The next day, Yingyi received a list of student union applicants from Shiina Hiyori.

Shiina is indeed an excellent secretary.

All unqualified applicants who are not useful were directly eliminated, and the reasons were noted separately.

The remaining ones are candidates for further interviews. Detailed classifications have also been made.

Yingyi, who originally planned to let Ichinose be the vice president, gave up the idea decisively after discovering that his girlfriend did not like him. He appointed Ichinose as the accounting auditor. The position of vice president was given to Arisu. However,

Alice, as the vice president, was busy setting questions and had no time to interview the students who applied for the student union.

Therefore, this tedious work can only be handled by Yingyi, the president, himself.

"No wonder I felt relieved after Horikita Manabu stepped down.……"

After dealing with trivial matters for a day, Yingyi was ready to go back to take a hot bath and rest.

But at this time, he welcomed an unexpected guest.

"Boom boom boom"

"Please come in."

Kushida Kikyo pushed open the door of the Student Union.:

"President Dongfang, I am not interfering with your work, am I?"

"No. Kushida-san, what's the matter?"

It really didn't interfere with my work. It just interfered with my upcoming rest... But as the student council president, I should still give priority to serving my classmates.

"Ah, that's actually the case. I would like to ask President Dongfang to be the notary of the bet."

"Notary Public... I have no problem with that.……"

"That's great! If the student council president, Dongfang, comes to notarize it, I think she will definitely be convinced!"

Yingyi didn't care what this green tea girl wanted to bet on. He just wanted to agree to the notarization as soon as possible and go back to rest.

Then, Yingyi followed Kushida Kikyo all the way to Class D, and here he met Horikita Manabu.

"Horikita-senpai, who are you?"

"Ah, that. Actually, I also asked Horikita-senpai to notarize it. I... I don't distrust Dongfang-san, but I think that having two student council presidents notarize it at the same time... it will be more credible!"

Ying Yi stared at him with a pair of dead fish eyes.:

"Yeah. I understand. So can we get started? Your bet or something?……"

""Okay, let's start right away!"

Kushida Kikyo said as she walked in. It was obvious that the person she was betting with was Horikita Suzune, who was still in the classroom.

"I think she probably thought that inviting you here would allow Horikita Suzune to fight. But she was also worried about whether you would make a biased statement for your sister. So she invited me again.……"

Horikita Gakuya nodded:

"That's it. But Lingyin... still hasn't awakened.……"

Yingyi suddenly looked at Horikita Manabu with a strange look, which made the latter feel uncomfortable.

"What do you want to say?"

"I said... Is it possible that Horikita Suzune is such a person... She sticks to her original intention, accumulates her experience, and has a firm belief?"

Horikita Manabu didn't seem to be able to hear anything good about Yingyi.:

"speak English"

"That's right. Have you ever thought that your sister is stubborn, stupid, and totally inflexible?"


Horikita Manabu's face turned green with anger... What? Is this how his sister looks in his eyes?

Suzune is obviously... obviously a genius... she... maybe she just lost her way...

Yingyi also knew that Horikita Manabu must want to beat him up now, so he no longer cared about the psychology of this devilish glasses. Listen to the bet inside with peace of mind

"Hey, Horikita-san. Do you know that I have always hated you?"

"I know. Because I can't see any happiness in your eyes."

"Haha, yes, Horikita Suzune, I hate you so much! Why? Why did you come to this school? Why don't you drop out?"

Kushita Kikyo asked this question with a smile on her face.

"You are the traitor who betrayed the class. And now I remember... there was a problem student in the junior high school I attended, and I think... that was you, right?"

"……Hey, Horikita-san, I just want you to drop out of school."

"So, you are willing to do this even if it means betraying your class!"

"That's right. But as long as you drop out, I'm still willing to work hard and work hard with everyone to get promoted to Class A!"

Obviously, Horikita Suzune couldn't trust Kushida Kikyo. But she couldn't just be expelled like this.

Just as she was thinking about how to solve the problem, Kushida Kikyo sweetly proposed a bet.:

"Horikita-san, let's make a bet. Let's bet on the math score of this exam! If my score is higher, you will drop out. If your score is higher, I will drop out!"


"How about it?"

"I can't trust you. I can't trust the ridiculous bet you made either!"

Hearing this, Yingyi and Horikita looked at each other and knew it was time to go out.:

"Then let us be notaries!"

"Hey? Brother, and... President Dongfang..."

"How about it? If they act as notaries, there will be no problem, right?"

Kushita Kikyo was indeed thinking the same as Yingyi, and was afraid that Horikita Suzune would refuse, so she brought Horikita Manabu with her.

