The two girls who didn't care about winning or losing had already submitted their answers. Although they just wanted to make delicious food, their scores were quite high.

Next up is Katsuragi and Kageichi's work! Salmon Rice Balls VS Sweet and Sour Carp

"Next, please taste my rice ball."

Katsuragi, wearing a chef's hat, looked extremely professional, and the three judges on the opposite side were also ready to give fair and impartial scores.

Horikita Manabu picked up a rice ball and sniffed it with his nose. He didn't feel anything special, but his intuition told him that this rice ball was definitely not just a rice ball!

Hoshinomiya on the side couldn't wait any longer and quickly stuffed the rice ball into his mouth. He instantly showed his satisfied eyes, saying that it was delicious while scrambling for the remaining rice balls.

"Um, Mr. Hoshinomiya, please pay attention to your image....."

As the host, Ichinose obviously couldn't stand the embarrassing appearance of her teacher who had never eaten anything, and hurriedly reminded her.

But at this time, Hoshinomiya didn't care so much. If her love for rice balls was 100, the rice balls in front of her were 1000! She swore that she had never eaten it before.....No, I never imagined that someone could make such delicious rice balls.

Fortunately, Horikita Manabu saved his portion in time, while Karuizawa's portion was already taken away by Hoshinomiya's pitiful attack.

"This unscrupulous class instructor"

Yingyi couldn't stand it anymore and quickly reminded her:"Teacher, it's time to give the grades."

At this time, Hoshinomiya was like a giant guinea pig, with her mouth bulging with rice balls. She choked when she tried to speak.

Fortunately, Ichinose noticed the teacher's weakness in time and used the Heimlich maneuver from behind.

"Thank you so much, Ichinose is indeed an angel. She is not only gentle and pretty, but also very reliable. If I were a boy,....."

"Teacher, please respect yourself!"

Hoshinomiya's erratic personality is obviously well known to everyone, and everyone can only feel speechless about her behavior.

Seeing that Hoshinomiya is out of danger, Horikita Manabu decided to make a score first:

"The rice ball has a smooth texture. The salmon tastes very delicious, and the black pepper sauce you made doesn't feel abrupt, but rather adds to the deliciousness of the whole rice ball. Therefore, I can give it a score of 9.4."

9.4 points, this is the highest score Horikita Manabu scored today. Many people may wonder if his food appreciation ability is average, so these people's scores are very high, but in fact, these people are also the ones with the highest cooking level among the contestants this time.

As for whether it is watery or not, just look at the way Hoshinomiya devours it, and she didn't make any special comments, because in her opinion, this is no longer a dish, but a real work of art, a real gift from God.

She raised the 10-point sign in her hand and excitedly invited Katsuragi:

"Katsuragi-san, do you want to come to our class? The teacher welcomes you and the rice balls you make very much!!"

Ichinose helplessly held his forehead and said,"Teacher Hoshinomiya, please respect yourself.""

Since Karuizawa didn't eat the rice ball, he could only score 0. This made Katsuragi's brows twitch. Obviously, a score of zero has made him miss the championship today.

Karuizawa lowered his head embarrassedly, because according to the rules, if the food prepared by the contestant is not eaten by the judges, he can only be given 0 points.

But the instigator, Hoshinomiya, didn't care:"It doesn't matter, in the teacher's heart, Katsuragi is already the champion!!!"

After all, he is Katsuragi. Although it is a pity that he didn't win the championship, Hoshinomiya gave him a full score, and Horikita Manabu also scored 9.4 points, which is enough to show his success.

Then the next dish is the last one, which is also the sweet and sour carp that has been highly anticipated from the beginning and is the most like a dish.

"Mr. Dongfang, can you briefly introduce this dish?"

"Of course. This is the classic representative dish of Shandong cuisine, the first of the eight major cuisines from neighboring China - sweet and sour carp. The whole fish is fried, and it is also a representative dish of abundance and prosperity in the country."

Everyone on the scene nodded. Indeed, if you consider the meaning of New Year's Eve, this dish is indeed full of special meanings.

Pick up the fish meat and put it in your mouth. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The sweet and sour taste is also very appetizing. Although it is carp, it is properly handled and fresh enough, so you can't taste any earthy smell or fishy smell.

Instead, the fresh smell of the fish accompanied by the taste of the sauce makes people linger.

The three judges seemed to feel that they had not eaten enough, and each of them took a large piece and put it in their mouths, nodding from time to time to express their satisfaction.

"Three judges, please give your scores."

Hoshinomiya held up the 10 points that Katsuragi had just given, which had not been wiped off, and said that he was also very satisfied with the dish. However, the way he held up his sign while eating with big mouthfuls did not look like what a teacher should do.

Karuizawa gave a 9 point, but she felt that she could not give a full score, otherwise it would seem that she had never eaten or seen anything good.

