The final exams of Classes CD ended with scheming and backstabbing.

The battle between Classes AB was also full of intrigue and deception.

Let's go back to when the test just ended.

"So, are we simply competing with Class B in academic ability this time? I'm not doubting your ability, but there are always contingencies.……"

Hashimoto stood respectfully in front of Arisu, expressing his concerns about the exam.

"There is no such thing as a one-shot deal with me. Besides, who said I want to compete purely in academic ability?"

"So, you mean……"

Arisu didn't rush to answer, but closed his eyes and thought about the feasibility of the plan.

"Starting tomorrow, write a note in everyone's shoe cabinet saying"Ichinose has a large number of unknown points."

Although Hashimoto didn't know what the princess was going to do, he had no choice but to do it.

Just like that, the next day when he went to school, this note appeared in the sight of all the first-year students.

"Ichinose has a lot of points?"

"This...what does it have to do with us how many points they have?"

The students in Class B also gathered together to discuss who leaked the news.

"Xiao Fanbo, what should we do?"


At this moment, Ichinose's voice was interrupted by a frivolous laugh.:

"Oh, I can't tell. Ichinose, how many points do you have? Show them to me!"

"Ryuen, did you do this?"

Ryuen just came to join in the fun. Facing the blame put on him by Class B, he knew with his feet that it must have been done by Class A. Seeing Arisu coming over, he decided to watch this good show.:

"Think what you want. But before that, should we ask the guy who came over?"

"I just think that it would be better for Ichinose-san to explain the unknown origin of the points."

"Well... my points are a class battle strategy. However, if you want to know, I can apply for a certificate from the school to confirm that my points are not an unjust gain!"

"Then we'll wait and see."

After saying that, Arisu took his pet and changed into indoor shoes and walked towards Class A.

"Oh, interesting……"

And the next day, Ichinose indeed issued a certificate from the school. Faced with absolute evidence, everyone who had not thought much about it just thought that someone's offensive trick had failed.

However, the first grade received notes in the following days. They were all about Ichinose's black material, such as smoking noodles, selling **, theft, and robbery.

There were all kinds of charges, and faced with these, the two classes of CD just regarded them as vicious pranks.

After all, no one would think that the angel-like girl would do such low-class and outrageous things.

But only some of the students in Class B who knew about it knew that one of them did happen.

Ichinose was not troubled by the theft he had committed before. So after comforting everyone, he was still as positive and cheerful as usual.

However, when Class B was leaving school, a group of people came over.

"Sakayanagi! You guys are the ones who spread these rumors!"

"What on earth are you doing! How could Xiao Fanbo do such a thing? You are so vicious, aren't you afraid of retribution!"

Seeing the atmosphere on both sides getting more and more intense, the students of Class CD also rushed over to watch.

Facing the anger of Class B, Yusu did not care, but pretended to be surprised.:

"Ah~Hasn’t Ichinose-san told you yet?"

"What did you say?"

"Well, it's better for the person involved to explain it himself."

Ichinose took a few deep breaths. She knew that there was no need to hide such things from everyone. And judging from the notes that Class A put down every day, if she didn't explain it clearly, it would probably only cause more trouble.

"I'm sorry, everyone."

Ichinose bowed to everyone in Class B.

"Hey? Xiao Fanbo, why are you apologizing?……"

"Actually, as the note said, I am a criminal. I have committed unforgivable theft."

"Huh? ? ?"

Not only Class B, but even the two classes who were just watching the fun didn't expect that Ichinose actually stole something?

However, as Ichinose told the story of the past again, omitting the plot of Yingyi as much as possible, everyone understood that this was just a means used by a sister to fulfill her sister's wish. Besides, a hairpin worth 10,000 yuan is nothing.

"Sorry, everyone!"

"There is no such thing!! I know that Xiao Fanbo is still Xiao Fanbo!"

"Yes, Ichinose is still the gentle and kind classmate!"

With the understanding of Kanzaki and other insiders, Ichinose is even more recognized by Class B.

However, this touching scene was interrupted by a burst of applause. Following the sound, it turned out to be a girl with long purple hair.

Because Arisu can only move one hand freely, the job of clapping will be given to his good friend Kamuro!

"That's a good point, but no matter what, it can't change the fact that you stole."

"Yes, but even if I am like this, I can be accepted by everyone again. I will work harder to be myself!"

Ichinose's speech was recognized by the students in Class B.

"Haha, okay. Class B's environment is really enviable. I guess they will just lick their wounds in secret when they encounter any difficulties."

No one heard the hidden meaning of Arisu, but Kanzaki Ryuji felt that the other party was mocking Class B.

After that, Arisu left with the students of the Sakayanagi faction.

"Sorry to trouble you all."

