After determining the next course of action, the three little ones began to formulate the next plan.

The situation they are now in is relatively chaotic, surrounded by small groups that have begun to cling to each other, and they can be said to be the only ones left alone.

But because Li Xuan, the living radar, is here, he won't accidentally bump into other people.

In fact, they can easily escape from this place through the cracks in these groups.

But now that they have decided to implement Princess Ankang's "fisherman plan", there is no need to leave here.

On the contrary, they have to wander among them, allowing these groups to conflict and consume each other.

But there is a very important point, which will determine the final outcome.


Princess Ankang said.

"The order in which we lure them into encountering each other is very important."

"The situation is too chaotic and they will stand still and not take risks easily."

"But if the order is wrong, it will be used as a wedding dress for others."

Princess Ankang had a small face, pinched her chin, and looked like she was thinking seriously.

Seeing that Princess Ankang was seriously thinking about the strategy, Li Xuan did not rush her, but happily led the way slowly.

Princess Ankang was right. Judging from the movements he was aware of now, the nearby groups were becoming more and more cautious in their actions.

Over time, the distance between these groups is getting smaller and smaller, as if they are attracting each other.

Li Xuanneng noticed that besides them, there were a total of three forces within a radius of five miles.

This includes the group of seven or eight people, which Li Xuan considers to be the biggest threat.

Li Xuan has been following the group, keeping them within his range of perception.

Such a threat is still under his nose, which makes him feel more at ease.

This also avoids some unexpected situations.

Considering the riding speed of Princess Ankang and Yu'er, they are likely to encounter a situation where they cannot escape from the pursuers.

Therefore, Li Xuan hid directly behind the largest group, thinking that if he found any accident, he would take advantage of this biggest threat.

And Princess Ankang's plan goes one step further, intending to turn this biggest threat into a sharp blade in her own hand.

But if they operate improperly, they will be the ones injured by the sharp blade.

"Axuan, we need to use the strongest group to eliminate the others, and then make them suffer losses."

Princess Ankang said after thinking for a long time.

Using the knife while blunting it, Li Xuan immediately understood what Princess Ankang meant.

"Axuan, sister Yu'er."

"We are like this..."

Princess Ankang told her plan, and Li Xuan and Yu'er nodded repeatedly.

"Third brother, do you want to continue chasing?"

Ninth Emperor's daughter Li Lanruo asked worriedly.

The third prince squatting on the ground did not answer immediately, but continued to carefully explore the horse hoof marks on the ground.

After a while, the third prince stood up from the ground and patted the dirt on his hands, but his thick eyebrows were furrowed.

"There are nineteen riders in total, why is there still one left alone?"

When she heard such a number, the Ninth Emperor's eyes immediately widened.

"Nineteen people!?"

"Third brother, even if we join forces, I'm afraid we can't defeat him, right?"

"Is it Brother and the others?"

The third prince shook his head and said directly:

"have no idea."

"But it's hard to say it's Li Xian and the others."

"The three brothers and sisters can be tied together, but Li Xian has no ability to bring other people together."

"Furthermore, when so many people come together, it's not necessarily voluntary."

The third prince changed his previous reckless image in the imperial garden and analyzed it seriously.

It seems that many years of experience in the military camp have also cultivated a rough and fine style in him.

"Anyway, so many people are a threat."

Hearing what the third prince said, the ninth princess couldn't help but ask:

"Then third brother, shall we turn around now?"

"Turn around? Where to turn around?" the third prince asked with a smile.

"There are so many people in front of us, so we can't rush to deliver them, right?"

What the Ninth Emperor Girl thought made sense.

The Ninth Emperor's daughter had trained with the Third Prince in the army for half a year and learned a lot.

They were obviously outmatched by the enemy in front of them, so they naturally had to conserve their strength and look for opportunities later.

But it was obvious that the third prince did not think so.

"No, no, no, if we give them a few more days, our chances of winning will be even lower."

The third prince looked at the front where the horseshoe marks extended, his eyes moving slightly.

"We follow up and look for opportunities to break them up. At least we can't let them continue to get together like this."

"We can't fight them head-on, so why can't we carry out night raids and harassment to deal with these 'noble people' who have never been on the battlefield and only know how to fight on paper?"

The third prince's tone fell heavily on the word "noble", and his tone was full of disdain.

