The shopping street of Kodo Ikusei Junior High School is very long, but it is always crowded. Especially during Christmas.

Yingyi walked slowly with Arisu, and the staff of the roadside shops and cafes were dressed as reindeers or Santa Claus and holding signs.

"Would you like something to drink?"

When passing by Lubron, Yingyi asked Yui beside him. As a heart patient, Yingyi would not agree to her drinking coffee, but the juice and drinks here are also worthy of praise.

"Then come in and have a milkshake."

As soon as the two entered the door, they found that the boss was alone, looking at the ceiling in boredom, while at this moment, Lubron was full of people, and the business was unexpectedly good.

""Hey, welcome, what can I do for you?"

Because they often come here, Yingyi and the boss are close friends. The former likes the latter's cooking very much, and the latter thinks that the former is a confidant who truly understands coffee and cooking.

So the originally bored expression has become a little more relaxed.

"A cup of mixed coffee and a cup of strawberry milkshake. Speaking of which, what happened to you today?"

In fact, Yingyi didn't need to order his own, the boss knew what to do. Since the opening, the other party basically drank the signature mixed coffee.

The boss had seen Arisu beside Yingyi many times. Because he suffered from congenital heart disease, he never ordered coffee here. The boss was still very satisfied with Arisu, who was polite, elegant in behavior, and youthful and cute as a high school student.

"Come to think of it, all the couples who came to my place today are like you. Really, I am still a single man. Looking at the couples coming and going, when will I be able to find the girl of my heart?"

Although he was complaining, the boss's humorous tone sounded more like a joke on himself.

Arisu and this funny uncle are old acquaintances, and he also joked:"I think if you are willing, you will be very popular with girls"

"Oh my, the girl I like may not have appeared yet. But I really envy you~ for finding such an outstanding girl like Arisu as your girlfriend."

The boss also teased Yingyi, making some sighing sounds from time to time.

Yingyi touched the little hand in his palm, looking at the other's cute face:"Yes, but this is my blessing, you can't envy it."

Arisu also closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Tsk....So, you guys."

After the boss delivered the two people's orders, he sat back in his seat and wiped the cups.

""Boss! Please give us five cups of mocha coffee!"

At this time, a girl's voice came from outside the door. This is what it means to hear someone before you see them.

The boss responded and began to prepare their orders. Since the other seats were occupied, they could only sit at the counter like Yingyi and Yusu.

"Hey? Isn't this the president?"

The people who came were the five-member team of Ayanokouji, Yukimura, Miyake, Hasebe, and Sakura. After the last incident, they obviously became closer and more friendly.

And the few people were a little surprised to see Yingyi showing his full face. In fact, except for the street dance race at the last sports festival, he had never taken off the mask.

"Ah, hello."

Ayanokouji naturally knew the relationship between Yingyi and Arisu, and they also knew his secret. But now the two were obviously dating, and it would not have any direct impact on him, so he simply reduced his presence. The people on the side also noticed the girl next to Yingyi, because they had met at the sports festival, so they naturally knew Arisu.

"This is Sakayanagi-san, right?...Are you on a date?"

Class D has never faced Class A head-on, so they have no chance to face Arisu directly. But even so, the name of the shadow of the tree, Sakayanagi of Class A is recognized as the most dangerous leader of the grade.

"Yes. Are you planning to have a party?"

Ying nodded. He and Arisu didn't care about the guy who pretended to be invisible. Today's scene didn't need any extra people.

"Yes! After all, it's too pitiful to spend Christmas alone......"

Although it was an unintentional remark, the boss who was mixing coffee felt like he was shot in the heart.

To be honest, the two sides were just acquaintances, so after a few laughs, they pretended that each other did not exist.

Although Yukimura still felt a little bothered by the last incident, there was nothing he could do. But after that, he heard that Class C had suddenly changed, and the leaders were replaced by Kaneda and Shiina. Ryuen disappeared, and if there had been no news, he would have suspected that he had dropped out.

After Yingyi and Arisu drank their drinks, they said hello to the boss and prepared to go to the movies. Arisu can't watch horror movies, and he has no interest in ordinary things.

But....Watching a movie with a couple is not just about watching a movie. Otherwise, there is no need to choose such a special day to go to the cinema. What is the most important thing in a cinema? The dark environment and the special seats for couples.

During the Christmas period, if there are not many friends, the cinema can only be a place for couples. Yingyi and Arisu caused quite a stir as soon as they arrived in the hall. Both

Yingyi and Arisu are influential figures in the school. One is the current student council president, and the other is a freshman.....Maybe she is the cutest girl in the school right now.

The two of them together makes the boys and girls present feel that it is reasonable���It is hard to accept.

However, the two protagonists at the center of the topic did not care about these, and randomly chose a movie to enter.

The movie is a very popular fantasy love anime. However, whether it is Yingyi or Yusu, their mood at the moment is not on the movie.

Yusu rested her head on her boyfriend's chest, rubbing up and down like a white cat....Yingyi put his mouth close to Arisu's ear:

"Miss, I will show you a magic trick.

How could a young lady who has experienced so much not be able to guess what magic is? However, even if she thought about it, she still had to guess the trap of the other party.

"What magic?"

Yingyi looked at Arisu's cute face and slowly lowered his head....

Yui also closed his eyes, and when he thought that the other party was going to kiss his lips, he found that his target was not here, but somewhere lower....

Looking at his girlfriend's slender white neck, he kissed her without hesitation....

After a long while, Ying Yi reluctantly left his prey, looked at the red mark on it, and nodded with satisfaction.

"So, is this what you call magic?"

Arisu pointed at the strawberry mark on his neck and asked. Yingyi was about to nod, but the little girl came up to him. Similarly, she also wanted to mark her prey with her own mark.

After a long time, Arisu raised his head and smiled triumphantly at the two marks in his eyes.

"So, the princess got one more. What should I do?"

Arisu quickly protected his neck.....The feeling just now was very wonderful, but how could she maintain her dignity as a princess if the other party succeeded in doing so


But Yingyi just smiled fondly:"My dear, you only have two hands, defend the bottom, what about the top?"

As soon as Arisu reacted, he was hugged by the other party....This guy's goal is still there....

As the two of them exchanged kisses, the movie gradually came to an end. Neither of them cared about the content of the movie. They just thought that the other must have kissed them one more time!

But now there was no time to retaliate. I will definitely make you pay tonight!

The two of them looked at each other and declared: Don't even think about escaping tonight!

As everyone in the theater left, they left the cinema arm in arm.

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