Li Xuan briefly told what happened last night, took out the voucher and the cloud-piercing arrow, and handed them to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang looked at the serial number on the jade plate, then thought about it and said:

"If you're twenty-nine, it should be the sister who loves to cry."

"Did she get eliminated last night?"

Princess Ankang has an impression of the twenty-nine princesses.

Several times, she was awakened by the crying of the twenty-nine princesses while she was sleeping in the corner during gatherings in the imperial garden.

But Princess Twenty-nine is just a little Douding who has just passed Princess Ankang's knees. Princess Ankang will not be angry with Little Douding.

Just going back and forth, I remembered this cry-loving sister in my heart.

"You said these concubines are the same, and they dare to send such young children to Fanglin Garden."

Princess Ankang said, unable to help but shake her head.

Even though there were close attendants protecting him, and there were eunuchs in colorful clothes secretly, but if something unexpected happened, how could such a young child withstand it?

And with Xiao Douding's strength, facing those brothers and sisters, there is no hope of winning, and I don't know what the purpose of being so involved is?

Princess Ankang felt particularly puzzled.

But since the cloud-piercing arrow was shot last night, the twenty-nine princesses have most likely been sent away by the eunuchs in colorful clothes, and they will not have to suffer in the woods in the next few days.

"How you want to use this thing is entirely up to you."

At this time, Li Xuan swung his tail and wrote to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang nodded and took the twenty-nine princesses' certificates and the Cloud-Piercing Arrow into her arms.

Her own credentials and the Cloud-Piercing Arrow were in Li Xuan's Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

Unless Li Xuan takes the initiative to hand it over, others will not be able to find these two things from them.

But the three little ones are not completely invincible.

As long as the other party makes them lose the power to resist, and then fires other people's cloud-piercing arrows, they can still be eliminated.

After handing the things to Princess Ankang, Li Xuan called Yu'er to help the horse treat its wounds.

After this guy followed Li Xuan to the camp yesterday, he lay beside the warm campfire all night.

Because one side of its neck was injured, that half of its body did not dare to touch the ground, so it lay on the ground twisting and turning, and it looked a little coquettish.

Li Xuan realized something was wrong and immediately shook his head.

"not good!"

"The aesthetics seem to be a little distorted recently..."

He then turned his attention to Princess Ankang and Yu'er, and suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

"It doesn't seem like there's much of a problem."

The wound on the horse's body had stopped bleeding a long time ago because of the burning.

But if the arrow is stuck in its body, sooner or later it will become infected, and it will be difficult for it to survive.

After all, it brought a gift to the three little ones, how could it not save them from death?

Li Xuan asked Yu'er to prepare some medicine to stop the bleeding, and then he neatly pulled out the arrow from the horse with his tail.

The wound on the horse's body suddenly burst open, dripping with blood, and it lay on the ground struggling in pain, neighing in pain.

Li Xuan pressed its body firmly, while Yu'er applied medicine to it with quick eyes and hands.

After a while, the wound on the horse's body stopped bleeding. Yu'er wrapped two circles of bandages around its neck. Although it didn't look good, it was effective after all.

After treating the wound, the guy was still lying on the ground groaning. Li Xuan patted its head angrily.

"Meow, woo. (It's just a superficial wound to you, it's like you're screaming to death or alive.)"

Maybe he understood what Li Xuan meant, so the horse stopped barking and looked at Li Xuan pitifully with its big eyes.

"Axuan, this little guy is quite scared."

Princess Ankang laughed when she saw the horse's reaction.

After the wound was treated, Li Xuan helped the horse stand up.

At this time, I realized that this horse was shorter than Bai Xue and Yu'er's horses, and it looked like it was still underage.

It was dark last night, and Li Xuan knocked this guy down as soon as they met, but only then did he realize that it was a pony.

"Axuan, this horse is quite suitable for you."

"How about you ride it for the next few days?"

Although this horse is a head shorter, its coat is pure black without a trace of stray hairs. Its fur is shiny and shiny, and its appearance is excellent.

That's right. How many of the horses that can be raised by the royal family are bad?

