Class B, Year 2.

A student with long straight white hair, smiling evilly, mumbling to herself from time to time.:

"That state... is really interesting.……"

"Kiriyama, that junior fellow Dongfang is the other vice president, right?"

"Ah. Yes."

"Ha, I think Nanyun is finished."

It would have been fine if the other party hadn't mentioned it, but when he did, Kiriyama, who had been the vice president and now an accountant, became furious.:

"Gui Longyuan, if you had continued to lead us, how could Nan Yun have been able to take the position?"

"Huh? I told you, that's fine. I just want to have some fun.……"


Kiriyama also had no way to deal with Guilongyuan. His strength was obvious to all. It could be said that he was much stronger than Nanyun Masa in terms of ability.

However, this liberal character could not reason with him at all.

"Let me see... what interesting things you can bring to this school?"

On the other side, the men's 100-meter race also reached the final round.

The other contestants looked at Dongfang and swallowed their saliva. As expected, the other party easily won the final victory.

"Senior Fujimaki, thank you for letting me win!"

"Huh~Huh~Huh~ Junior Dongfang, you are definitely the fastest creature I have ever seen."

"Biology... Although your words are a bit rude, I still take it as a compliment."

I'm too lazy to continue arguing with Fujimaki, after all, I still have to participate in the hurdles competition next.

Hurdles: Don't come over here!!

Whether it's hurdles, obstacle races, or 200-meter races, no one can stop Dongfang-san when he appears.

The next is the highlight! Pole toppling competition!

This is a traditional competition event in Sakurajima. The general rule is that the two teams stand on both sides of the ring, guarding their own flagpoles, and the one who pushes down the opponent's flagpole wins.

This kind of competition usually not only tests the physical fitness of the athletes themselves, but also requires extremely high skills, strength, and willpower because of the strong collision.

On the other hand, since it is a team competition, the cooperation between team members is also very important.

The pole toppling competition at the sports festival of Highly Identified Junior High School adopts a best-of-three system.

This time, the first-year class A of the red group is against the first-year class B of the white group.

"So, it is better for the Knight to be the main attacker!"

Hashimoto made his suggestion to Dongfang.

The others had no objection, after all, the opponent's strength was obvious to all.

"What, what should we do, Kanzaki? They have that...……"

"Don't be afraid! No matter how powerful Dongfang is, he is still just one person! Our goal is to overthrow them. Cheer up and follow the plan!"

Both sides were ready.

As the referee blew the whistle, the fierce competition began.

"You guys just defend, I want to attack on my own"

"Hey? Is it okay? There are so many of them.……"

"Ah. As long as you can hold on, we will win this time."

Then, everyone in Class A gathered together and prepared to defend together.

"Hey? Kanzaki, it seems that he is the only one who wants to attack us.……"

"No. We have to keep a close eye on him and be ready to support him at any time!"

But even if the White Team keeps a close eye on him, they can't track an invisible target with their eyes.

‘Second form, the inner wind. '

Higashikata-san's body turned into a swift wind, passing the opponents in front of him one by one.

When the White Team reacted, the figure disappeared.

‘Boom' but found that his flagpole had fallen to the ground, and Shibata, who was holding the flagpole tightly, was knocked aside at some point.

"……Why not just give him the championship? What else is there to compete for?"

"That's right. Don't hold the sports festival!"

"What the hell! He should be alone in the blue group!"

Not only on the field, but also in the audience, there was a heated debate.

The red group was happy that they had won the game, but the white group had no hope of winning at all.


The class teachers were also trying to stop the depressed emotions in the class. In fact, they couldn't understand why such people could be in high school.

"I thought the opponent was just using a trick. I didn't expect it was just pure speed."

When Matsui saw Dongfang using a familiar move, he remembered the scene when he was defeated.

Class B of the first year discussed it and felt that there was no need to participate in the competition. Instead, it would be a waste of energy, so they chose to give up the second round.

"Back-up pole contest, third round, Red Group 1st grade A class wins!"

Dongfang came to Shibata and stretched out his right hand.:


Kanzaki and others also gathered around, and Shibata grabbed Higashikata's hand.:

"Hahaha~ I really lost miserably."

"Good luck in the next game! But I won't let you down."

"Well, you have to work hard too! But for you, the first place is already in your pocket."

The two sides exchanged a few words and left. Since the pole-pushing competition would take a long time,

Dongfang classmate had nothing to do, so he simply went back to stick with Arisu.

After seeing the lineups of both sides in the fourth round:

"Well... this is really a match worth looking forward to."

The fourth round is between the two remaining classes in the first grade.

Ryuen class vs. Ayanokouji class

"He doesn't seem to be trying hard. So, in this match, Tyrant will win."

Arisu looked at Ayanokouji who decided to slack off in the middle of the match and pronounced a death sentence on Class D.

Soon, the first round was over. Sudo angrily yelled at Class C.:

"Are you blind? Can't you see there is a living person here?"

""What? You're here. I'm so sorry I didn't see you."

It turned out to be the flagpole-pushing competition. Sudo was holding on to the flagpole by himself. Albert first blocked the referee's time, and then was tripped by Ishizaki and fell to the ground.

But Sudo was still holding on to protect the flagpole. With Ayanokouji's help, no one from Class D could help Sudo.

The three members of Class C, led by Ryuen, also stepped on Sudo's back frantically until the latter gradually couldn't hold on any longer, and the flagpole fell to the ground.

"You bastards!"

