December 27, Student Union Room

"Everyone, we are about to usher in a new year, but the school is unable to hold many New Year activities due to venue restrictions. Therefore, the school has decided to give all the tasks and powers of holding New Year's Eve activities to the Student Union."

Yingyi explained the arrangements for the New Year's Eve activities to all members of the Student Union.

Unlike the last Test of Courage, this event is obviously bigger and more important. It is not only a task assigned by the school, but also an annual New Year's Eve event.

"But what should we do specifically?"

The one who asked the question was Shiina Hiyori, a quiet girl who is now the leader of Class C.

The others also looked at the student council president, and Shiina's question also represented their thoughts.

"So I want to gather everyone's ideas and ask everyone to think about some activities that can both celebrate the event and bring all the students together."

After Yingyi answered their questions, he pretended to listen attentively.

Everyone pondered for a while. They decided to listen to other people's opinions first.

Arisu saw that someone was eyeing her, and as the vice president, she put forward her own suggestion:"How about holding a grand ball in the auditorium?"

"The dance party was really great!"

""Hmm, it's Sakayanagi-san as expected!"

Everyone whispered to each other and expressed their agreement.

"Well, I think it's pretty good too. I reserve my opinion, do you have any other comments?"

Kushida Kikyo watched the surroundings fall silent again. As the pet of her master, she certainly couldn't fall behind others, so she raised her right hand:

"Can I make an opinion?"

Ying nodded:"Go ahead."

Kushida Kikyo gave a classic sweet smile, matching her cute face:"I think it would be great to hold a food festival!"

"But the food festival....How to solve the problem of food? If the student union makes it themselves, I am afraid there will not be enough manpower. After all, there are so many people in the whole school."

Katsuragi pointed out the potential problems of this plan

"What if we let everyone make their own food? Similar to a cultural festival, everyone makes their own food, and they form groups or classes and then set up stalls together?"

"But then, what would we do during the cultural festival? And if we let everyone do it themselves, how would we solve the problem of funding?".........

The student council room was in chaos in an instant, and the instigator, Kushida Kikyo, pretended to be helpless, but in fact, she despised these guys who couldn't make up their minds.

Yingyi clapped his hands to stop their argument:"Okay. Let's keep the plan for the food festival. The school can help with the food issue, and then each class can come up with certain results. There are always more solutions than problems. Do you have any other ideas?"

Shiina Hiyori weakly raised his hand:"Well, how about we hold a reading conference?"

The literary girl who had just spoken suddenly wilted:"Sorry, just pretend I didn't say that."

"No, Secretary Shiina, we don't think the book conference is bad, we just think it's not suitable for the New Year's Eve event....."

"Yes, we all like reading very much."

But after Shiina's precedent, many people gave up the idea of proposing their own hobbies, thinking that both the dance party and the food festival were good ideas, so no one raised any opinions.

"Well, now it's the dance party and the food festival. I thought of a bonfire party before, but I thought maybe everyone would have a better idea, so I didn't say it. But now, make a choice among the three options!"

Speaking of this, it's another very tangled question. Because these three completely different activities can't be compared at all, some people who don't know how to dance will naturally prefer the other two.

And some people think that they can invite their favorite person to dance together at the dance, so they want to choose this one.

"That, President....."

Someone suddenly made a sound. From the source, a cute girl with pink-blonde hair was raising her left hand.

"Ichinose, what do you think?"

"I...I don't think it's necessary to choose. Can't we have them all?"

"Eh? Did I say something wrong?"

Looking at the silence around her, Ichinose panicked, wondering if she had said something strange.

"Yes! We don’t have to choose!"

"All of them! All of them!"

"Bonfire dance plus all kinds of delicious food, this is what New Year's Eve is all about!"

Ying Yi looked at the excited crowd, and after silently calculating the feasibility of satisfying all three activities at once, he nodded:

"So, I understand everyone's opinions. I personally agree with it, so if no one has other ideas, I will report the plan to the school. As for the layout and arrangement of the venue, I will contact you later."Everyone nodded, indicating that they did not have any special opinions

"Okay, then everyone can disband."

As the president announced the disbandment of the meeting, the members of the student union also left the meeting room in a swarm. They planned to look forward to this New Year's Eve party.

"What a bunch of kids. It's a pity that although I proposed the dance, I can't dance with you."

Yusu stroked her thigh and said regretfully.

Yingyi knew that it was useless to say anything more at this time, so he pulled his girlfriend over and patted her body gently.

No matter how aggressive Yusu looked, she was actually very fragile because of her weak body.

"You are being too disrespectful. You clearly said that you don't treat me like a child."

Arisu pouted. Since Christmas Eve, she has completely relied on the boy in front of her. If they were alone, she would not hide her cuteness.

"I don't treat you like a child, but no matter how strong you are, you are still my girlfriend. In my eyes, you are someone who needs protection and love."

Do lovers feel what is corny? No, they just think that the more corny, the better.

When the relationship is deep, it would be a shame if the two of them didn't do something. As Arisu and Yingyi got closer and closer.....

"Sorry, President, I forgot my pen......"

I don’t know if it was fate’s trick, but Ichinose just happened to walk in through the door. Seeing the two people almost kissing, her face turned red:

"No no no no! didn't see anything, I didn't see anything!"

Ichinose ran out the door, even forgetting what she came back for. Since Christmas, she has let go of her obsession. Since she can't get it, she will just wish him well.

But....I actually saw this kind of thing!!! This girl's heart is very pure, she is the kind of person who believes that kissing a man and a woman will result in a child!

‘Ichinose, Ichinose! What on earth are you doing! '

Unlike Ichinose, the two people who were interrupted seemed very depressed at this time. One was lamenting whether this was the fickleness of fate, and the other was cursing the so-called 'blue whale’

"Alice....Should we...."

Arisu broke free from her boyfriend's embrace, slowly stood up, picked up the pen that Ichinose had forgotten on the table, and walked out the door. When she reached the door, she turned around and gave a sly smile:

"Ah~ I'm going to return Miss Blue Whale's pen. President, please focus on preparing your activity plan. I'll have my father review it carefully. Don't be lazy.~"

Arisu was obviously venting her anger at being caught in a good thing on her boyfriend.

Facing the empty student council room, Yingyi could only turn on his computer and sigh silently.

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