Li Xuan tried to stand up, but it turned out that he was completely integrated.

He closed his eyes again, lowered his ears, and became one with the horse perfectly.

Only upon closer inspection can one discover that the horse seems to have a big bump on it.

This scene made Princess Ankang and Yu'er laugh.

"Haha, Ah Xuan, you and he are brothers, right?"

"If you lie down on it, we won't even be able to find you."

Princess Ankang pretended not to know Li Xuan's location, felt around on the horse, and shouted "A Xuan A Xuan", looking anxiously looking for him.

"This horse looks exactly like Ah Xuan, so why not call him Da Hei?"

Yu'er on the side suggested.

"Axuan, Dahei."

"It's good to be brothers."

Princess Ankang said with a smile.

Li Xuan was used to being teased by these two girls, so he didn't care and just rolled his eyes.

And then, Li Xuan actually rode on Dahei as Princess Ankang said.

Now, all three little ones have a horse.

Dahei was also sensible, and knew that the three little ones saved it, and they were very honest along the way.

Li Xuan lay on its back and pulled Dahei's ears with his tail, and it knew where to turn.

Over the next few days, they continued hunting other contestants.

However, unlike the smooth start, it was already difficult for them to find a suitable target to start with.

Li Xuan found traces of many other people, but it was not convenient for them to start.

These people actually started to learn to stick together.

No matter how confident Li Xuan is in his own strength, he doesn't want to fight one against many.

More importantly, in this competition, Li Xuan hopes to let Princess Ankang and Yu'er perform more and experience their abilities.

Although they have each acquired some self-protection abilities, they still have too little experience in using them. They need to accumulate more experience while they have the opportunity.

"Axuan, still don't have a suitable target?"

Princess Ankang couldn't help but ask.

They followed Li Xuan and changed directions several times, but until now, they had not met anyone else for a long time.

In addition to the eighteen princes at the beginning, the three little ones later eliminated two players through sneak attacks.

These two are not little Douding. Although they are younger than Princess Ankang, they are almost the same age.

However, he launched a sneak attack through the slingshot method and successfully eliminated the opponent, and obtained the opponent's credentials and cloud-piercing arrows.

But then their actions began to go wrong.

Li Xuan only took the two of them for a spin in the forest, but did not compete with other players.

After Princess Ankang and Yu'er experienced several successful actions, they gradually began to gain confidence and looked forward to acting again.

But the delay in meeting the next wave of enemies made them a little anxious.

Li Xuan led the way, turned around and explained to the two of them:

"Everyone around here has already formed a group, and the smallest group has only two people."

"One of the largest ones had a crowd of seven or eight people."

Princess Ankang and Yu'er were both shocked when they saw Li Xuan's tail leaving such writing in the air.

"What are they doing together with so many people?"

"Who wins in the end?"

Princess Ankang asked puzzledly.

To be honest, Li Xuan can't figure out the situation now.

It doesn’t matter if two or three people stick together. What does it mean for seven or eight people to stick together?

"Is it possible that a consensus was reached before the game?"

Li Xuan frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Seven or eight princes and princesses, plus the attendants around them, this is definitely a force that can sweep the competition.

The opponent has a large number of people. As long as they can delay Li Xuan for a moment, they can allocate manpower to deal with Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

Even the three little ones can't go head-to-head with so many people.

"Is it the eldest prince?"

Apart from the eldest prince, Li Xuan could not think of anyone else who could do such a thing.

The eldest prince himself has the support of the fourth prince and the sixth prince, and with Concubine Zhang working behind the scenes, it is not difficult to recruit a few helpers.

There are also many princes and princesses who do not have a high sense of presence.

These people have no hope of the throne, and their treatment in the palace is mediocre. If Concubine Zhang is willing to spend money, it will not be difficult to win over a few of them.

"If that's the case, it'll be troublesome."

Li Xuan frowned, not knowing how to break the situation.

This game was exactly as he expected. No one wanted to hunt properly, but they all had the idea of ​​​​getting rid of the other players and then winning the game.

"Since we all have the same idea, why not do the opposite now?"

Most of the contestants are now concentrated in the west, but when they entered Honglin Court, they entered from the east.