"What? You still want to do it? Don't forget, you are under supervision now! Hahahaha"


Seeing Sudo about to attack, Hirata and Ayanokouji quickly pulled Sudo back.

"Calm down, Sudo! And Ryuen-san, please stop provoking us, okay?"

"Tsk... yeah, what's the point of provoking a perverted and wretched man? Hahaha!"

Ishizaki on the side also echoed:

"That's right! You are a pervert, Sudo! Have you forgotten about this matter in this month?"

More and more classmates gathered around, and Dongfang also watched with the mentality of watching the fun.

As the noise became louder and louder, Sudo felt more and more like a thorn in his back, and the world was spinning.

Sudo Ken. He has the family background of most bad boys. His mother, who works as a hostess, ran away from home, and his father, who works as a cleaner, has no fighting spirit.

He thinks he is a scumbag, and his parents are also scumbags, but despite this, Sudo also has an ordinary and great dream. He wants to play basketball and become the world's leading basketball star.

In fact, Sudo is extremely talented, and his tall and strong physique allows him to support him in physical collisions. His flexible basketball IQ also allows him to have a variety of tactics in offense or defense.

Because of the violent incidents he caused, he did not enter the sports school in the end, but instead joined another high-level training middle school where he could better realize his life dreams.

At first he thought so, but as the class teacher said that only Class A could get all this, and he was not good at removing basketballs at all He is not good at teamwork outside of basketball, and his hot temper makes him unpopular among his classmates.

However, a girl walked into his world. Before the midterm exam, the other party held a study session for people like him.

When he failed the exam, it was the other party who took out all his personal points and found a way for him to avoid expulsion.

When he was framed, it was the other party who kept helping him find evidence.

And what did he do? He disappointed the girl time and time again, and even agreed to take pictures of the girls' locker room with two other friends in a fit of anger not long ago.

I thought it was something that was accidentally thrown away, but when the masked bastard took it out in front of the whole class, although I didn't see it, she, Suzune, must be very disappointed in me...

Ike and Yamauchi heard that they didn't drop out of school and let other students sneer at them. The school-wide broadcast announcement didn't have any effect on them...

But Sudo was really fed up with this kind of life. Although he is a scumbag, he doesn't want to be constantly labeled.���The label of pervert.

Fortunately, he heard that a sports festival would be held that day. He also had a chance to make up for his mistakes. In order to save his image and for Suzune, Sudo chose to bite the bullet and sign a military order.

Within a month, he restrained his instinctive emotions and patiently trained his classmates for the competition. Sudo also gradually gained the forgiveness of some people.

He wanted to take the first place in his personal results for his classmates and Suzune. But just as the game started, he was ruthlessly defeated by a lightning beside him.

It was the guy with the mask again. Nothing good ever happened to him, but even if he couldn't get the first place, he could always get a good result with the whole class, right?

However, in the pole-pushing competition, he was like a cockroach, being stepped on. Just when he was about to explode, he realized that because of him, the class fell into a supervision period.

After a month, Sudo also subconsciously told himself to just treat that incident as a nightmare. But when this Ryuen brought up the matter in front of the whole school, Sudo's nightmare came again.

Sudo was shaking, as if he was going to faint at any moment. Ryuen showed no mercy and continued to tell him about his perverted behavior.

At this moment."Enough! Ryuen-san, if you like to talk, I suggest you go find those two people in Class A."

""Sudo, let's go. It's normal to lose a game, you should understand that. Now is a special period, the class can't tolerate any more accidents! Think about your basketball dream!"

Sudo was awakened by the cold female voice. Yes, now there is not only basketball in his life, but also this girl. She has a crazy obsession with being promoted to Class A, so how can I block her way because of me?

So, let Hirata pull him and prepare to go back to the class camp.

Ryuen didn't care about this big fool. To him, Sudo was not even as good as a wild dog blocking the road. His real purpose has always been the girl in front of him.

"Lingyin, I can let him go as long as you kneel down and beg me"

"Hey, Ryuen, no matter what conspiracy you have, I want to remind you that this is a sports festival! Under the watchful eyes of the public, you'd better keep your hands under control, otherwise you will end up losing more than you gain."

"Suzune, this is your last happy time. I will tear you apart mercilessly this time."

After that, Ryuen also left the competition venue with his followers.

Will Horikita Suzune come to persuade Sudo? Of course not. All she is thinking about at the moment is the last leg to race with her brother to prove her growth.

Or Ayanokouji kicked her hard and told her that if she didn't go, she might be dragged into a new round of supervision.

Then he hurried to Sudo and Ryuen.

The people in Class A also dispersed from the state of onlookers.

"That Sudo seems to listen to that girl a lot."

"Ah. None of this matters. What I'm wondering is, what on earth is Ryuen going to do?"

"What did he say just now?"

"……Do you really want to listen?"

Arisu frowned and looked at Dongfang with a strange look.

""Okay, okay... cough cough... Lingyin... I will tear you to pieces mercilessly."

Dongfang imitated Longyuan's tone. But it sounded like a pervert who molested a girl.……

"Ah~ Young Master has learned it quite well"

"Stop talking are the one who wants to hear it."

Arisu was just teasing out of habit, and then analyzed the information revealed in Ryuen's words.:

"The only thing Ryuen-san can do is probably to frame or threaten him."

"Ah. Although I don't know what he wants to do, Horikita Suzune will be stared at by a poisonous snake next."

"However, Ryuen-san probably wouldn't have thought that the core of Class D is actually someone else."

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