It took an extra two days to prepare for the Test of Courage. After rushing around, it was finally arranged in the shortest possible time.

During these two days, Ishizaki got to the shoe cabinet early every day and persisted in carrying out the greeting action. Shiraha was tortured and became very impatient.

Thinking of the tactic of turning the tables that everyone in the class had discussed before, because Shiraha herself was the one who was most affected by this incident, she had to agree to accept Ishizaki's constant harassment, and then pretend to respond to the target to see what they would do next?

Although Shiraha herself was very afraid and hated this bad boy from Class C, this was for Xiao Fanbo and for everyone in the class. Shiraha once again showed the girl's backbone!

So no matter how impatient she was, she had to pretend not to care, and even pretend that the other party had succeeded, and then they would probably use her to hurt Xiao Fanbo next.

Therefore, on the second day, Ishizaki was still guarding the door of the shoe cabinet as usual, and when he saw the person waiting coming:

"Good morning, Baibo...Classmate."

He tried to call the other person by his last name, but after a moment of hesitation he gave up.

"stone....Ishizaki, you...Good morning to you too."

Forcing myself to say this sentence that I don't want to say at all is also a challenge to myself! Come on, Shiranami Chihiro !

"Huh? What did you just say?"

Ishizaki didn't hear it? Do you want me to say it again? But I've already started....After taking a few deep breaths:

"I said, good morning to you too."

Although there are many students coming and going here, everyone is used to the fact that Ishizaki waits for girls here every day.

It's just that this guy waits for people unilaterally every day, says hello, and then leaves. The whole combo is extremely smooth, and Ishizaki has been given the title of"big bootlicker".

Knowing Ishizaki, you will naturally know the girl he is waiting for. It must be mentioned that he is very cute, and the weakness revealed in his every move also makes people want to protect him.

But how could such a girl be interested in a guy like Ishizaki? He doesn't look outstanding, and he must have average abilities since he is from Class C. The most important thing is that he is a bootlicker.

So most of the classmates are just watching for fun. They are even betting on when this guy will make the girl angry.

But, what did they hear just now?

Hey, hey, hey, are they moved by your sincerity? But I didn't see you do anything extraordinary. Are the current school girls so easy to pursue?

Only the students in Class B of the first year, in addition to cursing Ryuen in their hearts that he is really despicable and shameless, could only silently thank Bai Bo for his efforts.....

And Ishizaki? Ishizaki was already frozen.

He never thought that Bai Bo would respond to his greetings. On the one hand, happiness came too suddenly, and on the other hand,....Commander, have you ever told me about this situation?

Shiraha looked at Ishizaki standing there stupidly, not knowing what to do.

‘No...Did someone find out? It's all my fault, Xiao Fanbo. If I could act more naturally, our plan might have succeeded.....’

The two stood there staring at each other for about a minute. Kanzaki coughed and woke up Shiranami first:

"That....Then I'll go to class first."

Then, he hurriedly took his schoolbag and ran to Class B as if he was avoiding the plague.

As for Ishizaki..........

"Where's Ishizaki? You even skipped my class!?"

In Class C, Sakagami Kazuma was mad at his textbook.

"So, you mean to say that Shiranami Chihiro replied to you, and then you stood there for a whole class?"

Ryuen glared at Ishizaki with a look of disappointment.

"Big brother, this is not my fault.....They are all commanders...No, President Dongfang did not explain what to do in this situation. So I......"

Ishizaki felt that he was innocent. He was acting according to the script you gave him. Why did the actress on the other side suddenly add more scenes?......

When Ying heard that Ishizaki had put the blame on him, he stared at Ishizaki with an extremely intimidating look:

"Haha, how about this. I just change the male lead?"

"I agree. Ishizaki, you should just give up on women with your brain.

Ishizaki was confused. He didn't know what he had done wrong.....

Yingyi was even more confused than him. Why did this happen? Could it be that Shiranami was influenced by Ishizaki? This was unlikely.....

