After spending more than an hour to prepare the complete event plan, it was sent directly to Chairman Sakayanagi. The other party also quickly completed the inspection and gave a careful reply.

Yingyi stood up and stretched a little.

The content of this event is as follows: the school will give each person 10,000 points for the event to prepare the ingredients and kitchen utensils for the food festival.

The excess will be borne by the students themselves.

The points are limited to this year and will be invalid after expiration.

The food competition is divided into individual competition and multi-person competition.

And the school representatives, teachers, school workers, and student union members will score.

The number of participants in the multi-person competition is not fixed, and at least two people are required.

The individual competition will receive bonus points based on the final score.

The first place will receive 50,000 individual points, the second place will receive 40,000, the third place will receive 30,000, and so on.

The sixth place and later will not receive any prizes.

The multi-person competition will receive bonus points based on the final score.

The first place will receive 100,000 individual points, the second place will receive 80,000, the third place will receive 60,000, and so on.

The sixth place and later will not receive any prizes.

How to distribute the points is decided freely by each group.

The competition time is one hour, subject to the school's whistle. The final right of interpretation belongs to the student union.

There is no special explanation for the dance and bonfire party, just pay attention to safety and so on.

After sending the project proposal approved by Uncle Sakayanagi to all student union members through the LINE group, Yingyi was notified that he was also thinking about whether he should also participate in the competition?

He didn't care about the personal points as rewards. Because it is not a special exam, it is just a bonus added as a celebration, so it does not involve any large profits or changes in class points.

Yingyi just wants to show his true strength as the exclusive chef of Sakayanagi Arisu!


Just then, Yingyi's phone was connected. The caller ID on the screen was the cute senior with the purple bun.

"Senior Tachibana Akane, is there anything wrong?"

"Dongfang Junior, about the food competition...I want to ask if Horikita will be a judge?"

After Ying Yi posted the news of the food contest, it was automatically forwarded to various campus forums, so it was not surprising that Tachibana Akane saw it.

"Does Tachibana Akane-senpai want to prepare some kind of love bento for Horikita-senpai?"

"What...what is a love bento? But you know a lot."

It seems that even after a Christmas, the relationship between the two is still that of a girl chasing a boy. Horikita Manabu looks cold, but he should also like Tachibana Akane. Otherwise, it would be too strange for him to bring his secretary with him to everything. Yingyi thought it didn't matter whether he was invited to be a judge or not, but since Tachibana Akane came to him, it would be okay to invite him. However,.....

"There is no problem in inviting senior Horikita to be a judge. But is it really okay for senior sister Tachibana Akane? Wouldn't it be more exciting if you invite him to participate in the multiplayer competition?"

Tachibana Akane naturally thought of this idea, but boys like Horikita, although versatile, may not be good at cooking. If there is a possibility that it will embarrass her sweetheart, it is better to kill her with a sword.

But what Tachibana Akane didn't know was that Horikita Manabu was really a versatile strong man. And his cooking level can be regarded as the level of a restaurant chef, but he usually doesn't show off.

"....Anyway, just remember to invite Horikita-san. I don't need a junior to worry about the rest. Thank you anyway."

"Ah, then it's up to you. I'll invite him."

Akane Tachibana hung up the phone with satisfaction. Although it's not appropriate to cook anything to express one's feelings at a food convention, she would be satisfied as long as Horikita-san could taste her cooking.

Yingyi didn't call either, but just sent a text message to Horikita Manabu, but with that man's shrewdness, he would never miss any news.

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, he received a reply from the other party:"Okay."

It was still as concise as ever.

Yingyi handed over all the power to his vice president Arisu. He also had to think about what kind of work to participate in the competition in order to win the championship.

Soon, December 31st arrived.

The teachers and students of Highly Cultivated gathered in the auditorium, ready to welcome the first wave of New Year's Eve activities today! Food Contest!

However, since the number of contestants far exceeded the initial expectations, the competition had to open a few more venues. Yingyi narrowed his eyes as he looked at his opponents in this group. He might not know how good the cooking skills of others were, but Katsuragi and Akane Tachibana were definitely strong opponents.

Horikita Suzune was also a contestant in this group. She was not very interested in this kind of activity. But as luck would have it, the information of the judges of the competition was released the day after the event was exposed.

Since her brother was going to be a judge, she had to go. Therefore, she would not hesitate to use backdoors to make her brother her judge, at least to prove that she had caught up with her brother in terms of cooking.

Yingyi felt that whether it was Akane Tachibana or Horikita Suzune, they all learned it for Horikita, so it didn't matter if they used some tricks.....

