Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 349 The True Face of the Strongest Group

This unique way of appearing made Li Xuan sweat.

Among the royal heirs, Li Xuan could not think of anyone else who could shout such lines so nonchalantly.

But now is not the time for him to think about this. When these rightful leaders appear, it's time for them to leave.

Li Xuan immediately took action, and his figure flashed through the forest like black lightning.

If the third prince felt something, he raised his bow and drew the full moon, then turned around to take aim.

This guy's riding and archery skills are quite good, and he can maintain a very stable posture like this.

But if he wanted to capture Li Xuan's movements, it would be a bit fanciful.

Because while the third prince was still aiming behind him, Li Xuan had already arrived in front of them.

There was a flash of black shadow, and the mounts of the Third Prince and the Ninth Prince's daughter suddenly gave way in their front legs, throwing them off the horse.

The Third Prince and the Ninth Emperor's daughter both had good cultivation, so they wouldn't have been directly injured when they fell off their horses.

Although the Third Prince was caught off guard, he still twisted around in mid-air, stepped hard on the tree in front of him, and then used the force in the opposite direction to land firmly on the ground.

The Ninth Emperor's daughter looked a little embarrassed. After rolling around on the ground, she barely stopped her body with the sword in her hand.

Judging from their respective responses, it can be seen that there is a gap in strength between the two people.

But even so, what they did was not bad, and their reactions were very fast. It can be seen that people who have rolled around on a real battlefield are indeed different.

"These two people do have their own pride."

Not to mention these three princes, even the Ninth Prince's daughter looks about the same age as Princess Ankang, but she already has this ability.

Among all the outstanding royal heirs, he is no less impressive.

"Jiu Mei, are you okay?"

The third prince asked, stepping forward and helping the Ninth Emperor's daughter up with a clean movement.

"Third brother, I'm fine."

"What happened just now?"

The Ninth Emperor's daughter looked at the struggling horse lying on the ground, and immediately discovered that there were blood marks on each of the horse's two front legs at some point.

But the problem is that she didn't see clearly what attacked their mount before.

This can't help but make the Ninth Princess feel a little shocked.

Unknown threats always make people feel extra scared.

"It should be some kind of exotic beast."

The Third Prince's previous reaction was better, but he only caught a vague glimpse of a black shadow and could not confirm what it was that attacked them.

The forest was dense and the light was poor, which greatly hindered his vision.

"Now is not the time to continue, get out of here quickly!"

The attendants of the third prince and the ninth prince had already turned their horses and came back to meet them.

Li Xuan deliberately kept their two horses, which was also planned by Princess Ankang from the beginning.

Now that their preparations have been completed, it remains to be seen how far this good show will go.

The third prince and the ninth prince each jumped onto the horses of their attendants, and then the two of them prepared to escape from this place.

Because not far behind them, the large army was gradually approaching them.

As for Princess Ankang and Yu'er, who were the vanguard of the large force, they were no longer ten feet away from them.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."


Pebbles and stones came through the air, each making different sounds.

After entering the shooting range, Princess Ankang and Yu'er immediately launched an attack.

They did this to make the Third Prince and Ninth Prince think that they were also part of the large force behind them.

And they had been following the Third Prince and the Ninth Prince's daughter in order to create a false impression for the large troops behind them.

They want both parties to feel that they are each other's people, so that the scene can be more interesting.

The third prince and the ninth prince reacted quickly, each drawing their swords to block the flying hidden weapons.

The third prince's weapon is a golden-red dragon-spine broad-bladed sword, which is extremely domineering.

He held the knife in front of him and blocked most of his body.

Dare to use such an exaggerated weapon, it is obvious that the third prince is very confident in his physical strength.

In the hand of the Ninth Emperor's daughter is a green sword, which is simple in style, not sharp, and very low-key.

But she danced the sword very fast, and she knocked away the hidden weapon that was shot at her in two strokes.

But Princess Ankang's hands kept moving, shooting left and right, staggered, and the stones were as dense as locusts. With just one person's strength, she was able to hit the opponent temporarily until he couldn't lift his head, and he was in a panic.

Yu'er took this opportunity to hit the two horses under their crotches with the stone in her hand, focusing on the horses' legs.

