birds of a feather flock together

At this moment, even Li Xuan could understand why the Seventh Princess was so enamored with this night sky.

"It's so beautiful!"

Everyone sighed in unison.

The tacit words made them stunned at the same time, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

Having lost their interest in competition, they sat together and chatted comfortably. The Seventh Princess, who had been dozing off, was the most talkative at this time.

As one after another appeared on the stage called Night, the Seventh Princess enthusiastically introduced them to everyone, just like the most dedicated host.

Li Xuan could feel that the Seventh Princess had an inexplicable pride in this starry sky. It seemed that it was a great honor for them to live under such a starry sky.

The fifth prince was making insinuations, always trying to bring the topic to poetry and poetry, but every time the eighth prince was distracted by his talk, or Princess Ankang kept her secrets, giving the fifth prince an expression of not wanting to say more. .

While the fifth prince was annoyed to death by the eighth prince, he was also deeply impressed by Princess Ankang's modesty.

"I didn't expect that she has great literary talent, but she is not willing to show off at all."

“It really complies with the saying ‘one bottle does not ring, half the bottle sloshes’.”

The fifth prince shook his head silently and couldn't help but sigh.

Remembering that he once had a very high self-esteem, always looking down on others and admiring himself wherever he went, this made the fifth prince extremely ashamed.

The more he recalled, the more childish he felt in his memory.

Those previous arrogance and boasts only showed his own shallowness.

The fifth prince's face turned red unknowingly as he was silhouetted against the bonfire.

He was actually excited by his past.

"Hey, Brother Five Emperors, why is your face so red?"

Fortunately, it was Princess Ankang who discovered the abnormality of the fifth prince.

"Is the bonfire too bright?"

Princess Ankang looked doubtfully at the bonfire where they were sitting.

The fifth prince stood up suddenly, and then coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"Ahem, it's nothing. I'll just get up and get some fresh air."

After saying that, the fifth prince stood up, turned his back to everyone and took two deep breaths to calm down his mood.

But the more he tried to calm down as soon as possible, the clearer the memories of the past became.

Sure enough, only he knew the good things he had done in the past.

For some reason, those behaviors that once seemed "elegant" suddenly seemed childish in the eyes of the fifth prince.

The fifth prince's sudden maturity made him very uncomfortable.

Others didn't know what the fifth prince was really thinking at this time, and they only thought that he was really too hot from the bonfire.

Princess Ankang rarely had the opportunity to talk so freely with other princes and princesses, and she heard a lot of interesting things.

Especially the Eighth Prince, because this guy is naughty and mischievous, he never lacks interesting things to talk about.

"I still remember that Lao Wu liked to hold a book and shake his head since he was a child. I specially smeared glue on the cover of his book. As a result, the guy remained calm and read the book for three whole days before he was noticed by the waiter. That’s not right.”

The Eighth Prince showed a look of reminiscence.

"You still have the nerve to say that at that time, I was rumored to be holding that book while having a bowel movement. Within two days, someone was rumoring that I was wiping my butt with a sage book, which caused me to be lectured several times by my husband at the time!"

The fifth prince turned around suddenly and said angrily. The temperature that had dropped a little was reignited.

The Eighth Prince smiled heartlessly and continued:

"Lao Qi didn't like looking at stars when he was little, but he often watched ants moving."

"Once, when I saw that she was taking it seriously, I flooded the army halfway and rushed the ants back to their hometown. I even cried anxiously."

The seventh princess sat obediently, raising her head to look at the stars. She stared at the stars in the sky and said quietly:

"Humph, you were almost dragged away to purify yourself at that time. If I hadn't interceded with you, should I call you Eighth Eunuch now?"

When the Eighth Prince heard this, he immediately stared unconvinced and said:

"I am a prince, who dares to castrate me!"

"Isn't it the order given by the father at that time?" The seventh princess told the facts calmly.

"That, that, that's because my father doesn't follow martial ethics!"

The Eighth Prince choked for a long time and said rebelliously.

This statement made the others laugh.

The few of them who were behind the scenes were able to arrange a few sentences about their father.

When you return to the palace, you have to be careful again.

Li Xuan also didn't expect that the eighth prince was such a naughty kid when he was a child.

"No wonder this guy can be the boss of those little cubs."

