"Phew~ I'm so tired, let's just ignore Ishizaki for now."

Ying stood up, stretched and looked at Arisu beside him:

"Now, what was I originally planning to do these few days?"

"Well...Defeat Ayanokouji? But you only mentioned it briefly."

Indeed, ever since he saw Roadhog's arrogance and domineering behavior with his own eyes, Yingyi has become more and more disgusted with these high-ranking figures.

They all possess enormous energy. It can be said that if they stomp their feet a little, the whole Sakurajima will erupt in a huge earthquake.

But it is precisely because of this that these guys regard the lives of ordinary people as worthless. The murdered Matsuo father and son are just a microcosm of many of them.

But to change this society and eliminate these pests is a very difficult task, and it is basically impossible.

For those in power, the easiest thing to come into contact with is the so-called dark side of human nature, which will subtly affect themselves over time. The society of Sakurajima is especially... In this way, the son of a politician is also destined to become a politician, whether it is family education or the living environment he is exposed to.

Who can guarantee that after these old bugs are eradicated, the new ones will not be small bugs? Even Yingyi has never thought of such a naive dream, so he can only completely overthrow the guy he absolutely cannot ignore.

Since you want your son to become a tool for you to gain power, I will completely defeat him before that to prevent future troubles.

Therefore, after that day, Yingyi's goal of defeating Ayanokouji has changed from an interest to an absolute goal. Even if the opponent is no longer motivated, his own powerful ability cannot be ignored.

"Yes, I originally thought that I would join Ryuen's action. No matter what preparations Ryuen made, he could never be a match for Ayanokouji."What

Yingyi foresaw was Ryuen's disastrous defeat, and since there was a most suitable venue, it would be a good place to start the duel with Ayanokouji.

"Isn't that great? You defeat him first, and then it's my turn. The successive failures are enough to prove that his existence is a mistake."

Ying Yi shook his head:

"That's true. But if I defeat him in the area of force that I am best at, I won't feel any sense of victory, because that's as it should be."

Just as Arisu is going to choose chess, which Ayanokouji is very good at, defeating the opponent in his strongest area has real meaning.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Since Ayanokouji doesn't want to drop out, I'll just find a way to get him to drop out. Then I'll spend 20 million to keep him here....Therefore, combined with the new special exam that may come in the future, this is also a great opportunity."

Arisu nodded when he heard this.

"But that should be in the third semester. Are you going to help Ishizaki pick up girls in the next few days? Although I want to read some interesting stories, I am obviously a little tired."

"How could I be so boring?....If you hadn't asked me to agree at the beginning, I wouldn't have planned to help him do anything....But the plan has been given to him, let's go and have our fun."

Ying Yi stretched out his hand to hold Arisu's hand, but was dodged without a trace.

"Ah! Today's weather is really good. It would be great if a beautiful princess was willing to accompany a country boy like me to have tea on such a sunny afternoon."

"Yes, if someone asks the lovely princess here to do something on such a beautiful day, I think she will not refuse."

Ying Yi showed a happy smile:


" No"

Arisu raised his head proudly:

"Every time I go out, I either drink tea or go shopping, which is not interesting at all. If some country bumpkin can only think of these, please forgive me for rejecting him."

Didn't you just say that you wouldn't be rejected if I asked you for a favor?' Yingyi complained in his heart.

Seeing this guy in front of him seem to be really thinking of some new romantic ideas, Arisu just found it a little funny:

"Well...Since someone couldn't figure it out, I had no choice but to tell him mercifully. Since I came to school, I have never met any rivals, so it's inevitable that I feel a little itchy....."

The opponent that Arisu mentioned is the story of a man who challenged all his classmates and seniors in the school through chess at the beginning of the school year.

"Itchy hands.....But even I am not an expert...."

What Yingyi said was true. Everyone has something they are not good at. Since he knew that Arisu liked chess, he also learned a little bit from him.

In order to be a qualified sparring partner for him, Yingyi also began to learn chess spontaneously. However, even so, he was far from being Arisu's opponent.

"However, since the princess doesn't mind, I will dare to challenge you."

Yusu herself knew that Yingyi had never beaten her in this aspect. Her purpose was not just to play chess, but more importantly, this feeling of being alone together was what she was looking forward to. She returned to Yingyi's room. As for why they were here, it was because neither of them wanted to be disturbed by anyone else, and....

