"Knock, knock, knock."

How could someone open your own door when you knock?

He took out the key and turned the lock to enter Yingyi's room. The first thing that caught his eye was a green Christmas tree, with various colored lights, gift boxes, and candies placed next to it. Surrounding them were some dolls and gift boxes that the two had bought while shopping. Arisu sat on the soft bed that was at least half her size, familiarly. Originally, Yingyi preferred a hard bed, but since Arisu would come here from time to time, the whole bed was divided into two.

"Miss, just choose whatever you like and put it up. I'll go prepare the turkey first."

Arisu waved her hand to indicate that she understood. Looking at the bare Christmas tree, she felt at a loss for a moment. She picked up a red gift box and hung it on it, then shook her head and took it off again.

The pre-processing of the turkey had been completed before going out. The next step was to stuff the apples and other things in and throw it into the oven.

Although it was her first attempt, with her excellent cooking talent and various cooking experiences, making a turkey that would satisfy both of them was a piece of cake.

After about twenty minutes, Yingyi came out of the kitchen and saw that there was still nothing hanging on the Christmas tree. She also saw a white-haired loli sitting on the ground in deep thought.

"Alice, haven't you been looking forward to decorating your magic tree?"

"That's what I said. But I feel that Mr. Big Tree has a bad temper, and my outfit doesn't seem to satisfy him."

Ying Yi walked over and squatted on the ground and looked at....Suddenly, he had an idea:

"Well, how about hanging your real body up there?"

"True body?"

Arisu didn't understand who the other party was talking about for a moment, but when she saw Yingyi pointing to the top of her head, she realized that he was probably referring to the black beret.

But the true body was really rude.

Thinking of this, Arisu remembered the borrowing race between the two during the sports festival. Since her true body was hung up, how could the other party's true body not return to its place?

Many times, there was no need to say much. Arisu looked at Yingyi and pointed at his face. The latter immediately understood and took out the mask from the wooden box that had just been placed in the cabinet. He hung it directly on the branch of the Christmas tree. As for Arisu's true body, what about it?

"Boom boom boom"

"Welcome, Kamuro-san. Merry Christmas, and I'm sorry to trouble you so late."

If you knew you were sorry, you shouldn't have asked me to come! I thought I was going to do something, but it turned out that I just brought this hat of yours from your room!

Kamuro Masumi was so angry that he handed the hat to Yingyi beside him, and his breathing at this time was comparable to that of the Emperor Engine. But what can he do?

Yingyi took a box of candies that were ready to be hung on the tree from the table beside him and handed it to Kamuro:

"Merry Christmas, Kamuro-san."

After accepting the candy, her mood improved a little. Until now, Kamuro still didn't understand why there was such a big gap between childhood sweethearts and lovers!

But at this time, she also obviously forgot about the collusion between Yingyi and Arisu, and that Yingyi had once threatened her unilaterally......

After saying"Merry Christmas" to the two people, Kamuro Masumi turned and left.

""Okay, hang up your hat now."

Arisu didn't seem to mind Kamuro's mood at all, and in fact, she really didn't care. Except for Yingyi, all students could be divided into three categories by her: opponents worth defeating, dogs worth taming, and insignificant bugs.

In her eyes, it was natural to ask her pet to send something over. Therefore, Arisu had no mercy on Kamuro Masumi.

"Alice, even if it is Kamuro-san, you should be more kind to her. She is fine, but I am afraid that someone will have second thoughts."

Arisu is also very clear about this truth. Her attitude towards some people is not much better than Ryuuen. But she still has this attitude until now:"Dogs will have a rebellious period, and I welcome them to betray me or challenge me at any time if they really have the courage."

‘This brave and aggressive girl......’

Yingyi wanted to say something, but he heard Arisu say lightly:"Besides, if there is any accident, the young master will protect me, right?"

The young master sighed:"Alas. Even so, you should be on guard. It is Alice's freedom to have any attitude towards anyone, but in case there are places that I can't take care of, it's not wrong to be more careful."

In fact, Yingyi was not aimless. There are indeed people among the core members of the Sakayanagi faction who have such motives and have taken such actions.

It's just that Yingyi and Arisu are well aware of his little actions. The former thought that if the latter didn't care, then he wouldn't care. The latter didn't take him seriously at all.

"Well, my mother, today is our Christmas, why do we have to keep talking about other people's affairs?"