But, if he had not been persuaded, why would Bai Bo greet Ishizaki without any displeasure in his tone, and even say goodbye at the end? ?

"It seems that there is only one explanation."

"Hey, you guy, I told you not to speak in such a cool voice."

(Ryuuen’s main role in the Date A Live chapter is to be the one who makes fun of you!)

"The only explanation is that Shiraha might have a crush on you, too! But as a shy girl, she doesn't dare to take the initiative to say hello. And today, Ichinose is not with her, so she doesn't hide it anymore!"



No one expected this to happen. Arisu was shocked for the first time.

In the dating conferences that have been successfully held for many sessions, she has always been the one who entertains people. No matter what anyone says or does, she doesn't care. She just waits to see the result.

But what shocked her this time was not the doubt that Shiraha would like Ishizaki.

In Arisu's eyes, unless Shiraha was blind and crazy, how could he like Ishizaki, who was not even a bug? What really shocked her was Yingyi's imagination and her doubts about herself.

Such a love genius can actually chase me???

"That's right! That's the only explanation!"

Kushida Kikyo showed her talent and work in cheering people up. Yes, her biggest role is to liven up the atmosphere and prevent meetings from becoming dull.

From this point of view, Tachibana Akane is a fool, Arisu is the one who makes fun of people, Ryuuen is the one who makes fun of people, and Kushida Kikyo is the actor who livens up the atmosphere.Yingyi is the only one who is doing real work!

Well, he is a very well-rounded person!

"But, but what should I do?"

Ishizaki panicked involuntarily. He had no experience in this kind of thing!

Ying Yi waved his hand:

"Don't be nervous. Since the situation is beyond our expectations, let's just strike while the fire is hot! Anyway, tomorrow's test of courage is ready. The invitation letter and notice will be sent out later. Everything will go according to plan. If nothing unexpected happens, your relationship will have a qualitative leap tomorrow!"

Since the commander said so, it's basically settled! Ishizaki was getting more and more excited, as if he thought of something wonderful, and he smiled foolishly on the spot

"That being said, you must be trained! Otherwise, how can you deal with the special situation tomorrow? Therefore, this glorious mission is given to you, Major Ryuen! You must let Ishizaki learn to speak within today!"

"Tsk, you still have to rely on me? Also, when did I become a major?"

Yingyi did not respond to this question, because he himself did not remember what rank Ryuen was.

"So, for the success of the Test of Courage, come on!"


Completely different from the student council room, the students in Class B were constantly taking care of Shiranami's emotions and cursing Ishizaki.

"Chihiro, why don't you just forget it. We can find another way. You don't have to force yourself to talk to someone you don't like."

"That's right, Shiraha, we should fight back when enemies come! As for me, no matter what conspiracy Class C has, as long as we unite as one, we are not afraid of them!"

Even Kanzaki Ryuji felt a little bit sorry at this time. It was agreed that the whole class would work together, but in the end, such a heavy burden would be placed on a girl?

Shiraha looked at her friends with great emotion. Everyone cared about her, so wasn't she also caring about everyone?

"It's okay, everyone, I can do it! Besides, our action has already begun, and it would be a pity to give up. So, it's okay, I will never let them hurt everyone in our class, hurt Xiao Fanbo!"


Ichinose was moved and hugged this good friend who trusted her and was now trusted by her and the whole class.

After the crazy special training with Ryuen and Kaneda, Ishizaki is now full of confidence! He will never be so nervous that he can't speak in front of Shiraha again.

Although Ryuen may have vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in excitement, if I can become a big brother in the future and have a smart little brother, I will also be very excited. But vomiting blood is indeed a bit too much.

Thinking of the"good morning" that Shiraha said to him in her light voice during the day, Ishizaki, who was lying on the bed, was so excited that he couldn't sleep.���

Sure enough......Bai Bo......The cutest!

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