Since it is no longer easy to hunt other players, Li Xuan thought about getting out of this quagmire, and then took Princess Ankang and Yu'er to the east to hunt.

Anyway, as long as you are not eliminated, and you finally take the voucher and return to the entrance within the time limit, you will be scored according to the prey you hunted.

These guys are fighting fiercely and have no intention of hunting.

The more Li Xuan thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, so he discussed it with Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

Yu'er immediately agreed:

"Axuan, you are smarter. When others are competing fiercely, if we hunt well, we can even establish an advantage."

"The longer we fight here, the greater our advantage will be."

"Your Highness, Ah Xuan can sense the traces of other people. If we hunt as many prey as possible and persist until the end, we will definitely win."

"Their prey couldn't be any better than ours."

Obviously, Yu'er very much agrees with Li Xuan's plan.

But this time, Princess Ankang shook her head firmly, and rarely sang against Li Xuan.


"We're not leaving!"

Yu'er was stunned and asked in confusion: "Your Highness?"

Li Xuan was also a little surprised. This girl always obeyed Li Xuanyan on important matters.

Today was the first time that there were internal differences among the three little ones.

But Li Xuan was not in a hurry. Princess Ankang was not a fool, on the contrary, she was very smart.

She must have her own ideas if she is so opposed to Li Xuan's opinion.

Princess Ankang saw that Li Xuan just looked at her calmly, and there was even a hint of encouragement in his eyes, which made her feel warm in her heart.

Princess Ankang grinned cutely, but her eyes sparkled and she said confidently:

"Axuan, you lead the way and don't stop. We are walking among these groups, talking as we go."

Li Xuan nodded and continued to lead the way. At this time, Princess Ankang also expressed her thoughts.

"Axuan, sister Yu'er."

"If we don't leave, we will deal with the others in the west."

"It's too cold in the woods. I don't want to stay here for ten days."

Princess Ankang said firmly.


Yu'er seemed hesitant, not knowing what to say.

Li Xuan had informed them of the surrounding situation before, but Yu'er didn't think there was any chance for them.

Moreover, instinctively speaking, Yu'er did not want Princess Ankang to stay in such a situation and take risks.

If they encounter the largest group that Li Xuan mentioned, they may not even be able to escape and will be unfortunately eliminated.

After all, although Li Xuan has extremely fast speed, they both ride horses.

In terms of riding skills, Princess Ankang and Yu'er are not superior, they are just better than the little Doudings.

Therefore, when Yu'er heard that Princess Ankang was going to solve the game in the west, she couldn't help but feel worried for them.

Princess Ankang also saw Yu'er's thoughts and said immediately:

"Sister Yu'er, don't worry, I don't want to confront them head-on."

"But there is a good way."

"In the book of fables, do you all remember the story about the snipe and the clam fighting and the fisherman profiting?"

Princess Ankang said mysteriously.

Princess Ankang told this story to Li Xuan no less than seventy or eighty times, and even Yu'er listened to it several times, so she was naturally deeply impressed.

But she still didn't understand what Princess Ankang had in mind.

Li Xuan smiled slightly and looked at Princess Ankang with eyes full of relief.

He had already decided at this point.

Regardless of whether Princess Ankang's methods are good or bad, Li Xuan will definitely play with her this time.

Success or not is not important, what is important is that Princess Ankang took this step.

Li Xuan even preferred Princess Ankang's plan to fail.

Because in failure, Princess Ankang can learn more.

More importantly, they can afford to lose now.

After that, there may no longer be an opportunity to afford to lose.

"Sister Yu'er, you said it before."

"Axuan can sense the movements of everyone nearby."

"Then, we can take advantage of this and lead these groups into conflicts."

"No matter which side it is, it's not clear which group we belong to."

"As long as they are brought into contact, they will inevitably consume each other."

"As long as we arrange the sequence well, even the largest group can kill them."

"We sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, watching them consume each other."

"One last thing..."

When Princess Ankang said this, she paused for a moment and winked at Li Xuan and Yu'er.

The three little ones looked at each other and then said in unison:

"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins! (Meow!)"

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