The two of them came to the second floor and looked at the messy classroom and the C class members lying in all directions. Yingyi sighed and walked to Longyuan.

He picked up the cold water beside him and poured it on him.


Long Yuan woke up instantly. He was completely unrecognizable and couldn't speak clearly. When he saw that it was Ying Yi who appeared in front of him, he seemed to be relieved, and then he became depressed.

"Hey, I didn't come up here to see you acting like a spoiled brat. If you can move, Ibuki will be in your care. I'll take Albert with me, and Kito will carry Ishizaki on his back. Let's go to the health room first."

Ryuen said nothing and stood up silently. Although he was seriously injured, he still had some strength, so it was not a big problem for him to carry Ibuki.

Seeing this, Yingyi called Hoshinomiya Chie.

""Hello, who is this?"

After a while, the call was finally connected. After all, it was already very late, and the other party might have gone to bed. But the other party's voice did not sound like he had just woken up from a dream.......

"Hello, Mr. Hoshinomiya. I am���Fang Yingyi"

"Ah! It's Dongfangjun! Why don't you rest so late? Are you calling the teacher to ask her out for a private meeting? But it may not be convenient now.......Otherwise we will...."

This is the temper of Xing Zhigong. She has a cute and lively personality, innocent and sunny. She likes to tease students and other teachers.

"Teacher, actually, a student from Class C was injured. I want to ask if the infirmary is convenient for you?"

Hoshinomiya also stopped teasing and asked in a serious tone:

"Hey? If it's convenient, come over now. I'll go to the health room right away."

After hanging up the phone, Yingyi picked up Albert from the ground and carried him on his back. The other two also carried one person on their backs and walked towards the health room.

The weather was very cold. Yingyi and the others waited for about ten minutes before Xing Zhigong finally arrived. The smell of alcohol in his face also made Yingyi understand what the other party was doing.

"Huh? Is this Ryuuen-kun?"

Hoshinomiya didn't expect that Ryuuen would become this pig-headed, with a deformed nose and mouth, plus purple-black eye sockets and bloodstains on his face. It was obvious that he was beaten into this state.

Looking at the others, Ibuki, Albert, and Ishizaki. Almost all the core members of Class C are here. It is obvious that this is not a self-torture tactic.

And Hoshinomiya is also curious about the culprit who caused all this. She still has an idea of the level of the students in her own class.

And the atmosphere between Yingyi and Ryuuen doesn't seem to be caused by the former. That means it must be Class D?! Class D actually has such a powerful student...Could it be that Ayanokouji?

Hoshinomiya was brainstorming. But right now, it is more important to heal them.

"Teacher, no matter what, let's take a look at their situation first......"

Yingyi saw that the other party was still in a daze and couldn't help but remind him

"Oh! Sorry, I was just wondering, how could such a powerful student like Ryuen-kun get hurt so badly? He must have been bullied by some naughty students. Don't be afraid, if you need help, just tell me!"

As he said that, Hoshinomiya opened the door of the health room and invited several people in.

Yingyi also twitched.......Naughty students? Even if there are students who are more naughty than these guys, they will not take the initiative to provoke Ryuen, the plague god.

After putting several people from Class C on the beds, Xing Zhigong took the lead in checking their conditions. Apart from some minor injuries caused by beatings, they were just unconscious.

So the problem of Ryuen in front of him is more serious.

""Ryuen-san, come sit over here, I'll help you take care of your wound."

And he really went over and sat down obediently. This scene was really a strong sense of disobedience. No matter what he did, this tyrant never respected any teachers or classmates.

If it was the old him, he would probably shout that he didn't need it and decisively turned around and left the health room.

‘Could it be that this guy changed his personality after being beaten up?......But Ryuen had often failed in his plans before, and he had been taught a lesson before, so why did he become depressed only this time?......’

Yingyi thought silently in his heart, and then looked at the ghost head who was doing nothing and was in a daze.

""Guitou, you can go back first. You've worked hard today!"

Guitou Falcon nodded and turned away.......

This guy's gloomy attribute is actually higher than Ayanokouji. The latter would still respond with a few"hmm" and"ahh", but the former really didn't say a word.

"Ryuuen-kun, can you tell the teacher what happened?"


"Ryuen-kun, your wound is probably fine now. But be careful about your diet these days! And don't do anything dangerous again."


Hoshinomiya didn't care. The more Ryuen tried to hide, the more she suspected that it was Class D. It seemed that there were many hidden talents among Kosae's students. Even Ryuen couldn't suppress her completely.

So she could only rely on......Xingzhimiya glanced at Yingyi who was sitting at the door. However, the other party looked like he had no desire, as if there was really nothing he could exchange for. Xingzhimiya decided to wait and see. If there was really no other way, she would give up everything and ask Yingyi to suppress Xiaosaizhi to the lower class!

