About ten minutes later, Dongfang came out of the convenience store carrying two bags of food.

He saw a purple-haired girl standing next to Arisu with an unhappy look on her face.

"Eh? Kamuro-san"

"……"Kamuro-san is in a bad mood and doesn't want to talk.

"This...what is going on?"

"Ah~ Nothing, I'm training my own puppy"

"puppy……"I saw a familiar box of gum on the table across from Arisu. Ah, that's Lu Duo. Kamuro-san didn't give up stealing the gum, and was caught by Arisu.

Although I'm not sure how Arisu did it, it's clear that Kamuro-san is going to lose his dignity.

"Remember to pick me up for school tomorrow. I don't like people to disturb me too early, nor do I like people to come too late, otherwise I will be angry."

Arisu looked at Kamuro-san and said something without mercy.

Kamuro looked at Arisu, glared at Higashikata-san, and walked away with an unhappy look on his face.

"Ah... it's really tragic"

"I am saving her. Acting recklessly will ruin our class."

"Forget it, the ingredients are ready, let's go back and cook!"

Dongfang said as he was about to help Arisu up, but he saw the dissatisfaction in the other's eyes. So he sighed helplessly.:

"Please, Miss Arisu"

"That's pretty good."

"……"Your heart is as small as your height." Dongfang muttered a few words in a low voice. But he saw the other party's death stare.

"I always feel like you're thinking about something rude."

"No. Absolutely not."

The two returned to Higashikada's dormitory.

Arisu scanned the room with his eyes.:

"Not bad. It seems you have no trace of any misconduct."

"How can it be possible that I am not being decent? You take a rest first, I will go to cook."

Arisu was not polite, she changed into spare slippers and sat directly on the bed.

"Come to think of it, I really miss it. It's been several years since I've eaten your cooking."

"After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Dongfang answered while busying himself in the kitchen. Suddenly, he thought of Ayanokouji, whom he had met not long ago, and thought that now was a good opportunity to test Arisu.

"That, Alice"

"What's wrong?"

"I met that Ayanokouji two days ago. He was the one you always mentioned before. He seemed very cool."

Arisu heard a sour taste in the other person's words 'always mentioned' and almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Ah, you've seen him."

"Yes, but he seems to not remember you. I don't know what's going on. Hahaha." He seemed to feel embarrassed and deliberately laughed dryly.

Hearing the tentative meaning of Dongfang, Arisu decided to play a good trick on this childhood sweetheart.

"Really? I guess I'm just pretending. After all, we went to the movies together yesterday."

""Crack" Something broke

"Ah, ah, that's true.……"

"Actually, I have advised him a long time ago that there is no need to hide some things.……"

Higashikata-san was deeply hurt and petrified. He was unable to utter a complete sentence.

Arisu seemed to have laughed in the room after having had enough jokes.

"Hahahaha~ I was just kidding you."

The petrified state is lifted


"It’s true that he doesn’t know me. And I don’t like him either."

Dongfang seemed to hear the most beautiful sound in the world, just like a student who is holding his urine and hears the bell for the end of class.


She made no secret of her purpose.

"Master Dongfang seems to be very concerned about the girl's private affairs."

"I, I don't have any. Your personal affairs or something……"

"Eh? What if I have a boyfriend in the future?"


"Hahaha. You really can't help teasing."

The nasty Arisu once again teased the innocent virgin Dongfang.

Dongfang-san also came out of the kitchen with a plate. A full plate of tempura and two bowls of steaming udon noodles.

Looking at Dongfang-san, whose face turned black, Arisu took the initiative to pick up a piece of tempura and put it to Dongfang-san's mouth.

Dongfang-san decisively accepted the feeding.

After eating, Dongfang-san sat next to Arisu and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Arisu.

"Stand up, walk to the end of the bed, turn around, and lie down.

Although I didn't know what the other party was going to do, I still followed Arisu's instructions.

Unexpectedly, what greeted me was not a mattress, but a pair of white silk slings.



""Open, be happy."

Arisu smiled and planned to give Dongfang a facial massage. So he took off his mask.

Dongfang also felt what he was going to do and subconsciously wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

There were three rough horizontal scars on the face under the mask, but it did not destroy Dongfang's original appearance.

It just added some wildness to this handsome and mature face.

Arisu looked at the scars on the other's face and felt very distressed. After all, if it weren't for him, the other party would not have suffered almost fatal injuries.

"Um, Arisu?"

"No matter how many times I see your face, I always think you're handsome, Yingyi.

Arisu rarely called out Touhou-san's name. At this moment, the atmosphere was slightly sad.

"Ha... At least you are safe and sound, and I am not affected at all, isn't that good? It's just a pity that the mastermind behind this was not caught."

Arisu also began to caress Higashikata's face with his hands, massaging it slowly.

"Do you know why I mentioned the name Ayanokouji many times before?"

"I thought you liked him……"

"……Actually, when I was seven years old, my father took me to a place like a research institute. The ceiling, floor, doors, windows, and even the clothes everyone wore were all white."

"It is also called the 'white room', an institution for the cultivation of artificial geniuses. I saw a boy there defeat his opponent with a ruthless and indifferent attitude."

"Everyone around him called him a"successful work". But was he really successful? Can genius be created artificially?"

"I scoffed at this. After all, I have really seen absolute genius.……"At this point, Arisu looked deeply at Higashikata-san.

"So, I thought he was fake, and I wanted to defeat him to prove that genius cannot be created artificially. From then on, defeating him became my obsession."

"And that"successful work" is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, so you will hear him from my mouth."

"But come to think of it, I don't mention him very often around you. Or is it that the young master is so possessive that he will remember even the name I occasionally mention?"

Arisu started teasing Higashi-san again, but this time, the latter also untied the knot that had lasted for ten years.

As for the so-called possessiveness, Higashi-san denied it. Arisu mentioned Ayanokouji's name around him at least five or six times.

"……So that's how it is. Then the so-called opponent my father was talking about must be him."

"So, shall we have a competition? Who can bury Ayanokouji first?"

"No, if he was the same as he was the last time I saw him, a puppet without any motivation, I would never consider him as my opponent."

"Really? He can't hide forever."

"Then I will wait for him to come forward and knock him down."

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