"Ah... It's okay, Ichinose-san, we just came to take a look."

After returning to Class A

"Princess, what should we do next?"

Arisu said something insignificant after sitting down.:

"I remember that Kamuro-san knew that���Platycodon"

"Ah... yes, I know her. But my deal with her is over."

"Then please invite her here tomorrow. I have a new deal to make."


Arisu also knew the secrets and methods of Kushida Kikyo. One must admire her ability to grasp the secrets of other people's hearts with her disguised appearance and her own affinity.

The next day at noon, Kamuro Masumi came to the door of Class D.

"Kushida-san, someone is looking for you!"

"Got it, I'll be right over."

Kushida Kikyo walked to the door in a good mood. When she found out that it was the guy she hated so much, if there weren't other people around, she would have performed an excellent face-changing show.

"It's Kamuro-san. What can I do for you?"

"Sakayanagi is looking for you"

"Sakayanagi-san...what do you want to talk to me about?"

"How would I know?"

Kamiro Masumi was also reluctant to approach this two-faced person, so her attitude was not friendly. Kushida Kikyo was so angry that her hands turned white, but in order to maintain her image, she had to pretend to be sweet.

""Okay, let's go. Thank you for leading the way, Kamuro-san."

Kamuro was just informing them and turned to walk towards Class A.

Kushida Kikyo was even more angry, so she held back her breath and followed silently.……

"Hello, Kushida-san"

"Hello, Sakayanagi-san. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I want to make a deal with you. I hope you can tell me some dirty laundry about Class B."

"…………Sakayanagi-san... what are you talking about? What black material? I don't quite understand."

Kushida Kikyo didn't expect that the other party would directly ask for the foundation of her survival. She pretended to be embarrassed and asked back

"Kushida-san, you look cute in disguise, but I don’t like it very much."Kushida Kikyo also knew that her secret was known by another person, so she simply gave up the disguise and returned to her gloomy appearance.

However, she did not respond to Arisu’s words, but looked at Kamuro with a cold attitude.:

"Kamuro Masumi. You haven't forgotten our deal, have you? Do you know the consequences of breaking the contract?!"

"Please calm down. My source of information is not Kamuro-san, but someone else."

Kushida Kikyo was about to spit out blood at this moment. Is there anyone else who knows? How come everyone knows the secret? Then what's the point of Horikita dropping out of school?

"Huh~ Huh~"

At this moment, Kushida Kikyo can only rely on deep breathing to stabilize her emotions as much as possible.

""Has Kushida ever thought about this? After we enter the second grade, if other freshmen know your secret, what will you do?"

Kushida Kikyo has never thought about this question. However, if there really is such a junior who threatens you from then on, then won't you be controlled by others?

"Haha, it seems you have thought it through. So my deal is, I will help you deal with the new student who knows your secret, and I need you to be an obedient dog."

"Dog...haha, that means I���to your protection, and then you want to dominate me forever?!"

"If you refuse, then I think... your reputation will become very bad."

"If you dare to do this, I will make your class regret it!"

Kushida Kikyo yelled hysterically. Reputation is something she now regards as more precious than life.

"Don't be angry. If you lose Koukou Ikusei Junior High School, you will have a hard time finding a place in this society. Besides, my proposal should be very beneficial to you."

Arisu paused.:

"You can sell out the class to get Horikita to drop out. Why can't you sell out yourself to protect your reputation?"

Kushida Kikyo was also brainstorming at this moment. She couldn't let the secret be exposed like this, otherwise she would be forced to do the same as before.

But let her be a dog... like this Kamuro Masumi? This is impossible anyway.

"If you agree, I can not only protect you, but also pull you into Class A at the last minute. With your ability, it won't be difficult to get 40 points in the joint score."

"After that, you only need to change a city or country to live in, and you will still be the beloved Kikyo Kushida. No one will know your past."

Kushida Kikyo was moved by Arisu's proposal. As long as she was selected into Class A, she would be eligible to choose a future of survival.

When a dog of two and a half years was exchanged for protection and a future, Kikyo Kushida made her choice

"Okay, I promise you. But I must drop out of school, Horikita Suzune! You can't interfere with me. This is the only thing that is absolute!"

"It seems that you have a lot of opinions about her. It's okay, but if you are expelled from school during this process, I won't help you. After all, I don't like useless dogs."


Although she admitted that she could be treated as a dog and ordered around, she still felt uncomfortable being called so bluntly.

"It seems that you don't like this name. In that case... I'd better forget it.……"

"……Woof...Woof……"Kushida Kikyo lowered her body.

Arisu heard the satisfied sound and reached out his left hand to touch Kushida Kikyo's head.:

"Good boy~ Then tell me the dirty laundry of Class B first"


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