What is the matter with the scar on Touhou-san's face?

It all started with a threat to Chairman Sakayanagi two and a half years ago.

As the research of the White Room progressed day by day, Chairman Sakayanagi, who followed Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's father, Ayanokouji Atsuomi, felt that the plan to create an artificial genius was impossible to succeed.

Therefore, he withdrew from the White Room and took over the High School from his father.

Then, as Ayanokouji, who was once at the top of the political world, naturally made countless enemies. In order to catch his secrets, many political enemies set their sights on Chairman Sakayanagi, who was once his student.

However, after all, it was Chairman Sakayanagi who did things in a tight manner. Since he had almost no flaws, the politicians who were ready to move had no chance to make a move.

However, doing things by any means necessary is the basic quality of these dirty adults. Since they couldn't start with him, they could only focus on his extremely beloved daughter.

The plan was also simple: secretly kidnap Arisu Sakayanagi, threaten Chairman Sakayanagi with his life, and spit out all the plans and secrets of Ayanokouji Atsuomi.

At this time, Touhou-san is also visiting the Sakayanagi family on behalf of his father as usual, and meets Arisu

"Arisu, isn't your uncle here?"

"Well, my father said he had something important to do, so he left early yesterday morning and hasn't come back yet. I haven't seen my father in such a hurry for a long time."

Yusu couldn't hide his worry in his eyes.

"Really... maybe he's busy at school. After all, as the chairman of the board of directors of Advanced Development Junior High School, it's normal for him to be busy with some things."

Higashitaka also noticed Arisu's expression and hurried to comfort him.

Arisu shook his head and returned to his usual mischievous expression:"The young master is still as gentle as ever~"

"Forget about being gentle."

"I suddenly want to go out for a walk"

"But I'm not familiar with this place, so you have to take me around."

Arisu covered his mouth and chuckled. Seeing that Dongfang-san was so understanding, he pretended to be reluctant and took Dongfang-san out.

Since Arisu was with Dongfang-san, the bodyguard in the dark did not come forward, but just secretly followed behind.

"I like this place very much because it always makes people feel relaxed and happy."

"Yes, I feel very comfortable. My master has taken me to some remote places before. It is said that getting close to nature is the key to the Eight-leaf Style."

"Although there aren't many people around, I don't feel lonely at all."

"Ah. I thought so too."

Bodyguard: I always feel that I am redundant.

Just as the two were still appreciating nature, a"ding-ling" sound broke the harmony. Arisu took out his mobile phone and saw the text message from his father, and his body trembled slightly.

Dongfang saw that something was wrong with Arisu, and hurriedly asked what happened?

Arisu did not speak, but showed Dongfang the message from his father:

Arisu, stay at home, don't go anywhere, someone wants to do something to you.

After seeing the content of the text message, Dongfang hurriedly took Arisu to return to the Sakayanagi family. Thinking that there were bodyguards protecting Arisu in the back, there shouldn't be any problem... right.

With a shout of"Miss, go!", three ferocious strong men came out with weapons in their hands. There were several men in suits lying on the ground. Obviously, the bodyguards of the Sakayanagi family couldn't stop them.

‘Why can't bodyguards protect anyone? '

But at this moment, Dongfang-san had no time to complain. He could only stare at the three people in front of him. One of them had claws similar to Wolverine's, another was holding a military dagger, and the third was unarmed, but his physique was obviously larger than the other two.

In addition, the same scorpion tattoo was seen on the arms of these three people. Dongfang-san, who was already nervous, did not dare to slack off.

Although Arisu-san behind him was also very panicked, he thought that combined with his father's text message, these three people must be coming for him.

But Arisu is Arisu after all, and her face is still calm, but the little hand holding the cane is trembling a little, and she tightly grasped the corner of Dongfang-san's clothes, which also exposed the instinct of a girl to panic when seeing a bully. Dongfang

-san put one hand behind his back, patted Arisu's hand, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.:

"Don't be afraid, Alice, no matter what, I won't let anyone hurt you."

After hearing the comfort from Dongfang, Arisu also let go of the hand that was holding the corner of the former's clothes, took two deep breaths, and slowly calmed down his mood.

"Hey, you better stay still, we just want to invite this little girl to have a cup of tea, it's nothing serious"

"After all, we don't want to take anyone's life."

After hearing what the other party said, Dongfang decided to paralyze the opponent first. After all, Arisu was standing behind him, so he couldn't act impulsively.

"Which gang are you from? Although I don't know who hired you, if you offend us, the Dongfang family will not let you go."

