When the three little ones arrived, the eldest prince and the fourth prince, who had already been at a disadvantage, both frowned.

At this time, they already understood that the Sixth Princess had made a mistake.

"how so?"

The eldest prince's face was full of disbelief.

"Brother, don't think about this now."

"It's time for you to go, there's no point in staying here."

The fourth prince said to the eldest prince seriously.

"Forget it, it's useless."

The eldest prince shook his head and faced Dabai with his stick, showing no intention of retreating.

As a result, the fourth prince stepped forward and pushed the eldest prince back hard.

"This is not your business alone!"

The fourth prince roared angrily, glared at the eldest prince fiercely, and then turned to face Dabai resolutely.

"Fourth brother..."

The eldest prince's face was full of helplessness.

But the fourth prince still just turned his back to the eldest prince and had no other intention.

"Oh, I know."

Seeing his younger brother's decisive attitude, the eldest prince had no choice but to agree in the end.

He reluctantly put away the long Panlong stick in his hand, then used Qinggong in the direction of the finish line and ran away.

Li Xuan was moved when he saw this scene. He discovered that the eldest prince also had a space magic weapon. Otherwise, how could he put in such a big stick with just a wave of his hand.

"Sure enough, some of the royal heirs have space magic weapons."

On a normal day, Li Xuan would have rushed forward, chased the eldest prince back, and then snatched the space magic weapon from his hand.

But now...

Li Xuan turned his head and glanced at Princess Ankang, with a worried look in his eyes.

"Let's finish the game first."

When Dabai saw the three little ones, he rushed over and yelled at them as a greeting.

But only Li Xuan knew that Dabai's greeting was only for him, and it almost ignored the existence of Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

"This guy Dabai doesn't seem to be very close to the two girls."

"We have to find a way to let them develop more relationships in the future."

At this time, the fourth prince came forward and said to them:

"Ankang, you are really good at conquering..."

The fourth prince wanted to continue saying something, but Dabai didn't have the patience and rushed towards him.

The fourth prince dodged backwards, awkwardly avoiding Dabai's attack, and was then chased and bitten by Dabai.

Under such circumstances, the fourth prince had no time to speak.

He originally wanted to use his words to delay the three little ones for some more time, so that the eldest prince could retreat safely.

Unexpectedly, the three little ones didn't care about martial arts at all and just bit him directly.

When the fourth prince and the eldest prince joined forces to deal with Dabai, they were still in such a mess.

Not to mention that he was alone at the moment.

In just the blink of an eye, the fourth prince was hit by Dabai's tail. He was vomiting blood and flew away, hitting a tree.

The fourth prince collapsed to the ground like soft clay, never having the strength to get up.

At this time, Dabai still refused to give up.

Dabai, who became ferocious, continued to rush towards the fourth prince, raised his huge tiger claw and was about to slap it down hard.

If the shooting was tight this time, the fourth prince might not be able to escape with his life.

Li Xuan didn't want to cause any casualties in this game, and it would not be of any benefit to Princess Ankang if the tiger hurt people.

Just when he was about to rush over and stop Dabai, his ears suddenly moved and he noticed something strange in the air.

The next moment, Zhao Feng's figure floated down from the air and stood in front of Dabai lightly.

Then I saw him raising a skinny palm and pinching Dabai's tiger claw with ease, so that Dabai could no longer move forward.

When Dabai's attack was blocked, his eyes suddenly glared with anger, and a substantial amount of wild killing intent emerged from his body. He opened his mouth and was about to bite Zhao Feng's head.

Faced with such a terrifying situation, Zhao Fengdong did not move, only a faint smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, the air around him was distorted.

Dabai's original substantial murderous intention was immediately dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

Then, Dabai's huge body collapsed, and he could no longer continue to show off his evil ways.

Zhao Feng actually surrendered to Dabai just by relying on his momentum.

"Old man Zhao shows off his skills!"

Li Xuan sighed in his heart.

He could naturally see that Zhao Feng had many ways to deal with Dabai, but he chose the best one.

"At times like this, you still don't forget to show your holiness in front of others. You are really just an old kid."

Li Xuan sneered at Zhao Feng's approach.

But no matter what, the fourth prince's life was saved.

Li Xuan knew that during this game, someone must be secretly protecting the safety of the royal heirs, but he did not expect that this person turned out to be Zhao Feng.

To be honest, Li Xuan didn't notice any trace of Zhao Feng along the way. Obviously, his perception couldn't detect a master like Zhao Feng.

