Time passed quickly, Yingyi was already preparing dinner:"So what are we going to eat tonight?"

As a princess, Arisu would not worry about the things that a housewife should do. She just had to lean lazily on the head of the bed and wait for the royal chef to bring the meal.

"Alice, how about curry?"

"Curry or something like that, it's not bad to eat it once in a while."

Like a queen high above, Arisu approved the chef's suggestion.

"I'm talking about you……"

Ying Yi just sighed helplessly, took the kitchen knife in his hand and started peeling potatoes.

"Alice, have you ever thought about what your life goals will be after defeating Ayanokouji?"

This question really touched Arisu's heart. She had a goal that she must defeat since she was very young, and also a goal that she must protect.

However, she never thought about what she should do after defeating that guy.

"Hmm... what do you want to do, young master? It will probably be many years before you take over the position of clan leader."

"I'll probably go around... The place called Morioh-cho I heard about before is pretty good. But that's only after your health gets better."

Morioh-cho is a small town in Sendai City. The people in the town are simple, but some supernatural events often occur. The assassins who attacked Arisu before also came from there.

"It sounds really good."

"Well... this can be regarded as a tradition of the sect. Master Yun, the ancestor of Baye, is such a free and easy person."

Just like that, he kept reminiscing about the past and looking forward to the future.

As the curry was served on the table, the little princess was already starving.

"Hmm... It's really delicious. I'll give you an A for now."

Arisu touched her belly without caring about her image. It can be seen that she is really satisfied with today's dinner.

"Thank you very much. However, the queen still needs to eat after all."

Arisu ignored him and felt sleepy after eating.:

"Ah~ Did the young master want to do something bad to the beautiful girl... Did he deliberately put something... strange in the curry?"

Yingyi curled his lips imperceptibly. Although Arisu was just playing a prank out of habit. But if he really wanted to do something bad, he wouldn't need any strange things.

Looking at the Arisu in front of him who continued to lazily lean on the head of the bed after eating, and who was completely different from Arisu outside.

Yingyi silently picked up two plates and went to the kitchen to wash them.

"Is this an advance portrayal of married life?"

"So you actually want to be a househusband?"

"Forget it... I don't want to be a househusband……"

After washing the plates, it was almost time for the Test of Courage to begin.:

"Alice, it's about to start over there."

The girl sitting on the bed with a cute expression said:"I suddenly don't feel like exercising anymore."

"Then let's not go... turn off the lights and go to sleep."

Ying stretched out his hand to turn off the light in the room, but was blocked by a silver cane.

"Please answer me, Dongfang, what are you going to do?"

"In reply to Sakayanagi-san, I feel very tired too. I want to rest now."

Yingyi said this partly to accompany Arisu in fooling around, and partly because he was really a little sleepy.

"Of course I know, but didn't you notice that there is another girl in this room right now?"

When he said the second half of the sentence, Arisu pointed to his chest.

"But isn't this girl also very sleepy? Since we are trying to achieve the same goal, we can obviously rest together."

"Please allow me to refuse. Even if you are my boyfriend, you can't force me to do something I don't want to do."

Arisu said righteously, trying to make himself look more dignified.

""Haha, Princess Alice."

Yingyi suddenly changed his behavior, so Arisu didn't get to continue the dialogue she expected.

However, her professional qualities cultivated over the years made her never easily have stage accidents, and changing the style of lines was easy for her.

"Oh? What do you want to say, the sword master from Kyoto?"

Elegant temperament can never be faked casually, princess mode, online!

"What I want to say is, before you try to act majestic... can you please pay attention to the rice grains on your face?"

Ying Yi laughed sarcastically.



Even though he had been through many battles and his mental quality was strong enough to transcend the world, he still made such a mistake!

He quickly picked up the small mirror beside him and touched his face with his hand at lightning speed, but he didn't find any rice grains... and just when he put down the mirror, he suddenly felt something……

"No, this is... a conspiracy……"

Yingyi suddenly leaned close to Arisu's ear.:

"It's time to go, Princess."