He himself didn't care which group he was in, and he didn't cook it specifically for Arisu. Because that girl could usually eat whatever she wanted, so it was a rare food festival, so it was nice to change the taste occasionally.

"Dongfang, although we are friends, my Katsuragi family’s cooking skills are by no means inferior to anyone else!"

"Ah, come on! In fact, my Higashigata family is also very good at cooking!"

The two girls didn't care about winning or losing, they only had the same man in their hearts, Horikita Manabu's feelings.

Katsuragi and Yingyi were on the verge of a fight at this moment, and they were determined to defeat each other with their own strength!

As the starting whistle sounded, everyone in this group immediately focused on their own works!

Katsuragi's ingredients are very simple. There are seaweed, rice, and some seafood. It seems that it is most likely sushi or rice balls.

Horikita Suzune hadn't thought about what to make, but since she was making it for her brother to prove her growth and her love for her brother as a sister, the taste of home is indeed the most suitable! So she decided to make a simple home-made bento.

After a few days of hard thinking, Tachibana Akane still felt It would be better to make some snacks or something like that, which can be decorated beautifully and will not make Horikita-san too full.

What about Yingyi himself? The magic weapon he mastered to win was the cuisine from the neighboring country.

It must be said that when it comes to food, how could any country compare to Big Rooster? And what he chose was the classic of Shandong cuisine - sweet and sour carp.

After making a few clean and beautiful cuts on the carp, use starch, water and a little oil to make a batter and evenly hang it on the whole fish.

Put the oil pan on, bend the whole fish into a posture with its head held high and its tail raised, and put it into the pan to squeeze out the juice and set it. Then open another wok and use tomato sauce, white vinegar and white sugar to boil a sticky sweet and sour sauce.

Finally, put the fried carp on the plate Put the fish in a pot, pour the sweet and sour sauce on it, and serve!

It took about thirty minutes, and Yingyi rang the bell beside him.

This also attracted the attention of others, and they all showed amazed expressions, because this golden fish with bright red sauce looked very appetizing.

About ten minutes later, everyone finished their own dishes.

There is no doubt that if there is a best-looking dish, Yingyi will definitely win the championship. But this is a food competition, and appearance can only increase everyone's favorability. In the end, it all depends on the taste.

The main judges of this group are Horikita Manabu, Hoshinomiya Chie, and Karuizawa Megumi. One is hired from outside, one is a school representative, and one is a student union member. It's a very even match.

Horikita Manabu glanced at the four people in front of him work. There is no doubt that he thinks that this sweet and sour carp is the best in terms of appearance and difficulty of making.

But what he wants to eat most is the most ordinary-looking bento among the four. He picked up the public spoon and scooped a portion into his plate, then tasted it carefully.

Slowly, Horikita Manabu froze and said nothing. This scared Horikita Suzune. She had already made something with her heart, but still couldn't get her brother's recognition?

However, with the sign raised by Horikita Manabu showing a high score of 9, it was enough to show that this simple dish was highly recognized by him. In a place where no one else could see, a few tears flowed from the corner of Horikita Manabu

's eyes. This is the taste of home, this is the loving bento from her sister.

"Lingyin, you are better at making bento than me."


What did Horikita Suzune hear? Was this her brother's recognition of her? His brother recognized his useless sister. Although it was only in terms of cooking, the girl had been waiting for this recognition for 4 years.

"elder brother......."

"Keep working hard in other areas, Suzune. Try to get as many high scores from me as possible before I graduate."

Horikita Manabu took a deep breath and returned to his usual icy state.

""Yes! Brother."

The other two judges also gave high scores of 8 and 8.5 respectively.

After the touching story of brother and sister, it was the turn of Akane Tachibana, the girl who charged for love.

There was a reason why Horikita Manabu had not responded to Akane Tachibana's feelings. Although Nanyun was kicked out of the student union by Yingyi, he was still the ruler of the second grade.

And he had an obsession with defeating Horikita Manabu.

But Nanyun was a guy who would do anything to achieve his goals.

If being with Akane Tachibana would invisibly create opportunities for Nanyun, he would regret it.

On the other hand, Horikita Manabu felt that he was not mature enough.

The competition in the third grade was particularly fierce.

If he won, he would have more power.

Therefore, he would be qualified to accept this girl who liked him only after he led everyone to graduate from A.

���The girl who has been with him for several years.

Picking up a piece of donut in front of him, Horikita Manabu thought that if it was just based on the taste, it could be given an eight-point high. However, if it was made by Akane Tachibana, it could be given more than nine points.

Therefore, he picked up the sign in front of him and gave it a nine-point score. As the saying goes, women are captives of sweets, and Hoshinomiya and Karuizawa also gave it a high score of nine points.

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