What's even more interesting is that Li Xuan didn't even smell Zhao Feng's scent.

"Did you use your infuriating energy to block my sense of smell?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but ponder, making him re-evaluate his perception ability.

Zhao Feng's sudden appearance reminded Li Xuan that it was not difficult for a master to block his perception.

Li Xuan firmly remembered this.

Speaking of which, Zhao Feng, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is really busy.

Regardless of the big or small matters in the palace, his participation is required.

It seems that it is not an easy task to be the first eunuch in the palace.

The fourth prince also breathed a sigh of relief silently when he saw that he had been rescued.

When facing Baymax, even if he didn't want to admit it, his back, which was completely soaked, was enough to explain the problem.

As long as a normal person is facing such a big guy, who can not be afraid?

After taking care of Dabai, Zhao Feng put his hands behind his back, raised his head slightly, and the expression on his face was calm and calm, showing the demeanor of a master.

Regarding Zhao Feng's appearance, Li Xuan just curled his lips and looked at the sky in the distance, pretending not to see it.

On the other hand, Princess Ankang and Yu'er cheered and clapped their hands very much.

"General Manager Zhao is so awesome!"

The two girls praised in unison.

That makes Zhao Feng feel beautiful, as sweet as honey.

"It's just a casual act. The old slave has made a fool of himself in front of their highnesses."

Zhao Feng spoke and cupped his hands.

He looked very humble, but what was he thinking in his heart? Li Xuan was a man of modest means.

Then, Zhao Feng turned his head and said to the fourth prince:

"Your Highness, if this old slave comes to the rescue, your game can only end here."

"Do you have any objections to this?"

Regarding Zhao Feng's question, the fourth prince shook his head and replied weakly:

"I would also like to thank Director Zhao for the rescue. I have no objection to withdrawing from the competition."

The fourth prince did not take the initiative to ask for help. After Zhao Feng judged the situation on his own, he intervened and interrupted the fourth prince's game.

Therefore, we need to make it clear on this issue to avoid any objections to the final result of the game.

Of course, most of the royal heirs would not dare to mess around with Zhao Feng.

After getting the answer that the fourth prince had no objection to, Zhao Feng nodded, and then helped the fourth prince up on the ground.

Then, he turned to Princess Ankang and said:

"Your Highness Ankang, please continue playing. I will take the Fourth Highness to heal his injuries first."

After Zhao Feng finished speaking, he helped the fourth prince leave the place. In a few jumps, the two of them completely disappeared from the sight of the three little ones.

Li Xuan didn't pay attention to this at first, but when he saw Dabai who was still unconscious on the ground, he meowed anxiously in the direction Zhao Feng left, stretched out one of his cat paws, and made a gesture of retention. appearance.

"Old Zhaotou, you should wake up Dabai before leaving."

But Li Xuan can still find no trace of Zhao Feng.

Although they were not far from the end now, Li Xuan didn't want to walk back with Dabai on his back.

But just when he was worried about what to do next, Dabai, who was lying on the ground, slowly started to move.

Dabai's huge body was seen shaking on the ground a few times, and then he suddenly got up from the ground, his big head looking around vigilantly, as if looking for Zhao Feng's figure.

Apparently Zhao Feng's previous methods left a deep impression on Dabai.

Dabai's sudden movement frightened the two girls standing next to him, and they immediately rushed behind Li Xuan, their reactions were surprisingly fast.

But Li Xuan's small body obviously couldn't stop these two girls.

They pushed Li Xuan forward in tacit agreement, getting as close to Dabai as possible.

The two girls obviously felt that Dabai was good only when he was in front of Li Xuan.

Seeing that Dabai woke up again immediately, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and jumped up from the ground and jumped onto Dabai's back.

"Meow? (Are you okay?)"

Li Xuan first checked Dabai's condition and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Dabai's body only had some minor scratches.

When he fought with Dabai before, Li Xuan discovered that the energy and blood power in this guy was ridiculously strong.

When Dabai fights, he can increase the strength of his body to a level comparable to that of gold and iron by pouring the power of his blood into his own flesh and bones.

Obviously, facing such physical strength, it would be difficult to hurt Dabai with the strength of the eldest prince and the fourth prince.

After discovering that Dabai's injuries were harmless, Li Xuan continued to issue the order to move forward.

Don't forget, there is an eldest prince who ran away ahead.

The three little ones immediately started to chase, but when they reached the finish line, they found that they were still a step too late.

The eldest prince had already entered the finish line and was leaning against a big tree, breathing heavily.