"Dongfang... well, although we don't want to cause trouble, who asked us to accept the death order? It's death anyway, what if"

"Stop talking nonsense and start now."The tall unarmed man obviously didn't want to waste time talking. He even thought that villains die because of their talkativeness.

Seeing that the other party couldn't negotiate, Dongfang could only pull out the unsharpened sword for self-defense.

"Since we can't communicate, let me see how capable you are."

However, having said that, he didn't dare to rush forward, after all, the other side had more people and more power.

Wolverine rushed up first, ready to scrape Higashikawa's arm with a blow to make the opponent lose his combat effectiveness, and Higashikawa did not hesitate to use the fifth form - the crescent moon.

The crescent moon is the only defensive move in Eight Leaves that can be taken after the opponent's claw attack. He avoided the opponent's claw attack and repelled Wolverine with a knife. The poisonous scorpion holding a dagger also attacked from the side. Higashikawa could only hold the sword horizontally to block it. As he was restrained by the dagger brother, the unarmed man also kicked.

Higashikawa could only use a roundhouse kick to block the opponent's attack. Then he used the first form - spiral, first broke the dagger brother's wrist, and was about to continue chasing.

Noticing that Wolverine approached Arisu, the latter was like a sheep to be slaughtered. Higashikawa couldn't care much at this moment, so he could only get close quickly, but he didn't expect to be hit by the gold Tsuyoshi's plan.

He had no intention of catching Arisu, but deliberately lured Higashikata over, so that the latter's back would have a blind spot for defense.

If he turned around, Wolverine would not miss the opportunity to attack Higashikata from behind. Therefore, Higashikata could only be ruthless and slash at Wolverine.

Sure enough, although the attack hit, the opponent was well prepared and blocked the blow with his claws, and Higashikata was also hit hard.

As he fell behind, Higashikata, who had just entered the middle school, could not think of any good countermeasures.

There is a breathing method in Yayoi that can indeed greatly increase his strength in a short period of time, but he can't control it well at the moment.

He thought he was a master in this world, but he didn't expect to be taught a hard lesson by three gang members.

But now he has no time to think too much, and he heard"Come with me, Miss Sakayanagi."

It turned out that Dagger brother took advantage of this moment to catch Arisu, and Dongfang classmate didn't care about whether he could control it or not, and directly entered the state of 'unity of spirit and energy'.

At this moment, the cheat was activated, and Dongfang classmate approached Dagger brother in an instant,"Hey, take your claws away!", seeing the aggressive approach of the newcomer, Dagger Brother was also a little panicked.

After all, the normal Dongfang classmate could beat him, not to mention that he didn't know whether the opponent was on drugs at this time. He could only block Arisu in front of himself.

Dongfang classmate also knew that the opponent used Arisu as a shield, and quickly used the second form - Gale, and went behind Dagger Brother at a lightning speed, and slapped the opponent's back of the head violently, causing Dagger Brother to faint.

Before Dongfang classmate could relax, the side effect of"Spirit and Energy Integration" came, causing him to lose strength, his breathing was unstable, and his body was shaking.

The unarmed man attacked the two again, and Dongfang classmate could only try his best to parry, but because he really had no extra physical strength, he was grabbed by Wolverine on the left face from top to bottom.

Immediately, blood flowed, and Arisu saw that Dongfang classmate was injured and didn't care about his usual calmness, and hurriedly shouted to the two:

"No, don't hurt him anymore. I'm going with you, aren't you here to catch me?"

"It would have been better if you had been so obedient earlier. Why bother?"

Dongfang saw this and wanted to say something, but his left eye seemed to be seriously injured, which made him already weaker, and he couldn't say anything. He could only rely on instinct to continue to step on the road.

""The last gasp of a spent force." Just as the unarmed man was about to knock Dongfang down completely, a burst of police sirens came from behind him.

"Hurry up..."

""None of you can leave!"

With a majestic and angry voice, a middle-aged man with silver hair and glasses appeared with a group of men in black and police. It was none other than Chairman Sakayanagi, but his usual smile was no longer seen. His face was filled with indifference and hatred.

"Father, hurry up and take a picture of him!"

"Don't worry, Arisu. You and Yingyi are both fine."

Dongfang didn't hear what he said, but he knew that at least they were safe, and then he fainted on the ground.

"Yingyi, Yingyi! Quick, an ambulance!"

Arisu was crying and shouting, but Dongfang couldn't hear anything at the moment.

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