The men's competition has made each class lose confidence in competing for first place.

"You should have some understanding of that highly cultivated golden flash, right?"

"Since the men's team has no hope, we can only rely on the women's team! Come on!"

"Come on! We must beat Class A once!"

Class A has never lost a game because Dongfang played in all the men's matches.

This made the whole class a thorn in the eyes of the whole school. Even the other classes in the Red Group no longer cared about being a big group, and responded to the slogan of defeating Class A.

"President, I've seen this scene before! Isn't this the story of the Kendo Club facing the Great Devil?"

"Ah... But this time, even we ourselves are the defeated heroes. So, Tachibana, you must do your best in the next game!"

"Yes! I will definitely do my best!"

Tachibana Akane received encouragement from her lover, and the fighting power of the Longyuan class in this competition is MAX.

"So what should our class do next?���"

"Follow the plan. Let Ibuki win the championship."

Ibuki Mio is the girl with the highest combat power among the girls in Highly Cultivated Junior High School that Dongfang knows. She is also a strong contender for the championship of the girls' group in the sports festival.

At this moment, she has done warm-up exercises and is ready to go to the women's 200-meter race.

With Ibuki is a girl named Kinoshita. But at this moment, she looks a little absent-minded, as if she has been struggling with some thoughts.

"What? If you don't want to do it, just say so. Why force yourself?"

"No... Actually, I really need those points. I just thought that doing something like this is not a good idea.……"

"Huh? Don't tell me you have any compassion now. Your kindness should have been thrown away along with your agreement to carry out the plan with Long Yuan."

"……I, I know"


Ibuki couldn't stand this girl's hesitation and reluctance to do something. She also couldn't stand Ryuen's despicable plan, but it was part of the class competition after all.

This Kinoshita classmate agreed to Ryuen to carry out a big plan against Horikita Suzune. If successful, she could get the 500,000 personal points allowed.

Only more than 60,000 points were issued each month, and half of them had to be handed over to Ryuen, so facing the huge sum of 500,000, she was tempted.

The arrow is on the string and has to be shot. There is no regret medicine now, so let's do it!

Then, she came to the waiting area of the competition venue, waiting for the game to start.

"Oh my, it looks like they are starting to target us."

"Whose fault do you think it is, Master?"

"Eh? I can't pretend I didn't hear that. If it weren't for some competitive young lady, I wouldn't be so prominent."

"Oh? Did I do something wrong? After all, I wanted to win all of them and get a higher score from the beginning."

"If that happens, the students who will compete next time may feel a lot of pressure."

"That would be a headache. Because if the next child loses, I think she won’t be able to eat for three days."

Kamiro Masumi just wanted to yell,"Are you still a human?"

Even if she didn't consider herself a human, she couldn't be starved for three days even if it was a puppy!

And before, there was only one bad-tempered little girl who put pressure on me.

Now, you two are going to step up together, right?!

Not wanting to pay attention to these two vicious lovers, Kamuro Masumi ran towards the competition venue with an unhappy look on his face.

Looking at Kamuro's expression that had turned green with anger:

"Even if she likes to seek excitement...but if she can't win, will you really not give her food?"

"I'm not that vicious. And Kamuro-san is really fast. But if she really loses, I'm sure she won't go to eat."

"I always feel that in your hands, her masochistic mentality will become more and more serious."

"Oh, does the young master think that I have a hobby of abusing people?"


Higashikada's silence at the critical moment made Arisu's face darken.

"Oh. Really... Since you think so, I won't let you down."

"Ahahaha... Actually, I always thought Alice was a real lady."

"Hehe... That must be a malicious accusation made by a little abused dog against its owner. It seems like it really needs to be disciplined."

……Kamuro-san, I wish you good luck.

Kamuro Masumi suddenly felt cold in his heart. 'Could it be that those two guys are still plotting against me... Tsk……’

"The first round of the 200-meter race for the girls is about to begin, please take your positions!"

Kamuro Masumi, Kinoshita from Class C, and Horikita Suzune from Class D were right up against each other, and Ibuki was in the next group.

When the gun went off, the girls all ran for their lives. Although they were girls, their speed was no slower than the boys in the football club.

Especially Kamuro and Horikita Suzune, although Kamuro was slightly faster, he couldn't get rid of Horikita Suzune who was following closely.

Afterwards, Kamuro kept hearing someone calling Horikita Suzune's name from behind, and the latter turned her head frequently, and her speed gradually slowed down.