There was also a pile of captured prey placed next to him. There seemed to be a lot of them, and he must have accumulated a lot of hunting points.

In front of the finish line, there are two flower eunuchs guarding there, and there are also clear indication lines on the ground. As long as you cross there, you can bring your autumn hunting competition to an end, then settle your points and wait for the final competition ranking. .

Dabai saw the eldest prince resting in the finish line from a distance, and rushed forward to continue the unfinished battle.

Li Xuan stepped on Dabai's head hard, and then gave a stern meow, which made Dabai stop.


Dabai roared in anger and unwillingness, but it could do nothing to the eldest prince who was already behind the finish line.

Facing Dabai's incompetent rage, the eldest prince didn't look proud at all.

After all, he was the one who turned around and ran away.

Moreover, as the three little ones appeared in front of him, the eldest prince also understood that the fourth prince was probably in danger, and his elimination should be a certainty.

Thinking of the Sixth Princess who never came back, the eldest prince couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.

For his own achievements, asking his brothers and sisters to make such sacrifices is really not what he expected.

If possible, he would rather be the one who sacrifices himself.

And even though the three brothers and sisters tried their best, they ended up in such an embarrassing situation.

Not only is the chance of winning slim, but one also has to look at other people's faces to determine one's final result.

"Since when did Ankang become such a difficult opponent?"

The eldest prince asked himself, but could not get an accurate answer.

The eldest prince can no longer tell when Princess Ankang won the game based on luck and when it was based on strength.

The eldest prince looked at Princess Ankang outside the finish line with complex expressions in his eyes.

"Mother, it seems that I am not really an excellent prince."

The eldest prince sighed silently in his heart, then withdrew his gaze and began to close his eyes to rest.

"Axuan, what should we do now?"

Princess Ankang asked Li Xuan on the side.

The eldest prince has escaped into the finish line, this is an unchangeable fact.

But their game is not over yet, so the question of Princess Ankang arises.

Li Xuan didn't think much, he raised his head and pointed forward.

After signaling them to enter the finish line, the game ends.

They have eliminated many people before, and with Baymax as the prey in this game, the points will definitely not be low.

Moreover, there are some prey they hunted along the way in the Emperor Hong Bone Ring, so they can get some extra points.

Calculated in this way, their winning rate in this game is already quite high.

At the moment, the eldest prince will definitely not have as many points as them, and some other threatening opponents have also been eliminated by them early.

Therefore, Li Xuan decided to pass the finish line now and end the game. In fact, there was no big problem.

Li Xuan lay on Dabai's head, stretched out his paw and made a stroke forward, signaling Dabai to continue moving forward until he crossed the finish line.

But at this moment, Princess Ankang rode Bai Xue and stopped in front of Li Xuan.

"Axuan, don't rush there yet."

Princess Ankang had a look of hesitation on her face, and after thinking for a while, she spoke:

"To be careful, let's wait here until the game is over."

Li Xuan couldn't help but frown. In his opinion, there was really no need to waste a few more days.

And, more importantly, he wanted to take Princess Ankang back to Jingyang Palace immediately.

Princess Ankang's previous sudden impulsive behavior, coupled with the symptoms of the sixth princess seeming to be comatose due to the cold, made Li Xuan feel a little uneasy.

Before he figured this out, he didn't want Princess Ankang to stay in Fanglin Garden.

"Axuan, I'm fine now, you don't have to worry too much."

Apparently Princess Ankang understood Li Xuan's concerns at this time and immediately explained.

"Meow... (but...)"

Li Xuan was about to persuade Princess Ankang, but Princess Ankang interrupted her first.

"Axuan, I don't want to go back yet."

Princess Ankang said, looking at Li Xuan pitifully.

But this time Li Xuan did not immediately soften his heart, but wrote with his tail in mid-air:


"Have you not had enough fun?"

Princess Ankang shook her head stubbornly and explained:

"We have worked hard until now. If we don't lock in the final victory and end it in such a hurry, wouldn't it be a pity if something unexpected happens?"

Princess Ankang didn't want their several days of hard work to come to naught because of herself.

Li Xuan sighed, it was not that she couldn't understand Princess Ankang's thoughts.

Yu'er on the side also looked at Li Xuan silently. Obviously Yu'er also hoped that Li Xuan would agree.

It's not that Yu'er is not worried about Princess Ankang's health, but she is afraid that if the result of the competition is not as expected, Princess Ankang will feel guilty.

By then, if the outcome has been decided, there will be no chance to reverse it.

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