Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 346 The gift brought by the horse

call out--

A sharp roar suddenly sounded, with firelight piercing the night sky.

The flaming arrows pierced the galloping horses. Not only did the horses suffer pain, but they were also burned by the fire. They immediately screamed and went crazy, overturned the owner on the horse, and then fell headlong. He got into the woods and disappeared.

"Your Highness!"

The maid on the side immediately exclaimed, turned her horse's head and ran towards her master.

But as soon as the maid turned the horse's head, she saw a black shadow suddenly rush out from behind, hid in the stirrup on the horse's back, and smoothly snatched the master off the ground, which made her eyes wide open.

That dark shadow was the third prince who had been chasing them all the way.

The third prince held up the little bean curd in his hand and hung the long bow on his back neatly. Then he suddenly grimaced and screamed strangely. The crying bean curd in his hand was suddenly frightened. Crying to heaven and earth.

"Your Highness, please show mercy!"

When the maid in court saw her master crying like this, she felt heartbroken and quickly spoke to stop him.

The third prince laughed happily when he saw that the younger sister in his hand was so frightened.

He has been training in the military in recent years, and these young brothers and sisters are no longer able to recognize him.

It is estimated that after some time, after staying in the palace for a long time, we will gradually be able to distinguish the ranking of these little beans.

"You know what I want."

The third prince held up the pink and jade-carved little bean curd in front of him. Seeing that there was nothing hidden in this little thing, he directly said to the maid.

The maid gritted her teeth, but when she saw the young master crying, she suddenly didn't know what to do.

She couldn't make the decision on her own in this matter, so she immediately asked for instructions: "Your Highness, Your Highness..."

But the maid called several times in succession, and the only response she received was the increasingly violent crying. It was obvious that her little master had been frightened and was now in a helpless state.


The third prince sighed helplessly, then placed the little princess in his hand firmly in front of his saddle, rubbed the little princess's head with his big hands, and said in a calm tone:

"Why are you crying?"

"Brother is joking with you."

The third prince wiped the little princess's tears, and then pinched her little face with one hand.

Although the little princess, who looked younger than the eighteenth prince, was still crying, she was obviously not as heartbroken as before.

Moreover, the little princess's crying is gradually easing down. I guess she can be comforted if she is comforted for a while.

The third prince immediately took the time to urge the maid.

"Hurry up, stop the ink stains!"

The palace maid looked embarrassed and explained:

"Your Highness still needs to make your own decision on this matter. Please don't embarrass me, Your Highness."

The decision to give up the competition can only be made by the master. Otherwise, if the palace maid makes the decision for the master, no matter what happens when she returns, she will definitely not suffer the consequences.

The third prince immediately heard the hidden meaning of the maid's words. He immediately shook his head and followed him out of the forest behind him. It was the third prince's eunuch.

The third prince's eunuch approached directly, then took down the maid, and searched her body carefully without any hesitation, but could not find the voucher or the cloud-piercing arrow.

The maid-in-waiting showed no resistance during this process and cooperated obediently with the other party.

"Your Highness, the thing is not on her."

The eunuch who served nearby came back to report.

When the third prince heard this, he covered his head with a headache and reached out to turn the little princess in front of him so that she sat facing him.

The little princess was crying like a little cat. The third prince couldn't help but smile, but then he remembered the business and couldn't help but smile even more tenderly.

"Little sister."

The third prince's eunuch looked away silently, guarding the surroundings with a serious expression.

The controlled maid's eyes twitched, but she still resisted the urge to cast a strange look at the third prince, lowered her head and stared at the toes of her shoes.

"Tell brother where you hid the certificate and the Cloud Piercer Arrow, okay?"

"Brother, can I treat you to some delicious barbecue?"

"Whether it's a rabbit or a pheasant, my brother will catch it for you."

The third prince forced out what he thought was a kind smile, and he also winked to express his friendly attitude.

The little princess was stunned for a moment, and the next moment she showed the third prince what "cries of ghosts and gods" meant. She cried even harder than before, and coughed while crying, almost coughing out her lungs.

The maid at the side looked distressed and didn't know what to do. She could only look at the third prince with pleading eyes.

The third prince couldn't help but cover his ears, with an expression of despair.