Li Xuan silently shook his head and sighed.

But after the Eighth Prince talked about some interesting things from his childhood with the other two people, Princess Ankang became a little quiet.

Because she discovered that no matter whether the fifth prince, seventh prince, and eighth prince were close to each other, they still had some common memories.

No matter how angry and ridiculous it was at the time, years later it has become an interesting memory.

But Princess Ankang has always been alone since she could remember, and only Yu'er as a peer in Jingyang Palace accompanied her.

As for the other princes and princesses, they only started to have some contact with each other during the later gathering in the Royal Garden.

However, when Princess Ankang attended the party with great expectations, most people did not treat her well, ignoring even the most friendly ones.

Gradually, Princess Ankang no longer had hope, and then there was Princess Ankang who had been sleeping in a corner.

But now it seems that among the princes and princesses, they are not the only ones who are unfriendly to her.

At that time, at the gathering in the Imperial Garden, the Seventh Prince rarely saw her, while the Fifth Prince came more often at first.

It's just that the fifth prince was aloof and arrogant at that time and couldn't play with anyone.

Princess Ankang, who had gone through several setbacks, naturally did not dare to try to get close to the fifth prince who was not easy to get in touch with at first sight.

As for the eighth prince.

If Princess Ankang remembered correctly, when she first met the Eighth Prince in the Royal Garden, the Eighth Prince was also bullied.

Now think about it, among the people who bullied the eighth prince, there happened to be the third prince.

At that time, Princess Ankang only saw it from a distance. During this competition, she confirmed that the third prince was one of the children who bullied the eighth prince back then.

There is little harmony among the royal heirs.

This is true even for siblings from the same mother. The three siblings of the eldest prince are obviously in a special situation.

Because each of their mothers and concubines instilled different values ​​​​from their own standpoints, the princes and princesses were all opposed to each other early before they were sensible.

Which ones are good friends and which ones are not.

Their mothers and concubines will teach them early.

The reasoning will not be explained at the beginning, only the conclusion will be told to them.

When they grow up, some people can understand it on their own, while others need guidance from their mothers and concubines.

Being born into the royal family, they are destined to become part of the struggle for power, and no one can escape it.

This is why being able to get rid of royal power disputes and become a free prince or princess is a beautiful fairy tale for these royal heirs.

This is not a happy ending that can be achieved as long as you are willing to give up.

The effort required may not be any easier than climbing to the throne.

But what's interesting is that these four princes and princesses beside the bonfire are all weirdos dreaming of fairy tales.

None of them have any interest in the throne, and they all have things they want to do after leaving this deep palace.

Li Xuan silently looked at the fifth prince, seventh prince and eighth prince, and thought to himself:

"Can this be considered like-minded?"

Li Xuan turned around and saw that Princess Ankang was a little depressed. He stretched out his tail and gently touched her little head.

The little girl was not very happy at first, but when she saw Li Xuan comforting her, she suddenly hugged Li Xuan and rubbed him into her arms hard.

"Axuan, you are so kind!"

Princess Ankang held the kitten in her arms and rubbed it non-stop.

Although Li Xuan looked disgusted, he also enjoyed it silently.

The other three people couldn't help rolling their eyes when they saw Princess Ankang suddenly addicted to cats. It was the first time for them to see Princess Ankang like this.

"Ankang seems to be very different from the impression."

The three of them couldn't help but have similar thoughts in their minds.

The whole night was silent, and in the blink of an eye it was noon the next day.

There is not much time left before the end of Qiugari's game.

What was somewhat surprising was that, except for the five princes and the three of them, no one showed up at the finish line since then.

The eunuchs in colorful clothes in front of the finish line lit a stick of incense. When the stick of incense burns out, the deadline for the autumn hunting competition will come.

Seeing that the incense was about to burn out, Princess Ankang asked Li Xuan:

"Axuan, will anyone else come?"

Li Xuan shook his head. There was no movement from anyone else within a radius of five miles.

It seems that too many people were eliminated in the early stages of the competition, resulting in not many people being able to complete the Autumn Hunting competition normally.

"I guess there are not many people still in Fanglin Garden now."

Seeing that time was almost up, Princess Ankang planned to finish the game, but before that, she still had some things to do.

"Fifth Emperor Brother, Eighth Brother."

