I got some so-called negative information about many people in Class B from Kushida Kikyo. Although most of them were things that were said behind other students' backs because of their different personal preferences, they still had to force themselves to cater to the other party.

However, this was enough for Arisu to carry out the next plan.

After Ichinose confessed, the first-year students would no longer receive flyers harassing Class B every day.

After a few days, just when everyone thought that the matter was over, they suddenly discovered a lot about Class B that was not as harmonious as it seemed.

And there were issues such as someone secretly liking their best friend's boyfriend.

Due to the large number of cases, and the fact that most of them were harassment of the students in Class B, they could no longer bear it.

Under the leadership of Kanzaki and others, they took the initiative to find Class A.:

"Sakayanagi! Are you done yet? Do you think these childish tricks will do any good?"

"Sakayanagi! Come out!"

Then, Arisu's diplomatic dog came out.:

"Please be patient, everyone in Class B. Our princess didn't say anything, please don't get excited."

"Huh? If it wasn't you guys, then it must have been Long Yuan who did it?"

"I don't know about that. But personally, I don't understand your behavior of forcing yourself to cater to others."

After hearing what Hashimoto said about the flyers, the students in Class B knew that they had said something to let their classmates down.

But how could they admit such things to each other's faces? It is impossible for humans to have no opinions about other people in the process of communication, because of the differences in ideology, this is normal.

What's more, Class B has a total of 40 people, and it is already very good for them to just complain a few words in private.

"Hashimoto, stop fanning the flames! You don't have to worry about how our B class gets along."

"That's right, Hashimoto, I just hope you don't do these tricks anymore. Are you afraid of us in the exam?"

Hashimoto was not in a hurry:

"I don't know much about the off-the-board tactics... But since your class is so united, you don't have to worry too much about it. Maybe in a couple of days, no one will mention it anymore."


Kanzaki and the others had no way to deal with Hashimoto, who was like a piece of meat on a rolling pin. On the one hand, there was no evidence of harassment from the other party, and on the other hand, even if there was evidence, Class A had not violated the school rules.

Therefore, in the next few days, Class B had been suffering from the destruction of gossip.

This destruction also more or less affected the usual harmonious atmosphere.

In the past, when two people ate together, in order to take care of the other person's feelings of not eating beef, the other person would not eat beef either.

When most of a small group of people buy the same toiletries, a few people will also buy it.

When the class has a meal together, Ichinose picks up the napkin on his right hand, then everyone will pick up the napkin on their right hand.

This is society, human beings are like Like pigeons, if one flies to the right, then all will fly to the right.

However, now he may know that some people are deliberately catering to his interests, and he actually hates this thing.

Then, the connection between the two will be somewhat broken.

However, the nature of the classmates in Class B is kind, and under the influence of Ichinose, the powerful welding agent, the relationship between classmates has not deteriorated too much, and will slowly repair over time.

And Kanzaki Ryuji looked at the classmates in front of him, and he wanted to do something. Why must they accept the attack of Class A, and they can only passively defend?

Therefore, he went to Class A more than once to ask Arisu to stop spreading rumors. And threatened not to hinder the cooperation between Class AB next time.

Arisu just smiled at this.:

"Let's wait and see."

Just a few days before submitting the test questions, Hashimoto approached Kanzaki Ryuji:

"It's been really hard lately."

"Humph, who do you think is responsible for this?"

"Kanzaki-san, I am giving you a suggestion... As long as you hand over the test papers of Class B to me, we will stop immediately."

Kanzaki Ryuji looked at Hashimoto as if he was a fool. He didn't understand. The other party couldn't be so naive. What on earth was he trying to do?:

"Hashimoto, do you think I'm stupid, or is it Sakayanagi behind you who's stupid? You want me to betray my class? Hehehe."

Looking at Kanzaki who was laughing out of anger, Hashimoto also had a calm smile.:

"Kanzaki-san, I'm helping you."


"Well... think about it yourself. With your current status, is it possible for you to be promoted to Class A?"

"……So what?"

Hashimoto calmly assisted Kanzaki in analyzing:

"You are not weak in any aspect, whether it is learning ability, sports ability, or class cooperation. Especially the last point, you are even invincible in the whole school. However, except for the time on the uninhabited island, you became the biggest winner because of our plan. You haven't won once now, right? If you don't find the reason, I'm afraid you will be demoted to Class C soon."

Kanzaki has always realized that the current state of the class is not right, but he has not found the real crux of the problem.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

""Ichinose, you too, both of you don't have the heart to compete. What you think of as competition is just like children playing house. If you keep going like this, you will be eaten up without a trace left."

Kanzaki was also savoring Hashimoto's words. For some reason, he actually felt that Hashimoto was right. If things continued like this, the class might really fall behind.


"So... someone must tell them with facts that the competition in this school is cruel. Traitors do exist! Isn't it worthwhile to use an exam to sound the alarm for the children who are still playing house?"

Kanzaki subconsciously wanted to refuse. No matter what, betraying the class...

However, he loved this class deeply, and these classmates were undoubtedly the best companions he had ever met.

As Hashimoto said, it is not too late if you can react now. It is worth it to wake up these companions by dropping out of school alone!

"Hashimoto... Oh, I see. You were prepared for this from the very beginning when you attacked Ichinose. Your target was me from the beginning, right?"

"I don't know the details.……"

The news of Ichinose's theft was published to prove that the flyers were true.