The Third Prince was able to cope with it, but the Ninth Emperor's daughter failed to take care of it and gave the horse a hard blow on her crotch. Her hind legs almost gave out, causing the Ninth Emperor's daughter to fall off the horse again.

But after the horse slowed down for two steps, it continued to run, but its movements couldn't help but become a little awkward, and its speed suddenly slowed down.

"Damn it, change positions!"

The Ninth Princess patted her maid, then turned over on her horse and moved to the front.

She did not sit down, but stood firmly on the horse. She picked up the bow and arrow on her back and started aiming at Princess Ankang.


Princess Ankang suddenly scolded, then yanked the reins and dodged to the side. While shuttled behind the tree, she quickly distanced herself from the third prince and the ninth prince in front of her.

Yu'er also followed suit, but the distance he distanced was opposite to Princess Ankang's.

As if they had discussed it in advance, the two of them evacuated from both sides, and with the help of the trees, they quickly distanced themselves from each other.

The Ninth Princess shot several arrows in a row, but none of them hit the target, which made her grit her teeth in anger.

"This Ankang is so cunning."

"At least she succeeded in keeping us, didn't she?"

The Third Prince stared at the direction where Princess Ankang left with complicated eyes, and then commented:

"She completed her mission perfectly."

He naturally recognized Princess Ankang.

Although the Third Prince later spent more time in the army than in the palace.

But he was very impressed with Princess Ankang, his sister.

After all, this was the only princess in the palace who lived in the cold palace with her mother.

"When she was a child, she was always sick, curled up in a wheelchair alone, and lay in the imperial garden for a whole day."

"I didn't expect that after breaking free from the constraints of the wheelchair, she would be so amazing."

The Third Prince couldn't help feeling a little dazed, and didn't dare to associate the previous Princess Ankang with the sick princess in his impression.

"Hide your strength and bide your time?"

"Or did the death of Concubine Xiao cause her some kind of shock?"

The Third Prince thought to himself, but he soon shook his head and drove these distracting thoughts out of his mind.

At the moment, he had more important things to deal with.

"Forget it, let's deal with them here."

The Ninth Princess's horse couldn't run fast anymore.

Instead of running on in vain, it would be better to save some energy and deal with the pursuers behind directly.

"Third brother, you should go first."

"I'll help you hold them back."

The Ninth Princess gritted her teeth and said, she didn't want to be a burden to the Third Prince.

"No need."

The Third Prince decisively rejected the Ninth Princess's proposal, then looked at the pursuers behind him and said contemptuously:

"Just a bunch of hairy kids!"

In their sight, the large number of pursuers had already come into view.

"Awoo awoo awoo awoo~"

"Surround them!"

"Kill them--"

Accompanied by a burst of ghostly screams, the dozen riders in front of them have surrounded the Third Prince and the Ninth Princess.

The Third Prince looked at the lineup in front of him and couldn't help but sneer:

"Old Eighth, you are really capable."

"You can actually organize this group of monkeys."

The first person to ride forward, shaking the cloak behind him, with the style of a general, was the proud Eighth Prince.

"Humph, you see my prestige?"

"Who is more popular, you can tell at a glance."

That's right, the largest group in Fanglin Garden is the Alliance to Prevent the Persecution of Little Beans led by the Eighth Prince.

After the little beans entered Fanglin Garden, they felt novel in the first few days and found everything strange.

But after being frozen several times in the night in the forest, they all cried and shouted to go home.

But now it is the autumn hunting competition, how can it be so childish.

The attendants of the little beans could only comfort their masters and ask them to hold on for two more days.

But everyone knows the nature of children very well, just two words: rebellious.

The more you don't let them do something, the more they will do it.

If most of the little beans' important items were not collected by the attendants, they would have already pulled the cloud-piercing arrows and given up the competition.

But it was at this time that the little beans began to meet the Eighth Prince.

Relying on his personality as the king of children, the Eighth Prince took in all the little beans who were lonely and bored wandering in the forest.

The little beans were only surrounded by attendants, and they felt boring when they were alone, but it was different after they had playmates.

The originally bitter outdoor environment became interesting after having playmates to suffer with them.

And at night, everyone slept together, which was obviously much warmer and more interesting.