Then, Horikita Suzune and Kinoshita from Class C collided with each other. Kamuro did not give up the opportunity, sprinted all the way, and won the first place in the first round.

"Are the girls in Class A of the first year also so amazing?"

"Doesn’t their class have any weaknesses?!"

"It's different, the Dongfang car was so fast that you couldn't even see its taillights. But there was obviously one girl in the girls' group who was able to follow closely, although I don't know why she kept looking back.……"

"That girl is from Class D of the first year, right?"

"Huh? Another member of the Red Team.���Is our hero from the White Team still in the altar?"

The two people who collided quickly separated and stood up. Judging from their movements, they were obviously injured enough to affect the game, but it did not affect their movement.

And Ibuki also won the first place in the second round. The brilliant performance also won the applause of countless audiences.

"Come on, White Team! Beat the Red Team!"

"Come on! Defeat Class A of the first year! Our future is entrusted to you, go for it!"

"We have gathered the hopes of the White Team, and we will definitely win!"

There were countless cheers for Ibuki on the field, which made the girl extremely excited.

"The president... has appeared! A declaration against the big devil!"

But Horikita Manabu didn't care about the movement in the field. He was wondering why his sister kept looking back. At the critical moment, Suzune would never make such a mistake.

Then, he thought that the girl who collided with Suzune must have done something. And the purpose of doing so was to collide with each other... Then, she should pretend to be injured to blackmail Suzune.

Although Horikita Manabu is extremely sister-con, he has no intention of intervening in this matter. In his opinion, this matter can firstly see whether Suzune has grown. Secondly, although the opponent's means are despicable, they are also allowed by the rules. Thirdly, what will Ayanokouji do...

And just as he was thinking deeply, the girls' 200-meter final had already started.

Ibuki and Kamuro took the lead, and their speed was evenly matched.

Ibuki didn't expect that someone could keep up with his speed, but for the fans who support me, I will not lose.

Kamuro's inner drama is more More. Because she was weighing whether winning or losing was more exciting...

If she wins, she can enjoy the hostile looks of all the students in the school. If she loses, she will be mercilessly whipped by that white-haired loli.

This is a multiple-choice question. If she can't have both, she prefers to be whipped...

But if she loses even this only advantage, her master, no, that hateful woman Sakayanagi will definitely abandon her.

Although it sounds exciting, but if I stay away from Sakayanagi, no one will bring me more excitement in the future...

After a full meal, Kamuro made a choice. How can I, who carry the titles of 'King of Thieves' and 'Arisu's beloved dog', lose to a tomboy like you?

Then, Kamuro-san and Ibuki sped up at the same time, and the two ran faster and faster. One for his fans, the other for his master... Shine, you handsome girl!

No, run! The two girls!

As the two ran faster and faster, faster and faster.……


The whistle blew and they both crossed the finish line at the same time!

"WOW!!!! Winner!"

"Hey? Did you see who won?"

"It doesn't matter! What matters is that Class A of the first year is not invincible!"

The audience burst into tears. After their self-esteem was severely crushed by Dongfang, finally! Finally someone can catch up with Class A of the first year!

But after all, it is a competition. The winner and the loser still need to be distinguished. After seeing the slow-motion shot of the finish line, Ibuki's face suddenly turned green. It can be clearly seen on the big screen that although the two people crossed the finish line almost at the same time, Kamuro's chest obviously touched the red line first, so the winner is, Kamuro!


Ibuki was so angry that she almost lost her balance. The double failure in the competition and in life made this strong and brave girl... break down.

Kamuro looked at Ibuki with pity... and walked away ruthlessly.

But the pity in the other's eyes seemed so mocking to Ibuki.……

"Ah, congratulations. Kamuro-san"


"Aren't you happy that you won the game?"


Just when Arisu was about to say something, she found that Kamuro's eyes were always looking at a certain part of her.

Arisu narrowed her eyes... She had three personal taboos: shadow, height, and breasts.

(Higashigao: It seems that I am really important.)

"Kamuro-san, what are you looking at?"


Kamuro also felt that she was a little too proud of herself. She was naturally very aware of how terrifying this petite and cute demon in front of her was.

"Really... I remember you said before that you were trying to lose weight recently and couldn't eat."


"Well, as a classmate, I will definitely supervise you."

Kamiro got the excitement he wanted... He won the game, won his life, and won his life.

You are worthy of it, Kamuro-san!

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