The Kyudo competition started, and Class A randomly assigned a student with great arm strength and a certain precision to compete.

Arisu lay back on a chair in the control room, bored, with her eyes closed. She seemed to be recalling the entire game of chess, and also seemed to be thinking about what she should focus on after she resolved her obsession.

As for the special exam, she didn't pay much attention to it. In fact, Kyudo, like Kendo, has a lot of spectators, but few people have tried it themselves. As far as Arisu knows, if Kageichi is not counted, there is not a single student in Class A who can shoot arrows. Let's just give up this round......Considering the football shooting and cutting speed behind....It is really a journey full of unknowns.

The archery competition was like this. After Class D won two rounds in a row, it entered the match point. As long as Miyake wins one more round, the winner of this event will be Class D.

"It's okay, Ono-san. You've tried your best. Winning and losing are common in the military. There's no need to put too much pressure on yourself in the last round."


"It doesn't matter, we still have two more rounds! Besides, it's not your fault if we lose the archery competition. It's because there are no students in our class who can shoot arrows......"

Ono seemed to have recovered from his low mood and sighed silently. Who was he to blame for the competition? As expected, Class A lost the archery competition 0:3.

Class D cheered and said,"We won! We really have a chance to win!!"

"That’s right! Miyake, you did a great job!"

"Haha, I don't know who just accused Miyake of being a traitor to the class. In my opinion, you fence-sitters are the most useless people!"


"What do you mean?"

This is a classic scene of Class D. It has been like this since the beginning of the school year. They always have different or even opposite views and attitudes for various reasons, which will eventually lead to conflicts and hatred!

Although the class is not large, the small groups are very complicated. Maybe you and your good friend are not necessarily good friends!

Gui Longyuan yawned in boredom:"I said....The reason you're here should be your sister.....But I didn't see her performance."


Horikita Gakuya's face was gloomy. Although his sister was the commander, he didn't seem to see any effect from the beginning of the game until now.

However, he still explained confidently:"The exam is not over yet."

"Hehe, okay, okay. Who made me interested in you, the student council president's sister?....But if she doesn't come out again, I'm afraid I'll be bored to death."

As the break ended, the voice of the examiner Sakagami Kazuma sounded again:"Next, it's the seventh competition item of this special exam.----"

"Lingyin! Are you finally going to take action?"

"Seventh competition event----Football shot!"


Unlike the crazy shouting from Class D, Horikita Manabu and Kiryuin in the spectator seats sat in their seats motionless as if their souls had left their bodies.

"I said.....It seems that this project has nothing to do with your sister, the commander?"

"Soccer shooting is obviously the D class's project, probably because Hirata is a member of the soccer club, and the A class's members who are physically strong enough to fight Hirata have already been used. Not to mention the technical gap, so I judge that the D class will win this round."

Horikito Manabu pushed his glasses. As expected of the former student council president and the most powerful student in the advanced training, he has already completed the prediction with the known information and his extraordinary mind.

"So do we need to wait for another round? Haha, your sister is really a hidden talent."

"well....He's just a troublesome idiot."

Horikita Manabu sighed, as if he had aged twenty years.

"Is she your sister or your illegitimate daughter? Excessive concern will be defined as harassment."

Ah, you may be overthinking this, Guilongyuan. How could Horikita Manabu be too concerned? His excessive concern is always reflected in his interactions with other people.

All the sister can know is that her brother seems to have the possibility of recognizing her, but he has never personally admitted that she has indeed gotten rid of her past childishness and become an adult who can stand on her own.

The two seniors are still constantly joking about family matters, but the football field is obviously ready!

Because only one event, shooting, is needed, there is no need to move the field to the football field. Only a special goal and enough grass for the game are needed.

Arisu looked at the names of his classmates, from left to right, and then from right to left......

Horikita Suzune looked at the other party's indecision and said sarcastically,"I remember someone said that he had a lot of Aces in his hand, but now he only has a small 2?"

"Oh? You seem to be mocking me, but I don't care. Because the cards in my hand are definitely not small 2, but it seems a little difficult to defeat Hirata-san."

This is the weakness of Class A compared to Class D. Except for a few individual people and one or two special ones in Class A, the strength of most of the remaining people is very average. They have excellent academic ability and physical fitness, high obedience and independent thinking ability to solve problems. But the disadvantage is that their strengths are very close.

Although most of the students in Class D are useless and just passing the time, there are too many who can show off their abilities.

Hashimoto was originally a chess piece that Class A could use to fight Hirata, but now this chess piece has long been gone.

"So, Dechang, this game is up to you. Win or lose, it's all up to you. I won't force you to do anything."

The microphone gave the order, and Dechang, whose name was called, was a little confused. But now it seems that there is no way out. Compared with losing, the impact of giving up is more unbearable.

The result of the draw is that Class A will be the goalkeeper first.

Dechang put on gloves and stood in front of the goal. Whether it is win or lose, just try your best......Besides, who says I can't win?! I am the general who was appointed in times of crisis, and I will protect Class A!

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