The Eighth Prince took the little beans to play outdoor survival, and borrowed their attendants to serve as his combat power.

Although the Eighth Prince is usually careless and unruly, he is very good at dealing with children.

He soon gained the command of the attendants from the little ones.

These attendants are not fools. After seeing their young masters following the Eighth Prince, they also gave up the idea of ​​going home as soon as possible.

Moreover, by cooperating with each other, they can also achieve better results, and they can report back to their work, so why not?

As for the final victory or defeat.

If you can successfully reach the end, there may be a chance to fish in troubled waters.

At that time, if you encourage your young master, there may be a surprise.

In this way, under the leadership of the Eighth Prince, the Alliance to Prevent the Persecution of Little Beans was officially established.

Of course, the name to the outside world is definitely not this.

It’s just that the little ones have their own ideas. There has been no name that everyone is satisfied with for several days, so now they all call each other.

Moreover, there are a total of eight royal descendants as members of the alliance, resulting in eight alliance names, and each is the leader.

The Eighth Prince had anticipated this situation, but he didn't take it seriously. As long as he could command the attendants of the little ones, he would be fine.

As for the rest, it's up to you.

"You guys have been surrounded by my Divine Power General Alliance. Surrender immediately, and I can give you a decent death!"

Here, before the Third Prince and the Eighth Prince finished speaking, an impatient Xiao Douding stepped forward to persuade them to surrender.

Little Douding was holding a slingshot in one hand, and was ready to fire the bullet with the other hand. He raised his head high, but he had the aura of a mighty general.

The third prince and the ninth prince's daughter were aimed at by Little Douding with a slingshot, and the corners of their eyes twitched uncontrollably.

"Fart, this is obviously the Blood Sea Fragrance Pavilion! I am the Pavilion Master."

"Nonsense, it was clearly agreed yesterday that it was the Meteorite Palace, and I was the first-generation palace master!"

"Kill the Temple..."

"Netherworld Cult..."

"The Piaomiao Channel still sounds better. If you mention the name, I will be the director of the channel!"

"Return to the station director, why don't you become the factory director!"


Soon, a peaceful siege turned into an extremely lively discussion.

Li Xuan, who was observing the situation below on the tree, couldn't help but cover his head and felt a headache.

"It's also difficult for Lao Ba to have such a few little cubs by his side."

For just a moment, Li Xuan felt like his head was going to explode.

These little cubs all have small mouths, and they talk endlessly.

The third prince was silent for a moment and couldn't help but said:

"Laoba, you are indeed cruel to yourself."

The Eighth Prince sneered. The hardship involved was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"What is this?" The Ninth Princess felt a little dizzy and said disdainfully to the Eighth Prince: "Old Eighth Prince, you really do whatever it takes to win. You even deceive a child."

"Hmph, the winner and the loser have their own conclusions."

"Also, please call me Brother Eight Emperors!"

The eighth prince said seriously to the ninth prince.

Then he waved his hand and ordered:

"Left and right, get them for me!"

The valet of the Eighth Prince was the first to take action, and the other valets of the other Little Beans silently rolled their eyes at the Eighth Prince before following closely behind.

Eight against four, enough for the third prince and the ninth prince to drink a pot.

"Your Highnesses, I'm offended!"

The attendants shouted loudly and rushed towards him in a surrounded manner.

In this current situation, there are no rules.

Moreover, most of them are the servants of the Little Beans. Since the Little Beans have little combat power, they themselves are the entire combat power of a team.

Of course, these personal attendants did not go towards the third prince and the ninth emperor's daughter from the beginning, but planned to eliminate the two's personal attendants first.

Wait until the servant is dealt with, and then control the two of them. Then there will be no need to make the scene too ugly.

"Huh, let's give it a try!"

The third prince snorted coldly, then swung the dragon's spine broad-bladed sword in his hand and rushed forward at the lead.

Before he could get closer, he swung the sword in his hand and turned it around several times fiercely. As a result, the blade of his sword ignited with fire, and the momentum was astonishing.

"Fire Slash!"

The third prince's arms were swung like windmills, and he wrapped three or four people in a sheet of fire, making it impossible for them to move forward.

"Fire element is so angry!?"

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward and support.

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