When Yingyi returned to the First Gymnasium, another game between the AD class and the other class after chess had already begun.

"Final results of the second round: Class A 7.4, Class D 8.8......"

The two contestants in the competition field have protective gear on their arms and a huge compound bow placed next to them. This is the fifth round of special examination.---Kyudo!

In fact, when the chess game ended in a draw, both classes AD fell silent.

Class A’s disappointment is understandable. In their eyes, the little princess is invincible in this kind of event! But now the naked result is in front of them. Although it was only a draw, Class A is still in a huge advantage, but they can’t be happy.

The mood of Class D is much more complicated. On the one hand, no one expected that Ayanokouji, who claimed to have only studied for five months, actually had such a high level of chess skills! Although they didn’t quite understand it, many students who had some knowledge of chess knew very well that it was definitely not something a novice could do! On the other hand ,....The incident that happened in the middle of the game also filled them with confusion and anger.

When the game was about to enter the endgame, there was only one empty square between Arisu's king and Ayanokouji's king. But Arisu unexpectedly moved his king forward one square.

If Ayanokouji captured Arisu's king here, he could win the game!

Is it really that simple? This move obviously could not be a mistake by the opponent, so there must be some purpose. But the rule of chess is that whoever captures the opponent's king first can win.....There was no way there would be any traps in this step.

However, with Kamuro's words, or more precisely, she copied the words she heard in the headphones, Ayanokouji fell into a long dilemma.

"Will you choose the victory arranged by others, or will you choose the unknown arranged by yourself?"

Indeed, he won the game here. By winning the chess game, Arisu Sakayanagi was buried by him. By winning the bet, the two people in Class A will never cause any trouble to him who wants to live an ordinary life again.

But did he really win?

This victory was clearly given to him by Arisu Sakayanagi on purpose, and even directly to his face. If he eats the fruits of victory according to the arrangement of the other party, does it mean that he is really a puppet who has been manipulated from the beginning?

The reason why he escaped from the white room and the reason why he escaped from that man was all because Ayanokouji Kiyotaka wanted to be free! He wanted to know about humans, to know what normal humans were like! He wanted to defeat that man, to experience the feeling of being defeated!

In the final analysis, he was not satisfied with everything that the man had arranged for him!

Therefore, if he ate the black king here, it would mean that he had not changed at all! If he rejected the other party's arrangement, it would mean resistance, which means that everything in the future is unknown, which may be full of surprises or dangers.

However, isn't this kind of unknown the freedom he is pursuing?!

Therefore, Ayanokouji moved his king back one square to avoid the victory sent by Arisu.

"Haha, you would really choose this way."

This step is Arisu's test, and it is also the duel she initiated against Ayanokouji.

If the other party eats her king here, it means that this person has never thought about the meaning of the word resistance. His ending is not likely to escape the pursuit of the white room and the man. In the end, the most likely outcome is that he will become an ideal weapon in the hands of Roadhog, or fertilizer for the growth of other successful works.

And if things develop in this way, it means that this nemesis is nothing more than a puppet. People who have lost even the last soul and instinct of mankind are not opponents at all and are not worth burying.

In fact, when receiving this step of instructions from Arisu, Kamuro, who has always followed Arisu's orders to the letter, hesitated for a moment, and she quickly asked:"Are you sure you didn't say it wrong just now?"

After receiving a positive response, Kamuro simply pushed the king forward one square.

This scene naturally shocked all the audience. Why did the professional Class A take such a suicidal move?

If Kamuro was not the most loyal and trusted subordinate of Arisu, and Arisu did not give any extra instructions to others, they would really suspect that there was a traitor in this class again.

Class D had already opened the Coke to celebrate their victory (students were not allowed to drink, so champagne could not be opened), but something unexpected happened.

Ayanokouji was motionless as if he was stuck.....Then they pulled their king back one square, which made them so angry that they lost their minds.

""Ayanokouji! What are you doing!"

The pressure monster just started to output, and he received a serious warning from the referee and staff. Before the start of the game, it was stipulated that no off-field noise was allowed in this event, otherwise there would be a huge penalty.

This also made them have to hold back their anger. After Ayanokouji and Arisu finally tied, they vented directly across the air.

Although Horikita Suzune was also very confused, she knew Ayanokouji's ability and naturally chose not to ask the reason first, but chose to suppress the anger of her classmates.

But it's easier said than done. Even with Hirata and Kushida this time, the anger of everyone in Class D would be difficult to calm down. Ayanokouji watched this scene from a distance and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He naturally thought that this act of deliberately giving up victory might make these classmates not buy it, and even make himself the most hated person in the class.

But......Compared to that, this is just a small matter. What they need is a way to release pressure. After a while, he will still be the transparent Ayanokouji.

Moreover, because of the existence of the Ayanokouji Group, others can't just watch Ayanokouji being trash-talked.

"What are you guys arguing about! If it weren't for Ayanokouji, our class would have lost by now! He might have his own considerations, so he had to choose to retreat. Besides, do you want to eat the buns that were thrown in your face by Class A?!!! Do you still have any backbone?!!!"

"What are you talking about?! Integrity? What's the use of integrity? He deliberately gave up a round of victory!! Do you know what this means to us? This is 30 class points!!!"

Class D was once again in a quarrel. However, the special exam obviously would not leave them time to resolve their internal conflicts. With the announcement of the broadcast and the draw of the S system, the next project was ready!

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