Horikita Manabu wiped his mouth calmly. He might be the only judge who would evaluate the cooking of the dish.

"I have only seen this Chinese dish before, but I have never had the chance to taste it myself. Although I don't know whether your cooking is authentic or not, at least in my opinion, it deserves a full score. This is the most delicious carp dish I have ever eaten."

Unlike the rice balls just now, the sweet and sour fish was left over when Ichinose stopped Hoshinomiya in time, or maybe because she ate too much just now and didn't have the energy to eat more.

So several people on the field, including Ichinose, wanted to try it themselves. Since the scoring has been done, there is no need to wait any longer. First come, first served!

Soon, satisfied expressions filled their faces. And Tachibana Akane also took out the remaining donuts and distributed them to everyone. The champion of this group is obviously Yingyi with 29 points.

And if nothing unexpected happens, it will be difficult for other groups to have players who exceed this score.

"That's great."

Arisu was watching the situation of this group not far away. She was also a judge, and she gave her own scores to the contestants in her group very objectively. However, compared with her own chef, they were really not very reliable.

"Sakayanagi-san also wants to eat the food of the president's group, right?"

Kushida Kikyo and Arisu are judges in the same group, and are now following their master to visit all the venues.

Arisu shook his head:"That's not the case. He has made sweet and sour fish before, but he feels that with his status, he can't really have a lot of time to cook. So he sighed a little."

Kushida Kikyo nodded, not quite understanding. She knew that both Arisu and Yingyi came from extraordinary families, which were completely different from ordinary people like her.

And ordinary people have to rely on these big trees to survive, so she went from thinking about graduating to get resources and live in another country to thinking that it would be better to work hard to improve her value and be a dog for Arisu for the rest of her life.

As for wanting to be an actor after graduation, she also mentioned it to Arisu invisibly, and the latter didn't mind supporting her pet to become an actor.

But the premise is that after graduation, Kushida Kikyo still has some value to her.

The results of other groups also came out slowly. The first place was undoubtedly Yingyi with 29 points. In fact, others also suspected that it was the student The president's shady dealings.

But considering that the judges of this group are famous for being upright and incorruptible, and there is also a school representative, it was the members of the student union who gave the lowest score of 9. So the other students had nothing to say. The individual group of the food competition ended here, while the multi-person group was in a fierce competition.

Yingyi also took the initiative to take over the role of host of the Ayanokouji group competition that he was most interested in.

It was still the classic five-member group of Yukimura, Hasebe, Sakura, Miyake, and Ayanokouji. Their opponents were Team B composed of Okakura Asako, Shiranami Chihiro, and Kanzaki Ryuji.

Because the multi-person competition looks more lively, there are more spectators than the individual group. At this time, the sight of two people sitting together drinking coffee also attracted Yingyi's attention.

"Hey, Oriental boy, do you want to come over and have a drink with me?"

This familiar voice is the heir of the Gaoyuan Temple family, the beast of Class D.---Gaoyuanji Rokusuke. Next to him is a mature lady with white hair and red eyes. In terms of appearance, she looks similar to Yingyi.

The same hair color, the same eye color, and even the same family background. She is Kiryuin.���The eldest lady---Kiryuin Maple Flowers

"No. I still have to be the host. But this is the first time I have seen this senior sister....."

The person who could sit with Gaoyuan Temple was obviously not an unknown person. At least he was the heir or representative of Sakurajima.

"Hahaha, it's normal that you don't know me. After all, I'm a well-known heretic. I'm Guilongyuan Fenghua from Class 2B. Nice to meet you, Sword Saint Junior."

Guilongyuan......Yingyi then remembered that the adults in Guilongyuan's family always said that their children were not doing well.

"Hahahaha, Dongfang Boy rarely attends our gatherings, so it's no wonder you don't know him."

Gaoyuan Temple laughed at the side. If others saw this scene, they would obviously be shocked. How could Gaoyuan Temple be so friendly and cheerful with others? But it was obvious that the two of them were doing it in a more hidden way, and everyone else was also focusing on the competition. No one would pay attention to the two beasts who were usually not sociable.

"Nice to meet you, Senior Guilongyuan."

Since this was the first time they had met officially, even though the other party was known for being a heretic, Yingyi still had to show due respect to this young lady who was also from a big family.

"I'm looking forward to competing with you....."

The sudden announcement from Guilongyuan surprised Yingyi

"Competition means....."

"I'm not thinking of competing with you in martial arts. I've heard of sword masters, but I won't do anything beyond my ability. I'm just very interested in you."

At this point, Yingyi understood that this person could be seen as a transgender Gaoyuanji Rokusuke.

As the game on the other side reached its climax, Yingyi apologized to the two of them, agreed to sit down and chat next time, and then hurried back to do his job.

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