December 25th, Christmas.

This very important holiday for Japanese people has finally arrived! Gathering together with the most beloved, closest family members, and most friendly friends, eating cakes and singing Christmas songs.

Yingyi opened his sleepy eyes early in the morning. Although he usually has a regular schedule, he couldn't help but coax the little princess to sleep like a child on Christmas Eve last night.


This also led to Ying falling asleep at 3 am yesterday. He looked at the bright sunshine. Christmas Eve was just foreplay after all. The climax was still today.

He rubbed his sore eyes and looked at himself in the mirror. Arisu had strongly requested to dress up as Santa Claus, but a Santa wearing a mask would be a bit strange.....

In fact, since the sports festival, the mask has been just a simple decorative item. He can let go of the past and stand in front of the girl again with confidence.

It has only been about three years, and Yingyi himself has become accustomed to this feeling, but from now on, the mask will simply be regarded as a souvenir.

Today's schedule is as follows: Decorate the room and wait for Arisu to wake up. In the afternoon, ask him to go shopping and watch a movie. Send the gifts in the evening. Then go back to the dormitory together to decorate the cake and celebrate this wonderful holiday.

The colorful lights and small Christmas tree were also specially prepared by Arisu in advance, and there was also a set of Santa Claus clothes on the side. What to say:

"I still hope that Santa Claus can personally give me a good child gift."

Where is Santa Claus? Where is the good child?

But that's what I said....Arisu has already made it clear that she wants to see me dressed up as Santa Claus and give her the best gift. What else can I do? Doing as she says is the only answer.

So, although the room is not very big, it takes a lot of effort to decorate it as perfectly as possible.

Yingyi also nodded:"Almost....That's all I can do."


The phone rang, and the caller was today's heroine

"Alice, did you sleep well?"

Arisu still looked lazy:"I slept well. Thanks to your company last night."

"I'm so glad you like it. So, I'll ask you a rude question, are you up now?"

From the sound of Arisu's voice, she must have just opened her eyes and called directly from the phone placed beside the bed. And she definitely hasn't crawled out of the bed yet!

Arisu pulled down the quilt covering her body:"Of course. I am also a lady with a healthy schedule. Now I am preparing to dress myself up to take our date seriously."

Yingyi also knew what kind of personality Arisu had. If it was her before they were together, what she said about dressing herself up might be true. But now...I can't say I guessed it exactly, but it's pretty close.

"That's really touching. However, it's not that I don't trust you, but considering that your physical condition is not very good, do you want me to go over and help you personally?"

If it were normal, Arisu would definitely agree to this request with a condescending attitude. But today...She must make him shine! So she has to do everything by herself, including grooming and dressing up.

"Thank you very much, but please allow me to decline today. Anyway, the movie starts early, so please pick me up in two hours."Arisu made the arrangements, with a serious tone in his words.

"All right then. I'll pick you up later."

After hanging up the phone, Arisu stopped hiding under the quilt and slowly got up from the bed. She would naturally do the washing and dressing. But in order to get twice the result with half the effort, she should of course summon her good slave....They are good friends.

After a while, the door was opened from the outside. No more, no less, just two girls: Kamuro Masumi and Kushida Kikyo.

Because Arisu is often not convenient to open the door in person, and as a master, it is a bit too low-profile to open the door for the dog.

Therefore, Kamuro and Kushida each have a spare key to her room. But without the owner's permission, it is strictly forbidden to enter this territory without permission.

Kamuro Masumi is still the same. It doesn't matter to her whether it is Christmas or not. But she feels very uncomfortable being ordered around on such a day.

Kushida Kikyo is dressed very cutely, at least 20 points cuter than her usual school uniform. Although there is no special arrangement, Kushida Kikyo has friends all over the world. She has made appointments to go to various places to play, but she has to stand them up because of the owner's summons.

Although she has been tamed, this kind of thing that will affect her interpersonal relationships will still make her very annoyed.

"I'm so sorry. I need you two to come here during a festival like this. If I've caused you any trouble, I'm willing to apologize."

Although she said so, her condescending tone didn't convey any apology.

Kushida Kikyo and Kamuro cursed in their hearts: This woman knew it would cause trouble but still said it on purpose, what a nasty bitch!

Then the two looked at each other, seemed to see what the other was thinking, and nodded to each other.......

Arisu knew they were unhappy, but dogs are always in a bad mood, and she was too lazy to discipline them for this matter:"Although I know you may be dissatisfied. But you should work quickly. It would be bad if you delay my work."

"How could that be? I'm lucky that Sakayanagi-san needs me to do something!"The one who said this was Kushida Kikyo, and this is what she is best at. Otherwise, she would have been pissed off to death by Horikita Suzune soon after the school started. Kamuro didn't say anything. Looking at this junior who knew how to flatter better than himself, the recognition he had just had for her turned into contempt.

Knowing that their mission was to make this already cute doll in front of them even cuter as much as possible, the two began to act.

However, when it comes to dressing up, all of Arisu's clothes are very consistent with her own cute and elegant temperament. Or just choosing a set is enough to make her charm kill both men and women.

"You two, please don't be in a daze."

Never mind! It's her order anyway, so just do it. There is no cutest, only cuter.

Arisu's side was in full swing, but Yingyi's side was a bit boring. There was really nothing to do in the past two hours, and he was looking forward to how Arisu would dress up.

He wanted to read a book but couldn't concentrate. He forgot the previous line when he read the next line. He wanted to play a game but looked at the menu interface for a long time but couldn't think of what to play.

But no matter what he did, he would always glance at the clock on the wall every minute.

Finally, after the wire turned two and a half circles, the phone rang again.

"Alice, are you ready?"

".....Oriental classmates...Your princess is in our hands! If you want to save her, don't play tricks and come here alone!"

"Wuwuwu~ Brave man! Save me!"

Two voices came from the other end of the phone. The former was Kikyo Kushida and the latter was Arisu herself.

Yingyi rubbed his brows:"So today we are playing a story about a hero and a princess?"

He cleared his throat:"Ahem. Evil devil, don't hurt the princess. I'll come to save her right away!"

Although he played various fairy tale scripts with Arisu almost every day, this was the first time that such a wonderful thing as NPC was added.

Yingyi was a little embarrassed for a while, but if he didn't do what Arisu wanted, he was afraid that it would completely arouse her desire to play pranks.

"Hehehe.....Then we will wait for you! Foolish hero!"

Then the communication was cut off.

In fact, Kushida Kikyo was a little embarrassed, but she had no choice, it was just the master's order........Kamuro Masumi is definitely not good at this kind of thing, so Arisu gave the role of the demon king to Kushida. The former can only be a demon king's younger brother, that is, a soldier who guards (serves) the princess.

Arisu sat in his chair, accepting the oranges fed by the soldiers, and looking forward to the surprised expression of the hero when he saw him.

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