Seeing that the Third Prince was so heroic, the Ninth Prince's daughter also gained a lot of confidence.

"Okay, whatever you do, listen to the third brother."

"Let us take care of these little dolls!"

The Ninth Emperor's daughter was worried before, but now she was excited by the third prince and became eager to fight.

Seeing the Ninth Prince's mood change so quickly, the third prince just shook his head and smiled, walked to his mount, and got on his horse.

"You, after this competition, you'd better keep some distance from me."

The third prince warned.

"Why, third brother thinks I'm dragging you down?"

The Ninth Princess asked dissatisfiedly.

"It's third brother, I'm going to drag you down."

"After all, Concubine You is a civil servant. If you get too close to me, you may be sent away for marriage one day, and your dream of being a heroine will also come to an end."

After the third prince finished speaking, he shook the reins and urged the horse forward.

"They dare!"

The Ninth Emperor's Girl stared and said, then quickly followed her.

The two attendants remained silent, keeping their presence to a minimum, and followed them silently.

"Whether you dare or not is not up to you."

"We were born into the royal family, and we can't make the decision on many things ourselves."

The third prince warned his innocent sister.

Although the two of them were not born from the same mother, they often played together because they both loved wielding swords and guns since they were young.

This is sometimes the case. The more adults forbid it, the more children yearn for it.

When they were young, it was not easy for the Third Prince and the Ninth Prince to play together, but this actually allowed them to accumulate a deeper brother-sister relationship.

Especially in the past two years, the Ninth Emperor's daughter was always scolded by her mother and concubine and was not allowed to get too close to the third prince.

But the result was that the brother and sister went to the military camp together for half a year.

Although they all have the same father, their mothers are different.

Different mothers are destined to have different colors in their backgrounds.

Even colors that are opposite to each other.

After listening to the third prince's warning, the ninth princess whispered:

"Third brother, don't you just have the final say and be your own master?"

When the third prince heard this, he looked at the Ninth Princess in astonishment.

But looking at his sister's clear eyes, he couldn't help but laugh and said nothing more.

There was only a trace of helplessness hidden in his eyes that only he could understand.

But at this moment, the third prince's expression suddenly changed and he suddenly raised his hand.

The four people and four cavalry immediately reined in their horses and stopped, and they cooperated in a tacit understanding.

The next moment, a dark horse ran out from opposite them and headed straight for them.

But strangely, there was no one there right away.

Everyone on the third prince's side immediately raised their bows and nocked arrows, steadily aiming at the dark horse coming towards them from the opposite side.

The dark horse seemed to have sensed something, and immediately turned around and ran to the other side.

After the third prince discovered it, he immediately picked up his horse's speed. When the black horse had just turned around and not yet picked up speed, he caught up from behind and grabbed the reins on the saddle.

"Third brother, what's going on?"

Seeing that the third prince had controlled the dark horse, the Ninth Emperor's daughter quickly followed him to see the situation.

The third prince looked at the dark horse in front of him and felt that it looked familiar.

When he saw the gauze wrapped around the horse's neck, he immediately remembered.

"This is the horse I shot and injured a few days ago, but I have obviously eliminated its owner."

"She is a little girl who can cry very much."

The third prince recalled.

"I'm talking about that girl Huaxue."

The Ninth Emperor's Girl immediately spoke up.

It seems that talking about this will make you cry. Among the contemporary royal heirs, this is the first one.

"After being eliminated, I remember that the horses and supplies would be taken back and returned by the colorful eunuchs. Why is this horse still running around here?"

"Besides, someone even treated the horse's injuries."

The third prince raised his hand and immediately ordered:

"Alert around!"

The third prince did not choose to act rashly, but wanted to see what tricks the other party wanted to play.

On the branches in the distance, Li Xuan secretly watched this scene and couldn't help but feel a little regretful:

"This guy is careful."

That's right, Li Xuan rushed over to Dahei in order to arouse the enemy.

Unexpectedly, the snake stayed on guard and did not react as expected.

Because at this moment, no matter in front of or behind the third prince, there were surprises waiting for him.

At first, Li Xuan didn't know that the third prince and the ninth prince were here.

Although he could sense movement nearby, it wasn't from a God's perspective. He could only roughly judge how many people were in which direction.