""Eh? Don't you want to see what a girl's boudoir looks like?"

Ying Yi wanted to nod, but the Eight Leaves Observation Eye told him that if he really nodded, something bad would surely happen.....

After all, Chairman Sakayanagi is still in the school. What if he finds out?....

"Miss, please don't test me in this way. As a gentleman, I know that girls' rooms and the like cannot be entered casually. Even if I am your boyfriend"

"Ah~ The young master is really a gentleman...If you are speaking from the heart and not out of fear of someone"

"I told you! There was an earthquake that day!! Earthquake!!"

Arisu almost couldn't help laughing at the way he didn't give any hint.

The two of them set up the table in Yingyi's room and sat down:

"Since you invited me, can I play with white pieces?"


In fact, Arisu didn't even think about being polite, and directly picked up the chess pieces and placed them on his side. Yingyi also picked up the black pieces and placed them in place.

"Then, I will begin."

Arisu picked up the soldier in front of the knight and made a classic opening.

In chess, it is usually necessary to operate all the pieces as much as possible and not to send the strongest queen to the battlefield too early.

Therefore, the knight, who has the most flexible and changeable movement methods, has become the core of many tactics. The knight opening is also a very common opening method.

Yingyi directly picked up the soldier in front of the king and moved forward two squares.

"Ah~ Young Master is really bold."

The rules of chess and Chinese chess have one thing in common, that is, the king or general as the commander must not be eliminated, otherwise the game will end directly.

But the difference in chess is that there is no so-called regional restriction on the king's movement, which means that what Yingyi is planning to do now is....

"A cowardly king is not worthy of being protected by his brave subjects!"

"I agree with this. But as a king, it is inconvenient for me to move, so I can only ask my most powerful knight to destroy you."

Arisu had released all his knights without knowing it.

Faced with the pincer attack, Yingyi could only choose to move the king to the side, but if he did so, he would lose the bishop behind him.

However, since the situation was like this, he had no choice but to sacrifice the bishop, and if he did so, his queen could just trap one of the knights.

"It's a good idea. Unfortunately, my knight will never be trapped by other queens."

I don't know if it's a hint, after eating the bishop, Arisu chose to take the risk of sacrificing the knight, and would never be tied to the queen's attack range.

And that's why Yingyi's queen eliminated one of the knights. He should feel that this exchange is worth it, but....This chess game was not meant to be played simply to determine the winner....

"Huh? I was destroyed?"

Ying Yi put himself in the role of a knight. In order to protect his queen, he would never surrender to the enemy. It was normal for him to be sentenced to death, but......

Arisu just smiled faintly:

"Young Master, if you don't think it through, my other knight will destroy your chariot."

Ying Yi looked at the enemy knight who was staring at his own knight.....

After his death, a new knight is protecting his queen? What a joke! This guy must be executed!

"In this case, we can only drive the chariot out."

After escaping from the enemy knight's sight, Yingyi also began to chase and intercept, determined to kill the white knight.

After dozens of rounds of game, Yingyi's king finally killed the white knight!

"Hahahaha, I won!"

The game between the two sides was very fierce. In the end, the white side was left with only one king, one queen, and three soldiers. The black side's queen was even forced to sell off, leaving only one king and three soldiers.

"Ah~ It seems that I won in the end.

Although the soldiers in Western chess are not like Chinese chess, they cannot move forward unless they kill the opponent. However, Arisu has an extra strongest queen, but from this point of view, the victory is already decided.

"Tsk....If it wasn't for killing that damn knight..."

"Die, Black King! My queen is a great swordsman. It is not too shameful for you to fall at his hands."


So that queen is me?

Arisu looked at Yingyi's incredulous expression:

"Isn't that a matter of course?...I am the queen, how can there be another queen?"

Then he ruthlessly used the queen to slap the black king away.

"......So why did I go to all that trouble to kill that knight?..."

"Yes, what is it for?"

Since the chessboard is not big, Arisu can reach Yingyi's face with his hand, so he knocks the queen in his hand on the opponent's forehead.

"Shouldn't we be happy if we win?...."My Queen?"

She leaned forward and said,"This is a reward for you~"

Ah. I did win.

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