If there is something that Dongfang has been looking forward to, it must be the pool date that was agreed upon before the start of summer vacation.

However, the important thing is not the so-called pool. It is that this is a real date time for the two of them. After the confession, this ambiguous date has become a real date.

Therefore, Dongfang came to the downstairs of the dormitory early and waited silently.

Maybe Arisu was also looking forward to today's date. Dongfang did not wait long before he found the other party's figure slowly walking towards him. He hurriedly stepped forward and supported the girl who looked like she might fall at any time.:

"Why did you come out so early?"

"If I don't come out so early, I'm afraid the young master who stays here will be lonely~"

"The young lady is so caring, I am really grateful to her."

"Just know. So……"

"So, let's start our date! Miss Alice."

Dongfang took Arisu step by step towards the outdoor swimming pool.

This huge swimming pool built by High School is not much different from a water park, even though it is called a swimming pool.

Usually, you need to pay a ticket to enter, but since it is the first time it has been built, it is open for free for three days.

The huge crowds of people also prove that the swimming pool is very attractive in summer. Even people who are not here for swimming will join in the fun.

"There are so many people"

"It would be strange if there weren't many people here." As soon as

Dongfang and Arisu walked through the gate, they were attracted by the coming and going of people.

"Now, forget about them, let's go over there and take a rest first."

Dongfang pointed to an empty parasol beside a small swimming pool that seemed to have no one around.

"Well, I'm a little tired.……"

Arisu is once again dissatisfied with her body

"Don't sigh, it's really far from the dormitory building to here. Not to mention you, even I am a little out of breath"

"I don't believe that the Sword Saint is so weak. But let's just assume that what you said is true."

Arisu also knew that Higashikata-san was deliberately taking care of his emotions, so he teased her and let his hand be pulled towards the parasol.

After sitting for a while, Higashikata-san was attracted by several figures. They were Ichinose Honami and her girlfriends.

There was also Kushida Kikyo who got along well with them, although I don't know why Horikita Suzune would also appear in such an occasion.

But as expected... Wherever Horikita Suzune appears, Ayanokouji must follow, and behind her are the three idiots. But these three people are not quite the same. They carry a huge black storage bag.

"Alice. Did you see that?"

"Yeah. The young master really has a pair of eyes that can discover beauty~"

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit chilling

"……No, I don't mean the girls. I mean the bags they carry."

"It must be some interesting toy."

"Never mind, let them do as they please. Did you have a good rest?

Arisu nodded.:

"Although I can't go into the water, I'll still change into a swimsuit.……"

"It's okay to just sit in the shallow water for a while. Isn't I still here?"

"Um... Master, do you want to watch me change?"


Higashigata-san looked at Arisu as if he was a fool.

"Forget it. Kamuro-san. Let's go."


A girl with long purple hair suddenly came over. She took on the task of holding the cane with an unhappy look on her face.

Because Dongfang didn't deliberately sense whether someone was following him, he wouldn't react even if he sensed it.

So he didn't notice that Kamuro had been waiting for Arisu's call.

"Hey, you won't let Kamuro-san wait behind you, will you?……"

Arisu also looked at Kamuro Masumi with a worried look on his face.

"Kamuro-san, if you feel embarrassed, you can tell me."

"Tell you... Tell you, what's the use! Will you feel embarrassed for me?" However, Kamuro did not dare to say this directly.

Or rather, he did not say a word, but just supported Arisu, doing the duty of a cane that was more powerful than a cane.

"Well... well, I'll come find you later."

Arisu nodded obediently. It wasn't until Higashi-san took the lead and walked towards the locker room.

"Let's go too, Kamuro-san."

Yes, this condescending look is really you, Sakayanagi!


When Dongfang walked into the locker room, he found a sign in front that said"Locker room is being cleaned, temporarily out of service", and he immediately felt a little strange.

He simply walked in, and it seemed that there was no difference. So the sign outside was even more suspicious.

Dongfang thought of the huge black storage bags carried by the three guys, and combined with the location of the locker room, he had a guess.

So after taking out his mobile phone and sending a message to Arisu saying"I'm looking for toys", he checked one by one.