"Get this little thing away from me quickly."

"Tie the two of them here, and then launch our cloud-penetrating arrows!"

The third prince ordered quickly.

His eunuch immediately invited the little princess off the saddle, said "I'm sorry", and then acted as instructed.

The maid knew that she could not change the situation if she resisted, so she hugged the little princess and then asked the eunuch to tie them up.

In this way, at least the little princess can feel better.

The maid seemed to have become accustomed to the little princess's cries, and she didn't feel noisy at all. After taking the little princess, she held her and rocked her gently, humming a soft tune to comfort the little princess. .

But the crying sound was still unbearable. It seemed that it would take some effort to coax the little princess well.

The eunuch who served as the third prince's valet was particularly agile. After tying up the master and servant, he immediately shot the cloud-piercing arrow for fear of being too late, and then trotted to the third prince to return to his life.

But before he could say anything, the third prince sped up and shouted:

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

"I don't want to be here any longer."

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

The third prince's eunuch also agreed with his idea. He immediately mounted his horse and quickly followed.

The maid looked at the two people leaving in a hurry and couldn't help but sigh. She didn't expect that they would be eliminated so quickly this time.

But she couldn't help but think that if the little princess cried at the top of her lungs from the beginning, she might be able to persuade the third prince to retreat directly.

"Your Highness also has His Highness's talents."

"No worse than others."

Through the little princess's wide-open mouth, the maid could clearly see the little tongue trembling slightly with the cry, and she thought silently in her heart.

"Hey, someone has been eliminated again."

Hearing the sound of cloud-penetrating arrows outside, Princess Ankang's head came out of the tent and looked at the fireworks in the night sky.

After nightfall, the three little ones set up tents to rest.

Although Li Xuan hopes that Princess Ankang will actively participate in the competition, he has not yet reached the point of squeezing her and denying her a good meal and rest.

After all, Li Xuan is just a cute little kitten, not an unscrupulous capitalist.

And next, the heads of Yu'er and Li Xuan emerged from behind the curtain of the tent.

It was still quite cold in the forest at night. None of the three guys wanted to get out of bed, so they stuck their heads out to check what was going on outside.

"It seems that the other highnesses did not stop hunting at night."

Yu'er couldn't help but sigh.

She thought that the others had rested like them, but she didn't expect that the fierce battle was still going on.

Li Xuan silently calculated how far away the cloud-piercing arrow was from them.

"It's a bit far away, so we probably won't be found here tonight."

Li Xuan was paying close attention to the movements around him, but he was not worried that someone would attack him.

It is almost impossible to avoid Li Xuan's perception and successfully attack based on the strength of these people competing this time.

"These guys are really energetic, but thinking about it, a sneak attack at night seems to be a good decision."

Li Xuan already subconsciously believed that those who fired the cloud-penetrating arrows were the result of being artificially eliminated.

He had seen the prey map in the forbidden garden before, and there were no particularly dangerous animals. Especially this Fanglin Garden, which could be said to be like a novice area.

When every prince and princess is followed by a bodyguard, unless he commits suicide, it is difficult to encounter a situation where he needs to use the cloud-piercing arrow to ask for help.

After the three children watched the fireworks for a while, they quickly retreated into the tent to sleep.

But when they slept until midnight, Li Xuan suddenly noticed the undisguised sound of horse hooves approaching them.

He opened his eyes immediately and saw Princess Ankang and Yu'er sleeping soundly next to him, so he sneaked out of the bed.

By the time Li Xuan left the tent, the sound of horse hooves was already very close to them.

Li Xuan couldn't help but frown when he heard the sound of horse hooves.

"It doesn't look like a sneak attack, but rather a panic attack."

He was afraid that the noise would wake up the two girls, so he rushed directly in the direction of the sound of horse hooves, but he only saw an ownerless horse running wildly.

The horse seemed to be frightened. It ran without any plan and just kept moving forward.

The horse's body was steaming with heat and he was sweating. He had obviously been running for a long time.

If the horse continued to charge like this, it would hit the tent of the three little ones.

Li Xuan quickly jumped on the saddle to control the horse.

