"Attention all first-year students, attention all first-year students. An important announcement is hereby made. In order to maintain the unity and friendship between classes, the Student Union will host a"Test of Courage" tomorrow night. Please pay attention to the mobile phone notification for specific details."

"The courage test for the second and third graders will be held the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow respectively."

In the afternoon, all the first grade classes heard the announcement on the radio, but for them, this so-called courage test might also be a special exam arranged by the school.

"Huh? Didn't you just take the exam? Why are you taking it again now?"

"But what can be done at the Test of Courage Contest?"

"....I can't think of it...."

The most troubled class is Class D, which can be said to be the worst class in dealing with emergencies, because until now the so-called leaders can only be assumed to be Horikita and Hirata, plus a person with a lot of say, Kikyo Kushida.���The strong support from Kikyo can be regarded as convincing others with strength.

Hirata and Kushida are popular in front of most of the class, so they are also willing to listen to them.

At this time, Kikyo Kushida will not give up the opportunity to win more say for herself, and directly stood up to comfort everyone:

"Don't worry, everyone. This is really just a test of courage, because I am also one of the staff members!"

Hearing what Kikyo said, everyone in Class D also relaxed their minds.

"However, Kikyo, you said you are a staff member, but isn't this organized by the Student Union?....?"

Class D knew about Karuizawa's joining the student council on the same day, and she still retained her status after the student council changed. Although no one knew why she got a position as a clerk, everyone was happy about it.

Facing everyone's doubts, Kushida Kikyo did not give a definite answer:

"That's not the case. I just have some connections with the president and vice president of the student union...."

She made her words vague, but also pointed out that she had a connection with the top 2 of the student council, which could not only make a cut at a critical moment, but also improve the class's status invisibly.

And what she said was not wrong, there was indeed some connection with Arisu, but this connection might be something they could not think of no matter how hard they racked their brains.

At this time, Karuizawa also expressed his affirmation:

"Well, because I was also called over to work. So I can be almost sure that this is just a test of courage."

In fact, she was also very depressed. She was obviously the undercover who was recruited, but why did she feel that Kikyo Kushida wanted to perform in front of the president and vice president of the student union when she was working?

And she knew everything about the relationship between Yingyi and Arisu. No wonder he said that day that he was not interested in her at all, but...What's the situation with Kushida Kikyo? Could she betray too?

So Karuizawa has been living in entanglement and fear. As a traitor and undercover, the popular Kushida Kikyo is obviously more suitable than her.

What she knows, the other party knows. What she doesn't know, the other party also knows. Over time, isn't she just a waste who enjoys protection in vain? If she is abandoned..........

Therefore, she also planned to take advantage of this courage test to find an opportunity to ask that person clearly how he arranged her.

After hearing that the two staff members said that there was no trick, Class D turned to thinking about how to spend the courage test. The three idiots each wanted to date the girl they liked, but after seeing the rules on their mobile phones.....

"This courage test will consist of one man and three women. The boys and girls cannot be in the same class. The grouping results will be determined by drawing lots, and the first come first served. The remaining boys will form a group of four, and try to make it consist of at least two classes."

"What is this? We still have to draw lots to decide the groups?"

The students who had just made plans became upset when they saw this rule.

"The president said that this conference is also to deepen the connection between classes......"

"However, does that mean that if you want to participate in the courage test with a girl, you need to draw lots early? I must go!"I'm determined to go!" Ike and Yamauchi said. But when Sudo heard that he couldn't participate with Suzune, he just felt that this event was meaningless.

Gaoyuan Temple didn't have much interest in this kind of event, so he didn't care at all.

Now that Ayanokouji has returned to the state of wanting to spend three years in peace, and thinking that maybe he can get to know a few more people through this event, maybe he can learn something that the white room doesn't have, such as the so-called human nature.

Class C was very calm after hearing the notice, because the class leaders basically knew that this event was a courage test on the surface, but in fact it was to help Ishizaki date girls. The opinions of ordinary classmates have never been important, so no one said much.

"You guys can have fun in this test of courage. But there is only one thing, don't cause trouble at this critical moment!"

Ryuen issued the king's order!

The effect was outstanding. All the students in Class C were terrified and nodded silently to show that they heard it clearly.

