The holidays in Sakurajima are different from those in neighboring China. The first semester is from April to July. Then, the summer vacation is from mid-July to September. The second semester is from September to before Christmas. The winter vacation is from the end of December to mid-January.

The third semester is from mid-January to early March. The spring vacation is from March to April.

Therefore, the happy time of summer vacation is finally over. Koukou Ikusei Middle School is preparing to usher in the second semester!

The start of school is a joy for some students and a sorrow for others. However, the atmosphere of Class D today does not show any joy.

Unlike in the past, Chabashira Sae arrived in class very early. She deliberately created an image of having no interest in class competition, but in fact, she has a crazy obsession with being promoted to Class A.

Over the years, if it is found that students in Class D have no hope of being promoted to Class A, they will adopt a laissez-faire policy and ignore it. After a long time, she gradually extinguished her desire to be promoted to Class A.

In fact, she felt the same way when the current Class D started school. However, after carefully reading the students' information, her restless heart beat again.

Horikita Suzune, a gifted student with excellent academic ability, physical fitness, and judgment. Hirata Yosuke, excellent academic ability, physical fitness, and teamwork. Kushida Kikyo

, good academic ability and physical fitness, and also has a friendliness that Hirata can't match.

Sudo, although his academic ability is very low, is definitely a physical monster.

Koenji Rokusuke, a top-notch gifted student in all aspects, has almost no shortcomings except for his extremely self-centered personality.

The most important one is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who scored 50 points in all subjects in the entrance examination, and after looking up the materials that she was not supposed to read, she realized how powerful Ayanokouji is.

Although this year's D class is full of flaws, and the above-mentioned students also have their own flaws or black history, this powerful lineup is enough to defeat any opponent!

However, the facts have slapped her in the face again and again. Ayanokouji failed to bring victory, Gaoyuan Temple was completely out of control, Hirata Kushida only wanted to be a good guy, and Horikita was still alone.

And Sudo, along with two real defectives, once again caused her great trouble.

Since there was no change in the class points in the last special exam, the points of each class are as follows:

Class A: 1050 points

Class B: 937 points Class

C: 625 points

Class D: 136 points

Soon, the students of Class D also came to the classroom one after another. A familiar scene also happened.

"Teacher, that. Points, not entered."

"Yes, teacher, we should have more than a hundred class points!"

"Did the school forget or did someone in our class cause trouble again?"

Upon hearing the question, Chabashira Sae laughed, but the smile sounded harsh:

"Hahahaha! You guys know a lot, yeah, some of you guys are causing trouble again"

"Huh? Who is that?"

"Sudo, you're not going to fight with others again, are you?"

"How could it be me! I'm very honest!"

Chabashira Sae laughed even louder when he heard Sudo's explanation.

At this time, Hirata Yosuke also raised his hand and asked:

"So, what happened?"

"Don't worry. You'll know in a moment."

Ayanokouji had a bad feeling. Last time, when the stupid trio was going to retrieve the remote control car from the locker room, they found that everything in the locker was gone.

At first, they thought it was thrown away by the school's cleaning staff, but Ayanokouji didn't think it was such a coincidence. Combined with what happened today, I'm afraid...

After a while, there was a knock on the door of Class D.

""Dong, dong, dong."

The students in Class D stopped talking to each other.

"Please come in."

Two figures, a man and a woman, walked in from outside. Many people, including Horikita Suzune, knew their identities.

"Hello everyone. Let me introduce myself. I am from Class A, Grade 1, Vice President of the Student Union, and a member of the Dongfang Film Academy."

"I am Class 3A, Student Union Secretary, Tachibana Akane"

""Chabashira-sensei, can I start now?"

Chabashira Sae waved her hand nonchalantly.

"Thank you."

Houto nodded to Chabashira Sae, then turned to the D class and told them the purpose of his visit.

"At 11:34 on August 24, the student union found a device that could secretly film the girls' locker room in the locker of the No. 2 male locker room at the outdoor swimming pool."


"Huh? That day...wasn't it the day you guys went there, Kikyo-chan?"

"Ah, I remember that."

Class D was talking about this for a while. The three idiots sitting in the back were sweating profusely. They realized that they were doomed this time.

Ayanokouji also said to himself: Sure enough. Then he decisively thought about how to protect himself. After all, if he looked deeper, he was also an indirect participant in this incident.


Ju Qian performed her duties as secretary very well.

"To be precise, we have confirmed that this device is owned by Class D of the first year, Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo."

"Huh? You guys……"

"Hey, are you three going to secretly take photos of the girls' locker room? And you asked Kushida-san to come along?"

"Please, please wait a moment, Dongfang-san… Is there a misunderstanding here?"

The last sentence was of course from Hirata Yosuke's mouth.

"We have of course conducted a thorough investigation of this incident."


As she said that, Ju Qian took out the secretly filmed video and confirmed that it was true. She also took the fingerprints on the remote control car and the packaging bag, as well as the camera footage of the stupid trio carrying the victim into the locker room.

"So, do you still have any questions, Hirata-san?"


"That's enough. Now I want to ask you three, do you plead guilty?

The stupid trio wanted to explain, but what could they say? It had already happened, the evidence was right in front of them, and they had no way to defend themselves.