"Well, I won't talk any more. The two main bodies are hung up, and now it's time to choose some decorations that you like!"

Arisu then hung up the gift boxes and props that he had carefully prepared before. Not long after, a brand new magic tree appeared.

"Princess, the magic tree has been resurrected, what should we do next?"

Arisu pretended to be in deep thought, and suddenly picked up the cane beside him and pointed it at Yingyi:"My brave man! As a princess, I order you to bring the Turkey Demon King up quickly. Let's seal it together!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

After a fierce battle, the turkey demon king was brought to the princess by the brave. At this time, the demon king was obviously in a high temperature and weak state.

Arisu picked up his weapon and nailed the demon king to the plate with one knife!

"It seems that the Demon King has plenty of magic power. Brave man, come with me to destroy him!"

The two of them devoured the turkey quickly and half of it was eaten. But Arisu rubbed his stomach and said,"I am very full."

"Huh? What about the cake?"

Arisu wiped his mouth elegantly:"It doesn't matter."

According to legend, a girl has a different stomach when she eats sweets. But legends are just legends after all. If this girl really eats too much, I'm afraid he will feel guilty for several days.

"Forget it, let's wait a while before cutting it."

According to my plan, what should I do now? Arisu took out a beautiful box from his pocket:"Merry Christmas, brave man."

Looking at this exquisite little box, Yingyi quickly took it over:"Can I open it now?"

The other party nodded. Opening the box, under the light, a blue light first appeared in front of Yingyi. This is an exquisite mechanical watch inlaid with sapphires.

"Like it?"

"I like it. Actually, I like anything you give me, but this one obviously goes to my heart."

Arisu naturally knew this, and so did she. It doesn't matter whether the other party gives a gift or not, it's just a formality. With Yingyi's hobbies, those expensive swords should be his favorite, but this is a school after all. He can only choose mechanical components as a second choice. And if it's just a decoration or an ornament, it's not very practical, so a watch is the best choice.

Yingyi hugged Arisu in his arms:"Your Highness, I like you."

He leaned his head on the other's chest:"I like you too. Brave Lord."

He turned off the lights in the room and lit the candles on the cake. What was hotter than the candlelight was the hearts of the two at this time. No matter how violent the wind is outside, having someone you love by your side is the warmest harbor.

"Yingyi, I won't go back today......"

This sentence sounds like it has several meanings, but Arisu is not an ordinary girl. Her words"not going back" can only be understood as"not going back". The two of them just hugged each other and rested.

After all, the other person's heart disease is no joke.

"Well, since it's Christmas, let's not go back."

The two of them lay on the bed and hugged each other. I don't know if it was the atmosphere or the natural relationship between the two, but at this moment, the princess and the hero were not shy or nervous at all, and they only loved each other.

Arisu fell asleep slowly. And Yingyi stuffed his real gift into the red socks at the head of the bed without waking her up.

"Good night, my princess."After kissing his friend's forehead, Yingyi fell into a light sleep.

Yingyi opened his eyes very early the next day. Although he was a little reluctant to leave the person in his arms, he had to be a considerate boyfriend after all, so he had to prepare breakfast and other things himself.

After a while, Alice returned to reality from the wonderland in her dream. She rubbed her blurry eyes with her little hands and found that the big hand that was hugging her was gone, and there seemed to be some movement in the kitchen.

The princess had a faint smile on her lips again. She wanted to get up and wash up, but she found that her socks had run to the red socks at the head of the bed at some point.

After picking it up, she noticed that there seemed to be something in the red sock. When she touched it with her hand, she actually brought out a small square jewelry box.

Yui also noticed what was going on.....When I opened the jewelry box, I saw a necklace with a small crystal hanging on it....

"Alice, wake up, let's have breakfast today....."

When Yingyi walked into the room, he saw Arisu sitting obediently, looking at him cutely. There was an opened jewelry box on the table next to him.

"Merry Christmas, Alice. This is the gift I promised you before, for good children."

Arisu smiled sweetly,"Why don't you put it on for me?"

The brave walked up to it, took out the necklace, and put it on its owner.

"So, are you ready for breakfast?"

"Don't you want to eat something else before breakfast?"

Yusu's naked suggestion was naturally responded to by Yingyi.

Christmas also came to an end with the two of them kissing.......

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