At this moment, Class B was also very lively. Because Ichinose was called out to arrange some activities in the past two days, he just told the students that there would be a surprise in two days.

Unexpectedly, it was a test of courage held by the student union to enhance the harmony of the students!

"Xiao Fanbo, is this what you have been busy with these two days?"

"Yes, because the president asked for confidentiality....That’s why I haven’t told you all yet, sorry."

Ichinose is just like that, no matter if it’s her fault or not, or if it’s subjective or objective. As long as she thinks she’s wrong, she’ll take the blame on herself.

"Xiao Fanbo is still like this. Since there are regulations, it is normal not to tell us, right?"

"That's right, your mentality will develop into the so-called self-destructive tendency."

However, it's a test of courage. It's very rare for a school to hold such an event alone, because haunted houses and the like only appear during cultural festivals. There must be a class dedicated to this project.

Holding a test of courage for the entire grade alone, I have to say, it's really worth looking forward to!

"The rules say that there should be one man and three women. The girls in our class should find their partners in advance. As long as one person is responsible for drawing lots, they will form a group with the boys who draw the same number."

"So, Fanbo-chan still wants to be in the same group with Higashikata-san?"

The topic suddenly became about herself, and Ichinose spoke incoherently nervously:

"No no no no....I...I am a staff member, staff members cannot..."

It's not that the staff can't participate in the courage test, but when setting up the event, Yingyi and Yusu were inseparable, which made her feel bad......Sometimes the two of them act too close....And she always had a feeling that when Arisu deliberately asked Yingyi to do something, he would always look at her inexplicably.

No, no, no, Ichinose, how could you think that? The two of themBesides, Sakayanagi herself said that they have nothing to do with each other......Maybe it's just work....

Thinking of Christmas Eve, which was coming soon, Ichinose encouraged herself! She must, must express her feelings at that time!

While she was daydreaming, the girls also began to look for their partners. Shiranami was a little sad when he heard that Ichinose could not participate in the courage test, but since it was like this, there was nothing he could do.

The boys themselves were not the type to make trouble, so they simply dispersed and did their own things.

As for Class A,...

Most of them are the actors in this Test of Courage.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the Test of Courage to officially begin!

Soon, it's time to draw lots.

"us...We are number 2, Chihiro!"

Okakura Asako got the number plate very happily and walked to Shiranami and a girl named Himeno Yuki.

The two nodded. After all, the number is just a number, and they don't know who the boy is.

As for the lottery itself, of course it is full of shady dealings!

In order to allow Ishizaki to be successfully and coincidentally grouped with Shiranami, the number Shiranami will draw was fixed at 2 from the beginning!

Because the so-called lottery box and the table are magic props connected together!

The two layers of lottery boxes overlap, and when it is the turn of Shiranami's group to draw lots, the staff only needs to push the normal drawer with the number plate on the top to the side under the cover of the tablecloth, then they will only draw the drawer below that is all number 2.

""Who is number 2?"

A silly voice sounded. Okakura Mako and Himeno Yuki still had to find out who this voice was, but Bai Bo suddenly trembled all over. This voice.....

"yes....You (you)?"

Both sides were shocked! Very shocked! Why was it this bad boy? Why was it the target group they wanted to frame!

Of course, Ishizaki's shock was fake, thanks to Ryuen's careful teaching.

If it weren't for the fact that this test of courage was held by the student union, they would really suspect that this was also Ryuen's conspiracy.

However....Contacting Ishizaki was originally a passive thing, and now the other party actually came to the door, Bai Bo made up his mind! This time, it is a godsend opportunity, let the other party think that they have succeeded earlier, expose their plan earlier, and complete the counterattack earlier!

She has long been fed up with being harassed by this horrible and hateful bad guy day after day! Complete the task quickly and return to Xiao Fanbo's side. This is the real future that belongs to Baibo Chihiro and me!

"Bai Bo, am I in the same group with you?"


"Then, let's join the courage contest together."

Bai Bo nodded, but this half-reluctant and half-stiff action was regarded as a....The manifestation of shyness!

It worked! The Date A Live team who were secretly observing clapped their hands in celebration. Then, it all depends on Ishizaki's own ability!

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