"Since you have agreed, then let’s announce the Student Union’s disciplinary decision!"

"Is it coming?……"

The matter that Chabashira Sae was most concerned about has come. If three people are expelled, although it is a pity that Sudo has the advantage of physical strength, it can eliminate two unnecessary people at once, which is more beneficial than harmful.

Moreover, if someone violates the school rules and is expelled, 300 class points will be deducted for each person. Now Class D has only 136 points, and it will not be lower if it is deducted to 0.

But, is it really that simple...

Dongfang did not pay attention to the people in Class D, and took out the judgment in his hand and read it:

"First, because Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudo Ken from Class D of the first year violated school rules, they should have been expelled, but since no serious consequences were caused, they were allowed to remain in school for the time being."


"Huh? You're not going to drop out of school?"


Not only the people in Class D, but also Chabashira Sae and Tachibana Akane did not expect

"Hey, junior, although the president asked you to handle it, how can you keep your student status for such a crime?"

Ju Qian approached Dongfang and whispered

"It's okay. My punishment won't be any easier than expulsion."

"Is... is that so?"

Tachibana Akane also hated this kind of dirty behavior of secretly photographing the locker room, but since the junior student said so, what else can she do? After all, the president gave the power to deal with it to the other party.

"Although they will retain their student status, the above three people will have all their personal points confiscated and will be restricted from entering major entertainment venues."

"Secondly, the above three people will be criticized and reported to the whole school, and the record will be recorded as a serious offense. If the cumulative offense exceeds two times, they will be expelled immediately."

"Third, all class points of Class D will be confiscated. And they will enter the class supervision period."

Chabashira Sae thought the previous part was nothing, but she had never heard of this"class supervision period", but the name didn't sound like a good thing.

Hirata Yosuke also raised his hand:

"What is the class supervision period?"

"The so-called supervision period means that Class D will now be supervised for a total of two months and will not be able to obtain any class points. If a student violates the school rules again within two months, the period will be extended for another two months."


Chabashira Sae's eyebrows jumped. Others may not know, but she knew very well that the sports festival was held in the next two months.

Does that mean that Class D was at the bottom of the list in the sports festival?

"Huh? Why?"

"That’s right, they make mistakes, why should they supervise us?"

"I don't accept it, I want to protest! You are abusing your power!"

But the stupid trio didn't dare to say anything.

Horikita Suzune also stood up and objected:

"Vice President Dongfang. I think this punishment is too unreasonable. If they are wrong, they can just be expelled from school."

But it seems that he heard something taboo. Before Dongfang classmate could speak, the green-haired Hirata Yosuke stood up first:

"Horikita-san, how can you say that? Even if they are wrong, they are still our classmates in Class D! Are you going to watch them die without helping them?"

"Hirata Yosuke! They are perverts who secretly filmed the girls' locker room! Are you going to defend them?!"

"No matter what, I will never abandon my companions!"

" are simply unreasonable!"

"Hahahahaha, you guys are so ugly! And Touhou boy, I also think it’s better to let these three ugly guys drop out of school."

Ayanokouji was thinking about something. Although the current situation is not good for Class D, he himself has not been affected at all, so it doesn’t matter.

"Have you guys stopped arguing? Now is the student council's turn."

Horikita Suzune and Hirata Yosuke also stopped arguing, but it seemed that neither of them wanted to give up their own ideas.

Ever since hearing that these three people went to secretly take pictures in the locker room and asked her to go to the swimming pool together, Kikyo Kushida has been lying on the table and pretending to cry.

"First, this is the decision of the Student Union. It will be carried out whether you accept it or not. Second, their expulsion and punishment are not inconsistent. You can voluntarily withdraw, but all punishments will continue to be carried out."

"Finally, my handling is completely in line with the regulations. If you think that personal behavior should not be escalated to the collective, then you should not stay in this school."

Dongfang said expressionlessly, and sentenced the final punishment.

There seemed to be some people in the audience who wanted to struggle, but they could only shrink back when they met Dongfang's cold eyes.

"Very good, then, Mr. Chabashira, we have completed our work. The next step is up to you."

Chabashira Sae nodded and said nothing more. Higashigata and Akane Tachibana also left through the door.

"Chabashira-sensei, is there really no other solution? After all, clearing points and the supervision period are……"

"Heh. Do you think the class won't be punished if a student drops out? Ike, Yamauchi, Sudo, this remote control device should be something that more than you can make, right?"

"Huh? There are still experts? No, there are still accomplices?"

The stupid trio remained silent. After all, there was no benefit in betraying their teammates at this time.

""Huh~ Forget it, you guys take care of yourself."

Chabashira Sae exhaled a breath of foul air and returned to his previous state.

However, the students in Class D would not let the stupid trio off so easily, and they started to criticize them.

On the other side

"Did you design this supervision period yourself?"

"Ah, because I think this is the only way to prevent some classes from having the rogue mentality of not deducting points when the points are 0."

"Hmm... That's true. How do we report to them?"

"Ask a clerk to make an announcement on the radio station and write it down in the school magazine and on the bulletin board."

"That’s right, the pervert who secretly took photos in the locker room should be made known to the whole school!"

Afterwards, Dongfang and Qian Ju explained the relevant punishments and returned to Class A to attend the class meeting.

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