Princess Ankang said, throwing out two jade tablets, which were their respective certificates.

"Don't say you are cruel as a younger sister."

Princess Ankang said and handed each of them a hare.

Of course, the hare in the Eighth Prince's hand was an old acquaintance of his.

That was a friendship that helped him get through, and it was of considerable commemorative significance.

Then Princess Ankang said apologetically to the Seventh Princess:

"Sister Qihuang, I don't have your certificate, so there's nothing I can do about it."

The Seventh Princess's credentials were taken away along with her maid, and were irretrievable.

But the seventh princess, with big dark circles under her eyes, just smiled and didn't take it to heart.

"It's okay, anyway, I've seen enough stars..."

The Seventh Princess tilted her head and actually dozed off while standing, which shocked the others.

"Can you fall asleep here?"

The eighth prince said in shock.

"This is not bad." The fifth prince also complained: "I haven't talked to her during the day these past few days."

It was Li Xuan's intention to return the certificates of the fifth prince and the eighth prince to them and then let them complete the game.

Last night, Li Xuan specifically asked Princess Ankang.

Although Princess Ankang didn't know why Li Xuan asked her to do this, she still obeyed.

Anyway, with just one hare, they couldn't catch up with Princess Ankang's results.

It's just to give them a sense of ceremony and let them finish the game.

The Fifth Prince and the Eighth Prince walked across the finish line with the Seventh Prince who was still dozing, officially completing their race.

They all also breathed a sigh of relief.

This competition lasted for ten days and was not easy for everyone.

Regardless of the final result, they can at least get back to the finish line.

The three little ones waited for a while, and after confirming that no one could come back, they also crossed the finish line.

At the same time, the incense burned out, and the autumn hunting competition officially ended.

"Phew, it's finally over."

Princess Ankang looked at Li Xuan and Yu'er and also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the experience of camping in the wild was very novel, the three little ones still accumulated a lot of fatigue after ten days in a row.

Especially when they had a few real fights in the middle, they were even more exhausted physically and mentally.

For Princess Ankang and Yu'er, they have taken a crucial step this time.

After all, they have never fought with others like that.

Li Xuan hopes that these experiences can bring some positive changes to their mentality.

"In order to survive, competition is inevitable."

"Keeping avoiding competition will only make people more and more cowardly."

The superior wins and the inferior loses, and strives for survival.

Li Xuan knew that he had never settled for casualties, he was just constantly giving in until the day there was no way back.

Even if what you have is insignificant to those people, they will still come to rob you.

Not only to be greedy for what you have, but also to seek pleasure from your embarrassing struggle.

The latter is the real driving force that drives them.

Once material satisfaction is achieved, it’s time to pursue spiritual satisfaction.

In such a world, Li Xuan must make Princess Ankang and Yu'er familiar with the essence of survival and competition as soon as possible.

After today's game, more people will realize what Princess Ankang has.

Even an illusory possibility is enough to make them stretch out their greedy claws.

Li Xuan needs to bite off those claws one by one.

He even followed his claws and bit their throats open until no one dared to covet Jingyang Palace anymore.

As the time limit for the race ended, the eunuch in colorful clothes waiting at the finish line sang loudly:

"The Autumn Hunting Competition is officially over!"

"Competition finishers: His Highness the First Prince, His Highness the Fifth Prince, His Highness the Eighth Prince..."

"Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess!"

Only four people can complete the ten-day autumn hunting competition, and the winner will be decided among them.

"Verify the participation certificate, summarize the prey, and settle the points——"

Then, many eunuchs in colorful clothes came forward and made the final statistics of the game.

The results of the eldest prince's side have been tallied long ago, and they are just waiting for the results.

The fifth prince and the eighth prince only carried a hare in their hands, so they didn't have much work.

Princess Ankang, on the other hand, is in trouble.

Li Xuan poured out a large amount of prey from the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

In addition, Dabai and a few horses also carried a lot of prey.

There are three little ones that I hunted myself, and some that were snatched from others. The number is really quite large.

Li Xuan looked at the busy eunuchs in colorful clothes and thought to himself:

“The August competition is also over.”

"This year is almost over..."

Li Xuan looked up in the direction of the palace, feeling that the games in the next few months would definitely be more exciting.

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