Only this, only Xiaosaizhi could never be forgiven!

After Ryuen's medicine was applied, although he still looked swollen, he was much better than the inhuman appearance just now.

"In that case, come out with me, Ryuen."

Yingyi was calling out to the deceased tyrant. He couldn't wait to know what happened that could cause such a big change in a person's psychology.

Ryuen didn't show any expression or movement. He stood up and followed Yingyi out the door.

"Remember, don't do strenuous exercise!"

Xing Zhigong reminded him. Although Long Yuan's injuries were mostly in his head, the muscle damage in his body was also very serious.

The two walked on the empty commercial street.

"So, don't tell me that you got depressed after being beaten up."

Yingyi bought two cans of coffee from the vending machine and handed one to Longyuan.

"I'm going to apply for withdrawal. I don't care what happens to Class C after that." Long Yuan opened the coffee and drank it before saying the first sentence he could not help but say.

"Drop out? Are you planning to give up on those idiots and your grand plan of 800 million points?"

"There's nothing we can do about it. Only victory will make people tolerate the existence of a tyrant. How can they obey me after repeated failures?"

What Ryuen said makes sense. Since becoming the leader, he has never won a special exam or class confrontation. And this time, he even led all the fighting factions to be annihilated in terms of force.

Even for people like Arisu and Katsuragi who have attracted support with their own personal charm, there will be many people who oppose and support the other faction, and then more people will choose to wait and see.

Not to mention Ryuen, who started out as a dictator. As the number of failures increases, there will be more and more dissatisfaction within the class. And if people's hearts are scattered, the team will really be impossible to lead.

Every class has experienced the existence of traitors and spies. So even if Ryuen continues to lead, Class C will face various problems in the future.

"Yeah....Are you feeling fear now?"

Ying Yi asked a seemingly insignificant question. But this was a thorn in Long Yuan's heart. He had always thought that he had no fear and would not be afraid, but because he saw a real monster without joy or sadness punching at him continuously, and even saw his own death in the other's eyes, he was afraid! For the first time, he felt what horror was!


At this time, no answer is the best answer

"Haha, so you didn't retreat because no one supported you, but because you were afraid. Because of fear, you didn't want to fight Ayanokouji again. Because of fear, you, the tyrant, thought you couldn't defeat your opponent, so you announced your abdication."

Ryuen wanted to refute, but couldn't say anything. Suddenly, a flying kick came from behind, knocking Ryuen to the ground.

"Humph, you are thinking of running away alone and leaving us to face the difficulties, right? Okay, go ahead! I have disliked you for a long time, you useless thing!"The person who came was Ibuki, who woke up not long after Ryuuen left. Since the two of them were not walking fast, Ibuki found a place quickly.

I wanted to tell Ryuuen that I was fine, but I heard that he was planning to drop out of school! The reason was that he was scared of this guy. What a joke? He came and left as he said, what does he think of everyone in the class?

After being kicked away, Ryuuen never stood up. Seeing this, Ibuki became even more angry and left cursing.

"I say. Everyone is gone, so stop pretending."

"Tsk.....As expected, he was discovered after all?"

The EMO Ryuen disappeared, and in his place was the arrogant and unbridled king.

"how to say...I am just testing you. Because I can't think of any reason why you would back off. If it's really because you are afraid,.....Then I can only take back all my previous comments about you"

"Oh. If I don't do this, the public anger in the class will not be quelled. And this is a good way to find out if there are any evildoers with ulterior motives."

"Well......What will you do next with Class D?"

Ryuen looked at Ying Yi with contempt.

"Why should I tell you? The masked man, Ayanokouji, was beyond my expectation, but he was just an appetizer. The real feast has always been you and Sakayanagi!"

The atmosphere suddenly became gloomy.......

"If you have what it takes, come on. But if you treat Arisu like a feast, I won't be so easy to talk to."

The threat in Yingyi's eyes became more and more serious, and the tyrant actually felt a little scared again.......

‘This guy.....He hasn't killed anyone......’

From Ayanokouji's ruthlessness and cruelty, Ryuen realized that the guy had definitely killed someone before, which was completely different from his own aura of just beating someone into a cripple. That thing was called murderous intent.

And the murderous intent he felt from Yingyi now was much stronger than that from Ayanokouji.....This means that this guy may have killed more people.

After seeing Long Yuan being frightened, Ying Yi also restrained his momentum:

"No matter what you do. Whatever you do to me, whatever you do to Class A, I will treat it as your necessary behavior to challenge the class. I will never say anything about the ordinary challenge to Arisu, but if you have any out-of-character words or behaviors, I can only eliminate you.......Long Yuan, I have always regarded you as a talent." this...This guy......Ryuen said nothing more and continued to drink the coffee in his hand. From now on, he was just an ordinary student in Class C.

Snowflakes fell, and a tyrant came to an end.

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