Class A, Year 1

"Boom boom boom"

"Come in"

"Teacher, the student union office is over."

"OK, go back to your seat."

Mashima Tomoya, who was on the stage, watched as Dongfang took his seat and began the class meeting agenda.

"Now that everyone is here, I want to announce something very important."

"From this month to next month, some of the original courses will be replaced by outdoor free practice courses."

"Now I will give you the new timetable for this period and the rules of the sports festival. Please be careful not to be late or absent during outdoor practice classes."

Soon, every student in Class A got the timetable.

"As for the sports festival, there are many students in our class who are strong in physical fitness, so it should be easy this time!"

"Those guys in Class C seem to be much better than us.……"

Mashima Tomoya continued to explain on the podium:

"You can think of this sports festival as a special exam. Because it does have an impact on the class points."

"The sports festival groupings are composed of Class A and Class D of each grade forming the red group, and Class B forming the white group."

"In addition to the total scores of each class, the red and white groups will also have a group score."

The students in the audience also discussed:

"This is the first time we have a cross-grade competition."

"That is to say, the student council president who is known as the strongest is also in the same group with us."

Mashima Tomoya clapped his hands:

"This sports festival is divided into recommended competitions and general competitions. The general competitions include tug-of-war, running, etc., and everyone must participate. The recommended competitions include three-legged races, borrowed object races, etc. You can sign up for multiple events and participate according to your interests."

"Key points: All competitions are divided into groups. According to the results of each group, the school will give 15 points to the first place student's group, 12 points to the second place student's group, 10 points to the third place student's group, and 8 points to the fourth place student's group."

"The fifth place and below will be deducted two points (the final relay race will be awarded triple points)"

"The final competition will be between the red and white groups. The losing group will have 100 class points deducted from all classes in the group. The winner will not receive any reward."

"The first place in the grade will receive 50 class points. The second place in the grade will receive no reward. The third place in the grade will receive a deduction of 50 class points. The fourth place in the grade will receive a deduction of 100 class points."

"Even if the Red Team wins, but you get the last place in the class comprehensive score, you will still be deducted 100 class points."

"In addition, for students who perform well in individual competitions, the school will give the top few students some personal points or extra points for the midterm exam of this grade."

"There will also be rewards for the best in all competitions, which are specifically listed in the list of exam rules, which you can read for yourself."

Class A was also looking at the rules while listening to the teacher's explanation, slowly digesting this information.

To be honest, the extra points for the exam are basically useless for the students in Class A, and the individual points awarded are not particularly attractive to the students in Class A who can get a large amount of individual points every month.

In other words, it doesn't matter if they win the sports festival this time, but if they lose, they may fall out of Class A.

There will also be punishments for students who rank last in the sports festival, and their scores will be deducted for the next midterm exam.

There is no doubt that Arisu will get the last place, but with her grades, there is no need to worry. The other students in Class A are not afraid of losing a few points, so no one cares.

Everyone is more concerned about this: all participating projects

100-meter race


Pole-flipping Contest (male only)

Pitching Contest (Female Only)

Tug of war between men and women

Obstacle Race

Two people three legs

Horseback fighting

200-meter race

Recommended events

Borrowing Competition

Four-way tug of war

Mixed three-legged sex

The whole grade mixed 1,200-meter relay has a total of 13 events, and all of them will be completed in one day. That means everyone can decide how many events to participate in and which one to participate in first.

"Finally, the entry form in my hand is the most important. You must submit it between one week before the sports festival and 5 pm the day before. Once submitted, no changes to the contestants are allowed."

"And if you don't submit an entry form, the school will randomly select students to compete."

Katsuragi also raised his hand to ask:

"Teacher, what should we do if this student is unable to participate in the competition due to physical reasons?"

"If it is a full-body event, we will consider whether the competition itself can be established. If it is a horse-riding battle, if one person is missing, then you can only continue the competition at a disadvantage. If it is a two-person three-legged race, then you will be disqualified directly."

"The recommendation competition allows the use of 100,000 personal points to replace the"substitute" player."

"I understand.

Katsuragi sat back down.

"The next class will go to the first gymnasium to meet with the classes of other grades. That's all."

After saying that, Mashima Satoshi walked aside, leaving the rest of the time to the students.

"Hey, Sakayanagi-san, what should we do?"

After Katsuragi abdicated, Arisu became the only person in charge of the class, so everyone hurriedly asked for the leader's opinion.

"Although I also want to run with everyone, but unfortunately my body does not support me to do so. In this case, let Dongfang lead everyone to participate in the sports festival first."

"Dongfang. Yes, Dongfang’s physical fitness is amazing!"

"Besides, Higashi-san's judgment and analytical ability are also very strong. Can I ask you to do it, Higashi-san?"

With Arisu's instructions and the encouragement of the Higashi-san faction, everyone looked at Higashi-san expectantly.

"All right. I will be the person in charge of this exam and lead everyone to win the sports festival!"

Dongfang is full of energy!

"But Dongfang, what should we do?"

"Don't worry. The key to this exam is how to get more points. So I have a plan: Tian Ji's horse racing."

Tian Ji's horse racing is very simple. He uses his weak horse to compete with the weak horse.���The opponent's strong horse, use your medium horse to counter the opponent's weak horse.

"Is this... a tactic of abandoning a child?"

Although the students in Class A felt that this tactic was unfair to the students who were abandoned, the students with weaker physical fitness also had their own awareness.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few points deducted from the midterm exam, just a little bit of water."

To implement this tactic, two major prerequisites must be met. First, the class needs confidence or centripetal force. Second, the class really has strong horses.

"Don't worry. After conducting various physical tests, I will arrange the participants reasonably. And I will also compensate the students who implement the abandonment plan with personal points."

"Okay, I’ll listen to you, Dongfang!"

"Leave it to me!"

Arisu suddenly thought of something and muttered to himself in the air.:

"Ah~ I really want to see someone go all out. No one person can win all the games, right?"


"Sakayanagi-san, it's unlikely that one person can do it all."

Hizawa-san was called.

"Well, I didn't think so at first. But, in order to satisfy the young lady's wish, I will win all the games."

"Ah~ I won't force it, Master~"

"Who do you think I am?"

"Well, then I wish you good luck in martial arts?"

Everyone looked at Arisu and Higashikata singing the same tune, and combined with the previous reports that they were seen together in the outdoor swimming pool...

Could it be...

Katsuragi was so excited that he almost cried:"Higashikata! In order to protect those classmates who once followed me, you actually sacrificed yourself to feed the tiger! You are worthy of being my best friend!"

Then the image of Higashikata became taller and taller in his eyes.

Kamuro Masumi looked at the two with disdain: the two of them together are not as big as my shoes. Why are there so many dramas every day!

As the bell rang, Class A, under the command of Higashikata, also went straight to the first gymnasium.

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