The next day, the Student Union Room

"Dongfang knocked on the classroom door.

"Please come in."

As soon as I walked in, I saw that the student council classroom was empty except for Horikita Manabu, who was sitting in front of the door, and Tachibana Akane, who was standing behind him like a secretary.

""Classmate, who are you?"

Dongfang looked at the sofa on the left and saw a handsome blond senior asking the question.

"Didn't you introduce me to others?"Higashira-san didn't answer this question. Instead, he asked Horikita Manabu

"I haven't had time yet. But it's not too late to introduce myself now. This is Dongfang Yingyi from Class 1A, and like you, Nanyun, he is the vice president of the student union."

"Eh? President?"After hearing Horikita Manabu's introduction, Tachibana Akane seemed to have not expected that he would recruit a first-year student as the vice president.

"Please give me more advice, Senior Tachibana"

"Wow... Has the big devil started to invade the student union?" Apparently Akane is still complaining about the Kendo Club.

"I told you it was intentional."

"Since it is the president's decision, please give me your advice, Vice President Higashigata."

Unlike Tachibana Akane, Nan Yun did not welcome this junior from the bottom of his heart. This was obviously a tool used by Horikita Manabu to divide his power and compete with him.

However, no matter how much he resisted, he would not show it on the surface. He still spoke with a gentle face.:

"Ah, welcome, Dongfang. If you have any questions about your work, please feel free to ask me. I will teach you well."

"Really? Senior Nanyun is really enthusiastic."Knowing that this person is his competitor, Dongfang plans to test him first.

"After all, we are seniors and juniors from the same school. Horikita-senpai also taught me this way."

"Yes, Senior Horikita has taught me a lot. I am confident that I can be a good vice president."

Hearing that the other party seemed unwilling to stand on his side, Nanyun also lost interest in chatting. After saying goodbye, he hurried away.

"what do you think?"

"I told you, I'm confident"

"Really? That's good."

Tachibana Akane was confused as she listened to the conversation between Horikita Manabu and Higashikata, but she would agree with anything the president agreed with.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."


After saying goodbye to Horikita Manabu, Dongfang returned to the classroom and continued to spend an ordinary day.

Soon, a week had passed since the start of school.

"Well, today is the time to fulfill the bet."

Dongfang has not been idle during this period. He learned from the seniors of the Kendo Club that many third-year students have unlimited points on their mobile phones.

Therefore, he decided to talk to those seniors, thinking of using the power of the Dongfang family to provide them with a stable future in exchange for some personal points.

However, it happened that someone was doing the same thing as him. Therefore, the points he received were not many, and together with the points from the Kendo Club before, there were only about three million.

"I don't know how much Arisu got. But I feel like I'm doomed to lose."

"Dingling~" I heard a message coming from my phone.

It was a screenshot of my personal points on my student ID card sent by Arisu. Looking at the bright 5 million points, I thought to myself: As expected.

After the screenshot, there was a message from Arisu: Master, I think you don't mind accompanying your master to enjoy the sun on Sunday.

"Appreciate... the sun...?" He clearly called himself a young master in the message, but it was ironic no matter how you read it.

Dongfang also sighed. It was not the first time he lost to Arisu, but he felt a little depressed this time.

Sunday. Dongfang, who changed into casual clothes, was waiting for the silver-haired little princess downstairs of the dormitory.

"Ah~ You are really on time."

Hearing the familiar tone, Dongfang also knew that the heroine had appeared.

A girl with a white beret on her head, a delicate and cute face, a white dress, and two white garter stockings on her legs, with a playful and elegant temperament, appeared at the elevator entrance.

"How dare I be late? After all, I am a slave today."

"Then," Arisu stopped talking midway and stared at Higashikata-san, as if waiting for something.

"……Please, Miss Arisu."Houto-san could only cooperate with Arisu's bad taste.

After hearing a satisfactory reply, he slowly walked towards the entertainment street with his cane.

"It's already mid-April, but it's still a little cold."As they walked, Arisu suddenly sighed.

Higashikata took off his coat without hesitation and put it on Arisu.

Feeling the extra coat on his body, Arisu's mouth curled up slightly. It's a pity that Higashikata, who was walking on the side and behind, didn't see this beauty that was better than a lotus emerging from the water.

The two walked around the school, and Arisu felt a little tired. They sat on the public chairs on the side. There was a breeze, but no one spoke, not wanting to destroy this peace and beauty.

Higashikata turned his head slightly to look at Arisu. Sure enough, coming to High-Level Idolization Middle School was the most successful decision this year.

At first, he followed his father's arrangement to take the entrance exam, but because the school was so famous, Higashikata wanted to find some challenges for himself.

As a result, he passed the written test or interview of High-Level Idolization with close to full marks. Just when he was thinking about going to other schools, he heard his father say that this school would have so-called opponents.

However, compared to the opponents, obviously, he found the best reason to come here.

After a while, Arisu suddenly spoke:

"Feeling a little hungry"

"Where do you want to eat?"

Arisu pointed at Higashiyama-san.

"I want to try the food made by the master himself."

"Hey? But I don't have much ingredients in my dormitory. How about I send you back first and then go buy some ingredients?"

"There's no need to be so troublesome, let's go together."

The two decided to go to the convenience store to buy ingredients.

Arisu sat alone on a chair outside the convenience store waiting, while Dongfang went into the convenience store by himself.

Looking at the various ingredients in front of him, he began to choose carefully. Just as he was about to buy seasonings, he noticed a purple-haired girl in the corner making sneaky movements, as if she was about to put something in her pocket.

Dongfang also had a general understanding of all the classmates in the class after a week. So even though they had never chatted, he recognized that the person in front of him was his classmate.

"Kamuro-san, if you want to steal this box of gum, why don't you check if there is any surveillance here?"

Kamuro Masumi was startled when he heard the voice suddenly coming from his ear.

He quickly made a defensive posture and saw clearly that the person who spoke to him was the Dongfang Yingyi who had been in the limelight in the class on the first day.

"Yes, it's you. What do you mean by stealing? I just put it in my pocket and I'll take it out later."

"Ah, let's just take it as it is."Dongfang didn't intend to threaten her. Although he didn't understand why the other party would steal a box of worthless chewing gum, if it was photographed, it would also affect Class A's personal points for the next month.

Then, Dongfang continued to select the ingredients for cooking.

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