(Sorry for posting late! Just got off work!!)

"Well....You're taking so long to come."

Arisu complained, but in fact it was only three minutes since he hung up the phone.

"Lord Demon. If the hero comes later, please let him wait outside the door for a while."

"Got it, Princess."

Kushida Kikyo received the order. This scene was very similar to the bridesmaids blocking the door at the wedding next door.....The only difference is that the storyline has been changed to a princess who is willing to be kidnapped, and a demon king who has no choice but to obey.

About three minutes later, there was a knock on the door.


Kushita Kikyo glanced at Arisu who was sitting on the chair and began her rivalry with the hero.


Using her originally cold voice, Kushida Kikyo seemed to have found the pleasure of being an actor, so she quickly got into the state.

At this moment, Yingyi suddenly felt a little tricky. He underestimated the richness of this scene. Kushida Kikyo didn't even use his business voice anymore. He had to prepare for a big show today.

But it was different from the phone call. If he said some second-year lines here, his wise and brave image would probably spread throughout the girls' dormitory. Then the whole school would spread: Ah! That student council president is a second-year syndrome or something......

However, if you choose to retreat here, you will admit defeat.......And Arisu will be affected by all the schedules for today because he is not satisfied!! If he is entangled in some prank.....

Therefore, Yingyi is making a difficult choice. But it is clear that Arisu did not give him much time to choose.

"Hey! A brave man can't be a coward, right? In that case, leave the princess to us, and you go home and play with your doll! Hahahaha!"

Kushida Kikyo was completely immersed in the role, and she seemed to have found a huge pleasure at this time! If she was acting, she could expose her personality without fear of being discovered. Especially for some sadistic characters, they can also release their negative emotions at the same time. It's really like a sadistic girl!

‘Tsk......No, if I back down now, I'll end up being worse than a Chuunibyou.

So, Ying made up his mind, let Chuunibyou be Chuunibyou.

"Shut up! Stupid demon king! Hurry up and release the princess!"

That's what I said, but what about shame?....Still can't cover it up. Therefore, this sentence is not as powerful as it was shouted, but rather intermittent. Arisu in the room suddenly had a bright idea. The rooms in the student dormitory are very close to each other. If Arisu's room is to hear, then other rooms will also be able to hear it. Fortunately, there are students from Class A nearby, and they probably won't go out and talk nonsense......

"Ah, ah. It seems that your determination to rescue the princess is not very strong. If you are only at this level, there is no way you can defeat us! Hehehehe~"

This sentence was not directed by Arisu, but was completely created by this two-faced man himself. Looking at such a sensible dog, the princess, as the owner, also touched her head with satisfaction.

After taking a few deep breaths, she thought that it was too late to retreat now because it had already started.

"I'm warning you! If you don't let the princess out, I will never let you go!"

If the previous sentence hadn't been heard by many people, then this emotional declaration had already spread to all the dormitories around here.

Although it was Christmas, it was still early in the evening, so everyone was basically waiting for the night party in the dormitory.

The girls leaned on the windows and the surveillance cameras at the door and saw that it was Yingyi who was making a declaration at the door of Arisu.

Although they knew that the two were in a relationship, they didn't expect it to be so big. They opened LINE and deliberately avoided Arisu, and formed a temporary chat group.

"Hey! Did you all hear it? It's Dongfang's voice!"

"Of course, and he doesn’t seem to be wearing a mask today, so he must be going on a date with Sakayanagi-san!"

"But Sakayanagi-san didn't seem to come out. I heard them playing some kind of hero or princess story."

"Brave man! Princess! What a romantic story! Only a cute girl like Sakayanagi-san would have boys willing to play this kind of game with her."

The girls envied Arisu, who not only had the most popular boyfriend in the school, but also looked so cute, and was one of the two leaders of the class. This was probably the legendary match made in heaven.

Because they were familiar with the way the two of them got along, they regarded Yingyi's embarrassing declaration as a sign of love for his girlfriend, and did not think that the boy was in the late stage of the second-year syndrome.

Looking at the clock on the wall passing by, Arisu was a little anxious. It would be enough to tell Kushida Kikyo, but......

Kushida Kikyo leaned in to listen to her master's arrangements, revealing an expression of understanding. She walked to the door and naturally changed her voice:

"Humph! Hero! I admit that your determination can defeat me. But if you want to rescue the princess, you must loudly recite the spell cast by the witch!"