Horikita Suzune looked at her brother.:

"Okay! I promise you. But if you lose, I don't want you to drop out of school. I want you to be my assistant in the future, and we can be promoted to Class A together!"


Kushida Kikyo didn't expect Horikita Suzune to have such an idea.……

"OK, I promise you"

"Then, the bet is established. As the student council president, I confirm your bet: If Horikita wins, then Kushida Kikyo will be his deputy. If Kushida wins, then Horikita will drop out."

"no problem"

"No problem."

Witnessed by the two student council presidents, the expulsion bet was established.

Since Kushida Kikyo dared to take the initiative to make the bet, it means that she is confident of winning.

Then the only possibility is to be a traitor again and get the answer provided by Class C. There is only this possibility.

However, Kushida Kikyo obviously overlooked one point. That is, since Horikita Suzune dared to agree to the bet, it means that she has thought about how to counter the traitor.

So who will win this bet? It is still unknown.

On the other hand, Ryuuen has been thinking about how to lure out Ayanokouji and give him a hard time.

It's just that this guy's social network only has Horikita Suzune! Ryuuen has no idea where to start.

However, recently, as Class D assigned groups to study sessions, Ryuuen also found new connections for Ayanokouji.

This group is: Yukimura Teruhiko, Hasebe Haruka, Miyake Akito, Sakura Airi, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

How to say, this The characteristic of the first group is that they have no characteristics.

But Airi Sakura is a little bit unusual. After the Sudo beating incident in June, Airi Sakura's camera broke, but she didn't expect that the staff member who repaired the camera was a pervert.

Airi Sakura used to be a photo model. Her stage name is"Shizuku". But she is a real social phobia. She dares not show her true face to others on weekdays. She can only restore her original appearance to take selfies when she is alone.

The photos are also saved in the broken camera, but the staff has been thinking about it with bad intentions.

And Ayanokouji discovered this by chance, and successfully saved Airi Sakura who was almost violated with his own force.

And this study group is the tool that Ryuen is preparing to lead Ayanokouji out.

But before that, they still have to take the final exam called"shuffle".

Soon, the test questions of Class A were sent to Tomoya Mashima under the arrangement of Arisu.

Class B and Class C also finished their work.

However, a small incident occurred when Class D was delivering the test papers. When delivering the test papers, Horikita Suzune found that Ryuen was also in the classroom office.

So she handed the test papers in her hand to Chabashira Sae, and asked her not to show the test papers to any D-class students who came later.

However, Chabashira Sae refused because the test papers were not approved by the whole class. So after a little thought, Horikita Suzune proposed that if anyone wanted to check the test papers in the future, she must be present.

After getting the consent of Chabashira teacher. Horikita Suzune pulled Ayanokouji who came with her and was about to walk out, but suddenly thought of something.

"Chabashira-sensei... Could it be... that someone has already submitted the test paper?"

Chabashira Sae nodded.

"No... No, that test paper is not recognized by us, please change it to this one!"

"I can't do it. Because the student before also said that if the test questions are changed, she must be present in person."

Horikita Suzune was stunned for a moment, and stood there without the bright light in her eyes.

Seeing this, Ryuen laughed and left, but when he walked to the door, he looked at Ayanokouji with a hint of venomous cruelty. A few days later, the final exam officially began!

After seeing the test questions from Class B, everyone in Class A did not dare to slack off. Although they believed that the questions asked by Arisu were definitely not simple, they would not exceed the difficulty stipulated by the school.

In this exam, you must get as many points as possible!

And after Kushida Kikyo submitted the test questions before Horikita Suzune that day, she also received the test answers sent by Ryuen.

It's just... the test paper in front of her is completely different from the test paper she saw...! The answer is fake!

Withstanding the restlessness, Kushida Kikyo finished answering the test paper. She walked up to the rooftop angrily, and turned into her original cold appearance.:

"Ryuen, you betrayed me!!!"

"Oh, it's Kikyo. How can you say betrayal? The answer you gave me is false, so how can I give you the real answer?"

"No... Impossible……"

Why is this so? Because everything that happened that day was all faked by Horikita Suzune.

Long before Kushida Kikyo submitted the test paper, Horikita Suzune found Chabashira Sae and asked him to pretend to accept the test paper if there was a student submitting the test paper alone.

In fact, the test paper could only be accepted if Ayanokouji was present.

Therefore, Kushida Kikyo's plan failed.

"Huh~ Huh~ How…how…how is this possible?……"

"Kikyo, I also think it's impossible. But you were fooled by that strategist! Suzune herself couldn't have come up with such a plan."

However, how could Kikyo Kushida care about any strategist now? She thought she was sure to win... but...

Ryuen was not in the mood to be depressed with this crazy woman. He had to quickly prepare a plan to lure out Ayanokouji.

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