After a long battle, the pole-turning competition has finally come to a conclusion. The winner is Class A of the first year of the Red Group.

"Next are some recommended events. I remember the first one was the borrowing race... To be honest, this is the only event I think I might lose."

"As long as it's something that can't be borrowed, you should be able to win."

"Having said that, who knows what you'll get?……"

"The Borrowing Race is about to begin. Please enter the venue immediately.

Borrowing Race is a very interesting sport. All athletes need to draw lots at the starting line, find the objects they draw, and bring them to the finish line.

Ayanokouji also participated in this event.

"Would you actually participate in a borrowing race?"

"Even I want to make some contribution to the class."

"Contribution... Do you mean slacking off all the time when you say contribution?"

"I have tried very hard. I just don't have good luck."

"Can someone with bad luck become the only successful work?"

���Fang suddenly stared at Ayanokouji in a gloomy way.

After hearing this, Ayanokouji's nerves suddenly tensed up, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Dongfang was no longer as empty as before.

"What successful work? I am a human being."

"You know what I'm talking about. Since you've decided to take action in the special exam, do you want to compete with me in the sports festival?"

Hearing the affirmation from the other party, Ayanokouji knew that it was useless to play dumb. Thinking of the other party's physical fitness, it has completely exceeded the limits of human beings.:

"No matter what, it's impossible to beat you. Besides, I don't think there's any point in a borrowed object race."

"There are plenty of opportunities. It depends on whether you want to or not.……"


As the borrowing race began, the athletes began to draw lots.

Ayanokouji looked at the lot in his hand and said,"Bring ten friends."

"Um, please let me draw again."

Ayanokouji got the new lottery ticket and opened it. He felt a little depressed."The person I like"

""Ah, my luck is really bad... But I'll go first~"

Higashi-kun didn't care about Ayanokouji anymore. Even if he didn't declare war now, Arisu would drag him to declare war later.

He had to go back and borrow what he wanted. Arisu was sitting obediently and saw Higashi-kun coming straight towards him.:

"What did you draw? Is it related to me?"

"That's about right."

Dongfang opened the paper in his hand and said,"Something from the person you like." Arisu thought about it for a moment and wanted to hand over his original body. But after thinking about it, he still handed over his cane.

"Then I'll go to the game."

"Wait a minute."

Dongfang stopped moving and looked back at Arisu, who seemed to be waiting for something.

Arisu pointed at the paper in Dongfang's hand and stretched out his right hand.

It was obvious that he wanted something from the person he liked, but Dongfang didn't have anything with him.

Suddenly, he thought of something that the other person had given him, something that had become a part of him in recent years.

"That's true... I probably don't need to wear it now. But... it's okay just this once.……"

Dongfang-san slowly took off the mask. This was the first time that his complete face was revealed to the students in Class A.

"Dong... Dongfang classmate……"

"You... so that's how it is……"

There are three rough scars on the face. Although it does not destroy the whole person's appearance, it is true that it looks more perfect without scars.

""Leave it to you, Alice!"

Arisu took the mask. She knew that this thing was also a shackle to block a part of the other party's heart.

After removing the seal in public, Dongfang classmate looked like a young swordsman with high spirits.

"Well... I can't explain the details in a few words. But... I leave my determination to you, Alice!"

"My support is also with you, young master."

The two looked at each other affectionately, and Dongfang turned and flew back to the competition field.

Yusu lowered her head and gently stroked the other's determination. In fact, her own determination was also here.

"The winner of the Borrowing Race is Class A of the Red Team, Dongfang Yingyi!"

No one was surprised by this result. On the contrary, if they heard something else, they would find it strange.

However, many people noticed that the guy on the podium showed his full face for the first time.

Class A of the 3rd Year

"President, this is what Dongfang looks like... I used to think he wore a mask to look cool."

"Is this what he is carrying?……"

Class B, Year 1

"Dongfang-kun, what on earth have you been through...……"

When the classmates who knew the situation saw Ichinose in a trance, they knew that the class monitor was in love. However

, Ichinose's reluctance to take the initiative also made her friends stamp their feet in anxiety.

"Tsk... I thought he was really Superman……"

"Brother Longyuan, do you think the person who injured him is a superman?"

"Ishizaki, the superman I mentioned is just a metaphor... There is no superman in this world


Ryuen's ruthless conclusion caused Ishizaki to lose his dream

"The sword master was also honed through injuries, so what right do I have to not work hard?"

First-year D class

"Hey, Hui. Have you seen that Dongfang classmate? I feel like he looks wilder and more handsome this way!

Before Karuizawa could speak, a girl named Xiao Yuan immediately asked.:

"Huh? Sato, you're not in love with him, are you?"

"I just think he looks handsome... and he runs so fast, has good grades, and is the vice president of the student union... It's normal to like him!"

"But last time he……"

"It wasn't Dongfang's fault last time... To be honest, they deserved it! Besides, we have to help Dongfang vote for the president."

"I mean, I also think Dongfang is a very good boy."

Matsushita Chiaki also joined in the fun.

"Hey, Hui, we are talking, can you hear me? Didn't this Dongfang classmate invite you to join the student union? You think he is handsome, too!"

"Eh? I... I think I'm fine.……"

Karuizawa couldn't say anything. Although she had cooperated with him, Dongfang had never contacted her since the preferential treatment.

If she hadn't really brought her into the student union, she would have thought that she had been forgotten.

"What? Since you guys have no idea, I’m going to pursue him!"

Girls will release a notice of pursuit among themselves. That is, if they like a boy, they will announce it to their friends.

The purpose is to prevent other girls from pursuing this boy, otherwise they will be labeled as a villain who betrayed their friends. They will be isolated and bullied.

However, Karuizawa did not think that Sato could pursue Higashikata-san. Last time, she wanted to give her body to him, but he was dismissive. Why do you think you can?

However, since they are best friends, Karuizawa will not discourage her good friend. Like everyone else, she said"come on" and thought about her own business.

In an unnoticed position on the playground:

"So this is what happened that day... But to protect a girl, it can be considered beautiful~"

Gaoyuan Temple knew a little about the attack on Higashi-san. He only knew that it was to protect the daughter of Chairman Sakayanagi. After being injured and hospitalized, he gradually faded out of the social circle.

Except for necessary occasions, the boy of the Higashi-san family is basically not seen.

After Higashi-san returned to Class A, his classmates also asked about his well-being. Even the calm Katsuragi seemed to be very curious about what happened.

After taking the mask, Higashi-san put on the familiar half of his face and said calmly.:


This made everyone leave in a bad mood, and Dongfang-san was in no mood to share his gossip with them. He sat down next to Arisu and handed over his cane.:

"Alice, your support is back!"

"Welcome back, my lord knight."

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