The private gossips of other students were spread to keep them under pressure for a long time.

With the character of Class B, they would only think that this was the opponent's strategy. As long as the exam is over, the rumors will automatically dissipate.

But there will still be someone who realizes that this may not be right.

At the critical moment, through Hashimoto, the real limitations of the class are pointed out to the other party.

The problem has never been the so-called rumors. The real problem is the virtue of forcing oneself to achieve others.

As long as Ichinose nods, the others will vote unanimously. As long as it can help others, it is not a pity to hurt oneself.

From the beginning of the school to now, the alliance with Class D has never brought any benefits to Class B. On the contrary, Class B helps Class D train cultural courses all day long.

And the students in Class B are too clean. The competition and attack they want are simply a trick of dolls compared to the other three classes.

Therefore, Arisu used an open conspiracy this time.

It is because Kanzaki Ryuji loves the class and because the entire class has not yet awakened.

For their bright future, Kanzaki will definitely choose to sacrifice himself.

In this way, Kanzaki sent the final test paper to Hashimoto. And because he had received the answer in advance, the battle between Class A and Class B ended with Class A far ahead.

"How...how could it be……"

Ichinose sat in his seat helplessly, as if complaining about his own inability to do anything.

The other members of Class B also looked confused, and they thought of many reasons, including that Class A had hidden their strength, Class A was too lucky, Class A had secretly seen the test questions, etc.

But, they had never thought of the possibility of a traitor!

Kanzaki sat in his seat and saw this scene, he could only think to himself:"This traitor is really the right one!"

After Class B fell silent, Ichinose stood up.:

"Sorry, everyone. Maybe someone accidentally saw my test paper... It's all my fault.……"

"How could this happen? It's obviously everyone's fault!"

"Yes! Xiao Fanbo, don't blame yourself!"

"That's right, Ichinose, we all share the responsibility for this failure! We are partners, right?"

You and I talked to each other, which made Ichinose feel better. He quickly recovered some energy and encouraged everyone.


Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted the happy scene.


"Kanzaki, what's wrong with you? It's okay to fail this time, right?"

"That's right, Kanzaki, victory and defeat are common in the military.……"

Kanzaki looked at the people in Class B, Ichinose, Shibata, and Tsunakura, with a look of disappointment.

"Haha, hahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahaha!"

Kanzaki suddenly laughed, making everyone else look at each other in surprise.

"You, you... why don't you understand! This time! There is! A traitor! Ah!"

"What? Traitor? Kanzaki, you must be kidding me. How could there be a traitor in our class?"

"That is to say... you are all the most friendly partners."

Kanzaki was so angry that he could not stand. Ichinose wanted to help him but was rejected.:

"Oh, yes. Because I am the traitor!"


"Kanzaki, what are you doing?"

Before everyone realized what was going on, Ichinose slowly spoke:

"Kanzaki-san, if you feel bad because of the favoritism and the failure of the sports festival, I can apologize. And you are the one who leads the class, but traitors and so on.……"

"Ichinose, don't you understand yet? I don't mean to blame you at all. I'm blaming myself! Why didn't I see it earlier!"

Class B wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Kanzaki.

"Listen. I betrayed the class and gave the test questions to Class A. If you ask me why I did this, I can only say that after I dropped out of school, you guys should wake up quickly!"

"This school is not a game for children! Stop being spoiled! There are traitors, violence, and competition here. It is a battlefield that will decide your life!"

"Helping others all day long, your self-satisfaction should come to an end! Being attacked repeatedly by Class A, being spied on by Class C, and helping Class D without any reward, who can help you!"

"You haven't woken up yet, so let my betrayal and expulsion tell you how cruel and vicious this place is!"

Kanzaki spoke out his thoughts like crazy. Everyone in Class B, including Ichinose, was also awakened by the scolding.

Yes, what have they been doing? They have been studying for almost two semesters, and they are still not ready?


The whole class was silent again. Until much later

"Kanzaki-san. Thank you, but I don't want you to drop out. You are also helping this class."

"Huh? Ichinose, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"It's you who didn't understand, Kanzaki!"

Shibata also stood up excitedly:

"We said we would be promoted to Class A together, but gradually everyone lost themselves in the self-satisfaction you mentioned. This time I should thank you. Our class should stand up again."

"But...but we can go up to A together……"

"It doesn't matter. Even if we can't get into Class A with class points, we can still get into Class A with 20 million individual points! Or we can get a joint score of 70 points to get a recommendation for further study!"

Ichinose said loudly.:

"Because, we are a group! We are Class B, Kanzaki-san, let's work hard together! No longer stagnate for self-satisfaction!"

"Kanzaki-san, let’s work hard together!"

"You...you guys……"

In the end, Kanzaki did not drop out of school.���I succeeded in getting this class running again.

"This is my whole plan."

"Do you need me to lift you up?"

Arisu looked at the shadow who seemed to be coaxing a child with dead fish eyes.

"If you don't like being lifted up, how about a hug?"

Arisu was about to speak when he heard:

"Jingle Bell"


"Yes, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, he smiled sweetly at Ying.:

"Father wants to see us."

"Hey? At this time?"

"Hmm...I don't know what it is though."

"It can't be...it can't be related to you.……"

"What? Are you scared?"

"Are you kidding me? Why would I be scared?"


As he said that, Yingyi took Arisu's hand and walked towards the chairman's office together...

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