"The archery event will begin in ten minutes. Please take your seats, both classes!"

Class D's attention was now focused on the competition. Although Ayanokouji didn't win, he didn't lose either.

In other words, there was still a possibility of a comeback! And the archery competition they had drawn happened to be their secret weapon!

"Miyake, please!"

"Miyake-san, you must win!"

"Come on! Let's beat those guys in Class A here!"

Miyake, who was expected to be motivated by this atmosphere, sat in his seat without saying a word.

No matter how other students cheered him up, he would not be moved.

Hirata Yosuke saw that Miyake seemed to have something to hide, so he took the initiative to ask:

"Miyake-san…do you have any questions?"

Other students also echoed:"That is to say…you should have heard that the Kyudo competition is about to begin!"

"Miyake, you don't want to go, do you?"

But Miyake ignored him and just sat there as usual.

"What the hell! This is the project you proposed! If you don’t go now, who will?"

"That is, if you don't want to compete or are afraid of Class A, then just be an invisible person! Why did you bring up this project that none of us know how to do!"

"Will he be the same as Ayanokouji...? I mean, similar to Yamauchi.……"

"I remember now! I often see him and Ayanokouji together, as well as Yukimura! No wonder he just kept speaking for Ayanokouji!"

"Ah! I don't know if you remember it! When Ayanokouji was going to play chess... Yukimura had been fighting for him...……"!!!!!!

As everyone was discussing, they realized the most important question!

Sakayanagi Arisu challenged the hidden strategist from Class D, and both she and Ryuuen pointed out that the strategist was not Horikita. Ayanokouji... Could he be...

Speaking of this, several people's nerves suddenly tensed up.

"Are you kidding me? Ayanokouji is a hidden strategist? Seriously, do you believe it? I totally agree that he is a hidden character, but a strategist? Even a chess idiot like me knows that you win by capturing the opponent's king."

"Didn't Sakayanagi personally deliver the king to Ayanokouji?"

"That only means that Sakayanagi is nothing special!"

The key words were triggered, and Kushida Kikyo narrowed her eyes...

How can a loser like you comment on that adult? If I didn't need you to take the lead and act as a pressure monster so that I could fish in troubled waters, I would have wanted to get rid of you a long time ago.


Hirata Yosuke interrupted the students who were still talking. His bloodshot eyes seemed to turn back time to the voting period for expulsion.

Wang Meiyu worriedly held Hirata's hand, but this time, the latter did not shake it off. He tried to comfort his girlfriend in a gentle voice:"Xiaomei, I'm fine. But some things must be said!"

"You selfish guys! It’s time to wake up! I’m watching Ayanokouji’s game, and everyone is watching! If it were me, I wouldn’t accept a victory that was given as charity. This just shows that Ayanokouji is a man with roots!"

Ayanokouji: I may not think so... But it doesn’t matter. Judging from the result, it’s good for me, that’s all.

"Hirata...what are you talking about...who is being selfish?"

"What do you think?! It's already this time, and you're still here to frame, slander and pressure your classmates!"

Hirata Yosuke's aura burst out, making everyone in Class D dare not say anything.

Only Miyake chose to speak at this time:"The reason why I won't attend the game is very simple. That is, I don't think you deserve to win."

"Ayanokouji was labeled a traitor just because he didn't want to win in humiliation. Why do you do that?"

Another student replied stubbornly:"But he lost the game, so we can't even ask him? Did he ever give an explanation?"

"What explanation do you want? Ayanokouji is someone who can fight on equal terms with that Sakayanagi! And what can you do? How about this, if any of you can guarantee to defeat Class A in the archery event, then I will apologize to you for my remarks! I can even voluntarily withdraw from school! If you fail to defeat Class A, how about admitting that you are a traitor to the class?"

Miyake's explosive speech stunned everyone. It seemed that what this classmate said today exceeded the total of what he had said in this school.

The pressure monsters shut their mouths when they heard this. How could they be confident that they could defeat Class A?

Seeing that the group of troublemakers had calmed down, Hirata was relieved, otherwise he really hadn't figured out how to end it.

It is important to say what you want to say, but it is more important to take responsibility and consequences for what you say!

"Miyake-san, since they don't dare to say anything, can you please play for the class? Don't worry, I will make sure everyone clears your name and Ayanokouji-san's name and ask them to apologize!"

Hirata's firm and strong tone made Class D feel overwhelmed. This big tree that was supposed to shelter everyone actually began to distinguish whether it was a lumberjack or a forest ranger under the shade? Miyake felt better. The Ayanokouji group was his most important partner, and he would never allow anyone to hurt everyone in the group!

"Ayanokouji, do you think this is acceptable?

Ayanokouji nodded:"Thank you, Miyake"

"Hahaha, we are good friends! Shouldn't we stick together?"

After saying that, Miyake walked towards the archery arena. Class D was completely silent, and no one dared to say anything...

Only Ayanokouji, looking at Miyake's back, said cruel words in his heart again.:

"But, Miyake. I have never considered you as a friend. You, Yukimura, Hasebe, Sakura. Everyone is just a tool to me. I don't care about the gains and losses at the moment, as long as I can ensure victory in the end, that's enough."

But all this is unknown to the other members of the Ayanokouji group.

The archery competition officially begins!

(I will briefly describe the rest of the competition, there is nothing much to write about.)

(Thank you for watching and supporting me! I wish you all a happy new year, good luck, good health, successful career, and academic progress!)

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