He kissed the girl's slightly red ears gently.


By the time Arisu realized what was happening, Yingyi had already returned to his previous position. He rolled his eyes and slowly stood up:"Let's go."

The two of them were not in a hurry. The courage test was not as important as accompanying the person they loved to walk around the campus.

The two of them strolled along the campus path that was already illuminated by the bright moonlight and the twinkling stars.

"Schools rarely organize activities just for fun."

"Because three years is not too long, nor too short. In order to have enough competition and to meet the academic requirements, the school may have done its best."

Students in this school face sudden pressure every day, and this pressure is no less than that of office workers.

They also have to worry about being abandoned, and they also have to do their best to survive. They also don't know when the accident will come.

"So, they can also take advantage of this courage test to relax."

The courage test is definitely a good place to relieve stress, whether it is screaming or laughing wildly.

When the two arrived, the students who participated in the courage test were entering in batches.

""Higashigashi-san, Sakayanagi-san, you're here!"

Ichinose saw the two figures walking towards him from a distance.

"Is everything going well, Ichinose?"

"Well…except for a few students who were not satisfied with their grouping, there was basically no problem."

It is normal to be dissatisfied. This grouping is destined to have this result."

"Tsk... you guys are finally here. Were you doing something interesting just now?"

It's easy to tell who could have said this annoying and arrogant tone.

""Ryuen, if you have nothing to do, come in and help with the work. With your dignity, I don't think you even need to disguise yourself."

Arisu didn't want to stay here. She just wanted to see those students being scared by some non-existent ghosts.

She winked at Yingyi, said something to everyone, and then walked to the monitoring room accompanied by Kushida Kikyo who was suddenly summoned.

Ichinose also had to work diligently, so after saying something to Yingyi, he was pulled away by other students.

Now, only Ryuen and Yingyi were left.

"The masked man, I have something to tell you. Don't think that I have reached a previous cooperative relationship with you. You are my friend! If I find your weakness, I will definitely hit you hard!"Does

Ryuen have any gratitude towards Yingyi? Probably not at all. Does Ryuen have any hatred towards Yingyi? I guess there must be a lot.

Although Ryuen's threats cannot be ignored. But Yingyi feels that it can only be like that.

One is that he doesn't have any so-called weaknesses at all, except Arisu.

But if Ryuen can really defeat Arisu, Yingyi will still look up to him. At least he can be put on the level of Ayanokouji.

Another is that even if Ryuen really finds his weakness, with his current personal points of nearly 80 million, what can Ryuen do to him?

""Okay, okay, whatever you want."

Seeing that this guy didn't take him seriously at all, Long Yuan laughed in anger.

"Hehe, you can be careless. But before that, I will destroy that Ayanokouji first, so that the hope in Suzune's heart will be completely extinguished."Does he still like Suzune so much? Yingyi was too lazy to pay attention to Ryuen's second-year syndrome.

"How's Ishizaki?"

"……Humph, I don't know. It doesn't matter what happens to him. If he can't solve it himself after this... I don't need to mind his business."

"I really hope you can do something interesting by then. Maybe I can go and see it myself.……"

Long Yuan's expression froze……

"Are you trying to sabotage my operation?"

"At least not this time. I mainly want to see what method you can come up with to force that guy to fall into your trap."

After getting the other party's guarantee, Long Yuan felt a little relieved.

"Heh, before that, you must sign a contract with me that you will never interfere with my actions, nor can you spread my actions afterwards!"

Long Yuan, this guy, was obviously cheated too many times and had some stress reactions, but this time, Ying Yi really didn't intend to ruin his plan.

"Okay, okay. But am I really that untrustworthy in your eyes?"

"Are you kidding me? Don't tell me you're a naive fool who thinks you can trust someone with your words."

"That depends on who said it. If it's you……"

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