Witch? Is this world view so rich? However, in previous scenes, witch is also a common identity of Arisu...

"Humph! Come on!"

Kushida Kikyo was silent for a while, then changed her tone to flattering:

"Dear Princess, I am a knight from a foreign land. I have gone through countless hardships just to bring you to my side. Come with me, Princess Alice."

Hey, hey, hey, this is too much, isn't it?

Yingyi gritted his teeth, he finally understood, where is the witch? This is clearly a plot where the devil is used by the witch-incarnated princess to tease the hero!

Kushida Kikyo's voice was also very loud, so that the girls watching were even more excited! This kind of marriage proposal-like oath, this kind of oath that would make them feel ashamed if they heard it, if it came from a boy like Dongfang.......

It's really exciting and enjoyable!!!

Kushida Kikyo seems to think it's not enough, so she's still adding fuel to the fire:

"What's wrong? Don't you want to save the princess at all?"

It has to be said that after obtaining a tool like Kushida Kikyo, Arisu's combat effectiveness has obviously increased a lot. She used to have many followers, but her close attendant was only Kamuro Masumi who could simply obey orders.

As Sakayanagi's bullet, how could she not take the initiative to share the worries of her master? She should always understand that she is not just a tool, but also the master's most beloved dog, a living creature!

But what Yingyi cares about is not the so-called adding fuel to the fire, he cares more about that Arisu should attach great importance to this declaration, so that can't be regarded as part of the drama lines.

Yingyi knelt on one knee and lowered his head, as if he really was a brave man from a foreign country:

"My dear Princess, I am a knight from a foreign land. I have gone through countless hardships just to bring you to my side. Come with me, Princess Alice!"

"Wow!!!! I'll go with you, Dongfang-kun!"

"I am willing too! Dongfang-kun!!"

Before Arisu could say anything, she heard the noisy voices outside the door. She bit her teeth, trembling all over, and finally calmed down:"Haha, it seems that my control over the class is still not enough. They even dare to covet my things."

Yingyi was also shocked by this scene.....These girls usually look quite quiet, how come they suddenly become so..........

But think about it, if you can't find a boyfriend or something, it would be very irritating to see other people in pairs after three years of high-level training.

But now that the situation has become like this, how will it end?

The door of Arisu's room slowly opened, and the first person to walk out was the actor who played the devil, Kikyo Kushida, with a familiar sweet smile.

She also greeted Yingyi, and Yingyi greeted him back.

Following closely behind was a girl wearing a white cotton hat, a white dress, and a red fur collared coat.

She wore white pantyhose (regardless of whether it is an anime or not, the lower body of Japanese girls is like they have no temperature perception. Anyway, I just think it looks good and wrote it like this.), and a pair of reddish-brown leather boots.

The cotton hat slightly covered the girl's ears, and the red coat and white skirt also made her more playful and cute.

In a word, it's very cute!

Yingyi was stunned for a moment.....It's not that he hasn't seen how beautiful Arisu is, nor has he never seen this girl after dressing up carefully, but at this moment, he always feels as if he has seen her like this somewhere.......The feeling was so mysterious that she just stood there with her mouth slightly open.

The other girls around her saw the queen going out, so they didn't dare to stay and make a fuss. After wishing her a Merry Christmas, they quickly went back to their rooms.

"Phew~ Fortunately I ran fast....But Sakayanagi-san is so cute! If I were a boy, I would definitely pursue her!"

"Then you have to be better than Dongfang......I heard that they knew each other for a long time."

"Eh? Could it be childhood sweethearts? Then I'm even more envious!!!"

"I want to be Sakayanagi-san's dog!"

The girls each had their own thoughts, and Arisu didn't care about anything. She just felt happy to see her boyfriend in a daze.

Seeing that Bantian Yingyi didn't say anything, Kushida Kikyo quickly walked over and pulled

"Hey, hero, if you don't want to take the princess away, then I'll go on a date with her!"

Ying Yiya instantly woke up, stepped forward and stretched out his right hand:"Miss, can we start our date?"

Youqi slowly handed her his left hand, and her sweet smile overshadowed everything:"Let's go, young master."

The two walked towards the elevator together. The two dogs looked at each other and prepared for their interrupted Christmas trip.

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