After leaving the gymnasium, Dongfang felt a little tired. If it wasn't for gaining points, he really didn't want to be the bad guy.

Although this school is full of traps and frauds. But there are still people like Matsui and the kendo club members who are united and friendly.

Yingyi from the Dongfang family is not a so-called saint. It's just that he always thinks that he should show a different attitude towards different people.

As the heir of a large family that has been rooted in Kyoto until now, the minimum is to have the cultivation of a child of a big family. The so-called humility, the so-called respect for the elderly and love for the young, in Dongfang's eyes, this is also what he has to do in order to increase his contribution to society.

""Huh~" Dongfang calmed down after taking a deep breath. He was about to go back to the dormitory to rest, but he didn't expect that there was a man with a cold face and glasses sitting downstairs.

"President. Hello."

Yes, the man with the same ice-cold glasses is the student council president, Horikita Manabu.

"Ah, I've been waiting for you for a long time"

""Hey? Waiting for me?"

Horikita Manabu nodded and said,"Do you mind going for a cup of coffee together?"

After hearing Horikita Manabu's invitation, Dongfang didn't want to agree. After all, the student council president was also present when he was competing with the Kendo Club.

Dongfang also felt that there was a pair of sharp eyes staring at him. Although he didn't feel like a thorn in his back, the feeling of being stared at all the time was not good.

But since he had waited for a long time, he was the student council president of the school after all. So he agreed to Horikita Manabu's invitation for the time being.


Hearing the other party's agreement, Horikita Manabu also nodded, and the two walked towards the coffee shop silently, and no one spoke in the middle.

Lubron Cafe (ps: Because I don't remember what the coffee shop in Jikyo is called)

"One Americano, thank you."

"Black coffee, thank you"

"How should I put it? Black coffee really does seem to help. But won’t it affect my sleep?"

"It's okay, I still have a lot of work to do later."

Horikita Manabu calmly answered Higashikata.

The two of them waited for the coffee to be served on the table.

"Dongfang Yingyi, Grade 1, Class A, discovered important information about the S system on the first day, and on the second day, he deliberately provoked the sports club to gain personal points."

Dongfang was sipping coffee when he heard Horikita Manabu read out what he had done in the past two days. Before he could speak, Horikita Manabu slowly spoke again.

"The heir of the Kyoto Higashi family, he has shown extraordinary observation and judgment since childhood, especially in martial arts. Not long ago, he was awarded the title of"Sword Saint"."

"!!"Hear���Beixue also told Dongfang about his past. Dongfang was surprised at first, but then helpless.

He was not surprised that someone knew his past. He was surprised that the student union president could know these things. So how powerful is the student union?

"Hey, hey, hey, no way. Can the student union even do something like this? Just check the students' past files or something."

"Don't get me wrong, Dongfang, this kind of thing is usually only known by the student council president. Even as the student council president, I still paid a high price to know this information."

"Is that so? Then why did you wait for me today?"

Higashira didn't care what the price Horikita mentioned was, it was just personal points. But he also got the information that the president of the student union did have great power.

"I approve your application to join the student union."

"Eh? Apply?" It seemed that he was thinking about the time when he didn't want to be the president of the Kendo Club and used the excuse of the student council to get out of it.:

"Ah, that was a misunderstanding. President, I don't believe you didn't understand what I meant. If I join the student union, I won't be able to earn points.……"

Hearing the other party's reason for rejection, even Horikita Manabu, who always had a cold face, twitched his eyes.

"What you did today has been known to other societies. In other words, they will not accept your challenge as easily as they did today."

"Ah, although I expected it, the news spread too fast."

"In fact, you are not the only one. Another student has posted on various social media platforms to challenge all students in the school to a chess game."

"Chess." Dongfang-san almost didn't think about it. He guessed that it must be Arisu's work just by looking at the chess.

"Well, joining the student union or something, can you let me think about it?"

"Yes. If you join the student union, I can give you the position of vice president."

"Vice President?"Higashita didn't expect Horikita to be so generous. He thought that if he was a member of the Discipline Committee, he could also get some information.

"Yes. The president of the student union is elected, and the other members are decided by the president. If you agree, I will give you one of the two vice presidents."

It seems that he also heard that Horikita Manabu was pushing him, so Dongfang asked this question.

"But, why me? Or, why are you waiting for me? Is it so urgent that I become the vice president?"

"……If you agree to join the student union, I will tell you these things. By the way, the next student union president will also be elected from the vice presidents."

"Hmm...but I'm just a freshman, and the other vice president you mentioned should be a sophomore. In theory, his interpersonal relationships are wider and stronger than mine, so this is not fair to me."

"It doesn't matter. You don't have to worry about the third-year votes. Although I can't let them give you all the votes, I can at least give you half. You just need to deal with the first-year votes."

Combined with Horikita Manabu's words. Dongfang classmate is also more certain that this student council president must be worried that another vice president will be elected president.

In other words, if Dongfang classmate agrees to the invitation, it will become a competition between him and the other vice president. A hot potato, Dongfang classmate decided:

""Okay. I agree. But what's the situation with the vice president? And why must I be the one?"

Hearing that the other party agreed to the invitation, Horikita Manabu's brows also relaxed.

"The vice president is called Nanyun Masa. He is a very capable junior who only wants to transform this school to make it more competitive. I think everything is not the best, but if we really follow his ideas, the stability of this school will be completely destroyed."

"……Is that so?"

"Yes. But I don't deny Nanyun's ability. Besides, he has completely controlled the second grade. Even if he is expelled from the student council, it will not help. Maybe it will cause a bigger mess."

Hearing that the other party has controlled the second grade, Dongfang was not surprised. After all, if it weren't for this, Horikita would not have such a headache.

"I roughly know it. But why did you look for me? No matter how famous I was in the past, even if I found the school's loophole on the first day. But it doesn't mean I can defeat him, right?"

Horikito pushed his glasses.:

"In theory. I intend to reject all your applications to join the student union. After all, if Nanyun uses someone to further control the first grade, then there will be no hope."

"That's true."

"But your appearance made me change my mind. Your background, your upbringing, and your personal thoughts and abilities meant that you would not be controlled or influenced by Nanyun."

"Therefore, you think that instead of letting Nanyun slowly infiltrate, it would be better to let me in and fight him?"

"That's it."

Dongfang sorted out the situation and resolutely set a goal for himself for the next step: Become a student union president for fun.

"Then, please give me your guidance, President Horikita"

"Please give me your guidance, Vice President Dongfang."

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