Until he looked up and saw that the protective plate of the air-conditioning duct had some uneven marks. It seemed that it had been pried by a screwdriver.

"Really? So that's how it is."

Thinking of this, Dongfang called Horikita Manabu.:

"President, I am Dongfang. There is a suspicion of a malicious incident at the school's outdoor swimming pool."

""Handle it yourself."

Horikita Manabu seemed to want to hand this task over to Higashi-san, but how could that be possible? I have a date today, how can I waste my time here?

Thinking of the characteristics of this ghostly glasses, Higashi-san added::

"This incident may affect Horikita Suzune"

"……I'll be there soon"

‘Oh, the plan worked. '

After a while, Horikita Manabu arrived with his secretary. It is worth mentioning that both of them were wearing swimsuits at the moment, and it seemed that their date was interrupted by Higashi-san.

So Tachibana Akane looked at Higashi-san with an unfriendly look, which reminded people of the time in the Kendo Club.

After hearing Higashi-san's guess,:

"Really? I have a master key here, find it quickly."

As they successfully found the cabinet used by the three idiots, the contents inside were exposed.

A black suitcase contained what looked like a wireless remote control car, but now only the remote control was left.

The remote control was also assembled with an electronic screen, which looked like it was modified by themselves.

"President, they actually secretly filmed the girls’ locker room!!"

"Where is the remote control car now?"

Dongfang turned on the remote control, and the camera image of the remote control car appeared on the screen. At this moment, it was located at the air conditioning pipe protection plate above the girls' locker room.

"Well... it's here for now."

"Can you bring it back? If I go to the girls' locker room to get it, it might cause a commotion."


Then Dongfang-san poured the remote control car back down the pipe. After removing the protective plate, the remote control car also fell down.

Horikita Manabu took the remote control car and found the memory card installed in the car. He seemed to be thinking about something.……

"So...want to take a look?"

"What are you talking about! How can I show you this kind of thing!"

Ju Qian jumped up instantly and accused Dongfang

"Calm down, Orange"


"Take them back first. As for their punishment... Dongfang, it's up to you to decide."

"Hey? Me?"

"Yes. Ju, take the memory card back, delete the things that shouldn't be there, and just leave the evidence that they drove into the girls' locker room."

"Yes, President!"

"Well, I'll go back first. I'm sorry to bother you guys on your date."

With that, Higashiyama left.

Horikita Manabu still didn't react, while Akane Tachibana blushed and whispered:

"This junior is quite knowledgeable."

When Dongfang found Arisu, he was wearing a white wide-brimmed hat and a two-piece swimsuit with a golden sunflower pattern that was full of girlishness.

"This is what I wear when I go to the beach."

"Yes. I only wore this swimsuit once. I haven't worn a swimsuit since then."

"……In other words, Alice's figure hasn't changed at all in more than three years?……"

Higashigata-san looked at Arisu sadly.

"You seem to be thinking of something impolite."

"How could that be? I was just thinking, Alice is so beautiful indeed."

In fact, three years ago, the two of them went on vacation to the beach. Arisu's hat was blown away by the sea breeze, so she wanted to pick it up in a hurry.

But how could she catch up with the speed of the sea breeze when she couldn't exercise. Just when she was about to faint,:

"Idiot. No matter how far the hat is blown away, I will pick it up for you."

Then, in addition to the hat that was blown away, there was also a warm hand on her head.

Thinking of the past story, Alice was a little absent-minded. She reached out and grabbed the hat that was almost blown away, and changed the subject:

"Did you find the toy?"

"Ah. A remote-controlled car."

"They are really willing to spend money."

"Forget about them. Alice, let's go and have fun. But hold on to your hat, the wind is quite strong today."

Arisu smiled mischievously:

"Hats and such. No matter how far they are blown, someone will pick them up for me."

"Ah. No matter how far, no matter how many times."

The two of them walked further and further away, holding hands. Kamuro-san was numb from Arisu's pleasant laughter and Touhou-san's doting expression. He could only deliberately keep a distance and follow slowly behind. He could not affect his master's date, but also responded to his master's orders at any time.


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