It wasn't until he got closer that he realized that the third prince and the ninth prince were here.

To be honest, this surprised Li Xuan.

He originally thought that the group with the largest number of people was vacated by the Third Prince. After all, this guy was showing off before the competition.

Li Xuan thought that the biggest trouble was caused by this ruthless man, but now it seems that Li Xuan guessed wrong.

"Are those the three eldest prince brothers and sisters over there?"

Li Xuan looked back at the direction he came from.

The answer is about to be revealed, because a large number of people are on their way.

"I hope everything goes well for both girls."

This was the first time that Li Xuan let these two girls go out and act on their own, so he was inevitably a little worried.

If something unexpected happened on the road, Li Xuan would be too late to help them.

The Third Prince and others were on alert for a while and found that there was no movement, so they drove Dahei in another direction and planned to leave here first.

After Dahei was driven away, he immediately turned his horse's head and followed the direction where the third prince and others left, showing that he would never leave.

This guy looked back from time to time, trying to find any trace of Li Xuan, but he couldn't find it.

Li Xuan followed them from a distance. If they deviated from the planned route, Li Xuan would be responsible for delaying them for a while.

His task was a bit difficult, so he had to do it.

But not long after the third prince and others ran out, Li Xuan looked back in the direction they came from. He had heard the movement.

"It seems that I don't need to go out."

Li Xuan followed the third prince and others leisurely, waiting for the show to begin.

After a while, the third prince suddenly turned around and said:

"Two riders are rushing towards us, and their speed is not slow."

After that, the third prince gave a decisive order:

"Hide, set an ambush!"

If there were two people, they could easily eat it together, which was a matter of a moment.

The third prince did not intend to give up this opportunity.

Even if it was a bait, he was confident that he could get away by swallowing the bait before the other party reacted.

The four people rode on horses, each hiding behind a thick tree trunk, drawing their bows and arrows, and looking at the direction where the movement came from behind them.

"Hmph, let's show you guys who only know how to squat in the palace the art of the battlefield."

The third prince smiled coldly, intending to let the people behind him see what it means to be as fast as the wind and as aggressive as fire.

Soon, two figures slowly appeared in the forest, getting closer and closer to the ambush circle.

The third prince drew his bow and arrow in the dark, and quickly aimed at the target.

At this time, he had already seen the prey that was about to get into the trap.

"Hmph, it turned out to be you."

But at this moment, a loud cat cry suddenly came, resounding through the dense forest.


And the two riders who were originally locked by the third prince suddenly separated and went to the densely wooded area.


A fire arrow drew a vermilion streamer in the air, but it narrowly missed the target.

Among the royal descendants, naturally, they would not shoot directly at each other's people.

The third prince's target was the white horse under the opponent's crotch, but he was disturbed by the strange cry, and the target evaded in advance, so he had to shoot in advance.

But even if the Third Prince made temporary adjustments, his accuracy was still so high that even Li Xuan was shocked.

"This kid, at such a young age, has such archery skills."

But then, after the Third Prince shot an arrow that missed, he actually stood up from his hiding place and shouted urgently:


Although the other three people didn't understand why they heard the order, they immediately followed the Third Prince.

The Ninth Princess followed from behind and asked in confusion:

"Third brother, why retreat?"

"Ankang is on the opposite side, aren't we going to eat them?"

"Ankang is not much better than a little bean, I'm surprised she can ride a horse."

The Third Prince turned around and glared at the Ninth Princess, then asked back:

"If that's the case, why is Ankang still approaching us?"

After being asked by the Third Prince, the Ninth Princess looked back and found that although Princess Ankang and Yu'er were on both sides, hiding in the woods and moving forward, they were actually moving in the same direction as them.

The Ninth Princess's face suddenly showed a puzzled and even absurd expression, and she said in a stammer:

"Ankang, she..."

The Third Prince immediately asserted:

"Now it's not a question of us eating Ankang, but she wants to eat us!"

"Why does she do that?" The Ninth Princess blurted out.

The next moment, the sound of horse hooves like thunder sounded from behind them, accompanied by a burst of ghostly cries:

"Wow wow wow~"

"Go, don't let any of them escape!"

Thanks to "Angel Loves to Smile" for the reward support.

Thanks to all the book friends for their monthly ticket support.

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