He tightened the reins hard, and the horse felt an irresistible force. It stood up uncontrollably, and finally fell to the ground due to the inertia of speed. It stayed there for a long time. Can't get up.

At the last moment, Li Xuan nimbly jumped off the horse.

I saw the horse was tired and in pain, lying on the ground panting heavily, but his eyes were much clearer and not as red as before.

Only then did Li Xuan discover that there was an arrow stuck near the horse's neck, but the wound was no longer bleeding and was instead black.

"It turns out it was because he was hit by an arrow that he ran like this."

"I just don't know where the owner of this guy is?"

Li Xuan looked at the horse's wound, but was not in a hurry to help it pull out the arrow.

First of all, the wound has stopped bleeding now, and it will definitely bleed again when the arrow is pulled out.

Secondly, Yu'er had already fallen asleep, and Li Xuan himself was not good at dealing with such wounds.

Li Xuan saw that the horse was panting and resting from exhaustion. It seemed that its life was not in danger. He was not in a hurry to deal with its wounds. Instead, he checked the objects on it to see if he could confirm the identity of its owner.

But apart from the saddle, there was only a bag containing snacks hanging on the horse's saddle.

Li Xuan saw that it was carrying the saddle and lying on the ground, feeling uncomfortable, so he helped it unbutton the saddle.

The saddle buckle was on the side of the horse's belly. Now that it was lying, it was convenient for Li Xuan to unbutton it.

After Li Xuan opened the saddle, he threw it aside.

"If this guy's wound is not treated, he will probably die."

"Forget it, let Yu'er take a look tomorrow morning."

Li Xuan tried to communicate with the horse to see if he could get something out of it.



Li Xuan couldn't help but tilt his head, and the horse blinked its big eyes.

"Hey, what is this?"

As the saying goes, cat lips don't match horse mouths, and they couldn't communicate anything.

Seeing that there was no effect, Li Xuan gave up continuing to communicate. Seeing that the horse had rested for a while, he pushed it up and let it rest over to their camp.

After all, there was a fire in their camp, which was better than lying on the cold ground all the time.

It was still easy for Li Xuan to push a horse with his strength.

Then Li Xuan led the way, and the horse immediately understood what he meant and followed him obediently.

After walking two steps, Li Xuan suddenly remembered something, turned around and picked up the saddle on the ground.

"It's not okay to litter, it's rare that the natural scenery here is so beautiful."

But it was Li Xuan's sense of public morality that made him make an unexpected discovery.

There was something stuck on the back of the saddle, a small cloth bag.

Li Xuan tore it off with force, and then he found that there was a small mechanism on the saddle, which could open the secret compartment from the top.

He didn't understand it before, but he found something hidden under the bottom of the saddle.

"What is this?"

Li Xuan curiously opened the small cloth bag, and found that the small cloth bag was the map distributed to everyone at the beginning of the game, but the route on it was obviously different from the three little hands.

And in the small cloth bag, there was a certificate and a cloud-piercing arrow.

The jade card of the certificate had the number "twenty-nine" written on it.

"Haha, whose unlucky guy's certificate and cloud-piercing arrow are these?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but grin.

Judging from the number on the certificate, it should belong to a little kid.

But judging from the injury of the horse, I'm afraid that the little kid is in danger and may have been eliminated.

"Hey, I picked up a certificate and a cloud-piercing arrow for free."

Li Xuan didn't expect that he would have such luck in the middle of the night.

Thinking about the fireworks they saw before, it seemed that the horse ran from the previous direction.

But thinking about it, Li Xuan felt a little strange again.

"No, the little kid's cloud-piercing arrow is here, who did the previous cloud-piercing arrow belong to?"

"Isn't it the same group of people?"

Li Xuan thought about it, then shook his head and didn't think about it any more.

There are quite a few participants this time, and a melee is very likely, which is not too strange.

"I have to think about how to make good use of this thing."

Li Xuan shook his head and didn't know what ghost idea he was thinking about, and took the horse back to the camp first.


Early the next morning.

The two girls who were pulled out of bed by Li Xuan looked at the enchanting horse lying on the ground in the camp and asked Li Xuan in confusion:

"Where did it come from?"

Thanks to "天使爱説笑" for the reward support.

Thanks to all the book friends for the monthly ticket support.

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