Chapter 360

Upside down the mountain, the eighth domain.

In the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore, the sound of the pipa remains the same.

Now that I am free,

Su Bai began to see the effect of Tyrant authority:

Non-attack (invincible abuse of food), gift, kingly, overbearing, independent husband, longevity, rescue, king over the world, worship, and Rong!

During the upside-down mountain,

【Si】The effect cannot be displayed and taken into effect!


“its not right.”

Su Bai frowned.

Even if the owner of the hanging mountain,

He was once the peak powerhouse of the prophecy system.

The ten old powers in charge,

It’s all the authority of the prophecy system.

Own [Tyrant] as the first authority,

There is no reason to be disturbed, or even suppressed!


“Unless the old first authority is in effect!”

Learned from the dark domain,

Juxtapose with [eternity] as the first authority,

Not exclusive to [Tyrant]!

In fact,

Anyone who is strong at level 999,

The premise of wanting to accommodate [eternity] is:

Promote one of your own authority to the number one ranking!

If you can’t do it,

You can also grab someone else’s!

in other words,

For the 999-level strong,

Su Bai is ginseng fruit! !

Only after eating it will you have a chance to achieve level 1000!

Only a strong man like Gou Sanjia is covered,

Su Bai can wander around with Tyrant’s authority.

If Su Bai is under the hand of the Devil God,

[Tyrant] The first day the authority appeared,

He was deprived of by the Demon Emperor and turned into his own use!

“The effect of the sacrifice was suppressed by the first authority of the old days.”

Su Bai couldn’t help being curious,

Among the ten powers of the past,

What is the name of the first authority?


A lot can be inferred from the name 707 alone.

[Si] Unable to activate,

[Rong] Yes,

Effect: Launch a 【War】on the specified race

During the effective period of authority,

Tyrant’s subjects deal +99% damage to the specified race and -49.5% damage suffered.

At the end of the war,

Tyrant won, ignoring the cost of launching, launching [Pillage] once.

The two sides make peace, and the launch price takes effect.

Tyrant was defeated and the cost of launching doubled!

Cost: Permanent loss of an authority effect!


See clearly the effect and cost of [Rong],

Su Bai took a breath.

I have to say that the effect is very strong!

But the price is heavy!

If you can win,

Ignoring the price, it’s okay to say.

Make peace or fail,

Su Bai will permanently lose the effect of Tyrant authority!

If you lose five times,

Tyrant’s authority has become a polished commander!

this means,

Su Bai is not sure of winning,

The effect of’Rong’ cannot be easily activated!

Su Bai understood more,

The major event of the country lies in the sacrifice and the army.

The weight of this sentence!

For the monarch, don’t talk about war lightly!

Gou Sanjia set an example for Su Bai,

Either don’t fight,

If you want to fight, you must win!

Make a quick battle and swept the wastes with the supreme momentum!

The heavy price is determined,

Su Bai must carefully launch 【Rong】!

Tyrant authority has a total of ten effects.

There are four passive effects:

Non-attack, kingly, domineering, longevity.

Three auxiliary effects:

Gifts, kings over the world, independent husbands, military forces.

There is only one left who can truly participate in active combat:


There is also a [sacrifice] whose effect is unknown.

“This f*ck is outrageous!”

Dignified first authority,

The whole bunch of effects are bells and whistles,

In the end,

Su Bai suddenly discovered that

On the contrary, the increase in its own combat power is the weakest!


think carefully,

You are the king,

Things that can be solved by the subjects,

Do you still need Tyrant to go out in person?

Su Bai changed his perspective to think about the problem,(Read more @

If Gou Sanjia is the strongest,

See it as your own subjects.

It seems pretty cool too?

It’s a pity that I can’t.

Only one person in Darkfield is considered.

The sound of the pipa is melodious,

Su Bai put away the authority effect,

Focus on authority.

This situation and situation,

He couldn’t help copying a poem,

“…I came out after a thousand calls, still holding the pipa half-hidden…”

have to say,

Bai Juyi’s pipa line,

Catchy, suitable for all ages.

The most bizarre thing is,

Accompanied by Su Bai recite softly,

The sound of the pipa can match!

It’s like high mountains and flowing water,

Su Bai was in a daze for a while,

The rhythm is even in the hands of Pipa women!

She can predict the next line of poetry,

The music is melodious and endless for three days!

Su Bai really felt Bai Juyi’s happiness!

Twist lightly and slowly…Big beads and small beads…Silver bottle breaks suddenly…

Su Bai read each sentence,

The female pipa played more and more fit,

As if already playing alone millions of times!

Across ages and races,

Music and poetry resonated tremendously!

Beside Su Bai and the Pipa girl,

Even the rudiments of authority emerged!

Only Luo Cheng, who is illiterate and illiterate,

Sitting on the side opened his mouth wide.

Luo Cheng: Abba Abba…

what is this,

New ways of fighting?

Will Su Bai use his literary talent to convince the eighth domain master, right?

This kid,

Peach blossom luck has always been possible!

Work hard to get rid of the master of the Hanging Mountain?

The soft rice is still fragrant!

Just when Luo Cheng thought so,

A few figures came from afar,

A young monk is riding a white horse, holding the dark field in his arms,

Zhao Zizhen leads the horse,

A monk with domineering aura is at the forefront.

It is Fahai!

Fahai is not level 799, nor is it level 800,

It’s level 930!

Buddhist authority,

Let him jump directly from the Diamond Realm to the Arhat Realm,

Achieved the bodhisattva status.


This is by no means a good thing.

For Fahai, the combat power has skyrocketed,

But Buddhism and Taoism are not stable.

Need to rely on water to grind time,

Come digest the impact of this breakthrough.

It’s enough for now.

Change the style of the past,

Fa Hai, who acts particularly domineering,

As soon as he approached, he shouted angrily at the eighth domain master,

“I can tell at a glance that you are not human!”


Luo Cheng stared,

Why is this monk like a new person? !

“Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, forgive me, the poor monk… can’t help it…”

A few words of effort,

The great monk was sweating profusely,

A golden dragon on his body seemed to want to fly out.

He wants to touch the eighth domain master?


“Ksitigarbha, poor monks have something to ask for!”

“But it doesn’t matter.”

Luo Cheng, as one of the five strongest people,

The status is still there.

The other party asks for himself,

Naturally agree!

“Can you help the poor monk fight back to level 800?”

Fahai frowned,

“This 900 level… the consequences are even more terrible than the poor monk imagined!”

Luo Cheng: …..

Fahai’s request,

Change to the other four Xeons,

Gou Sanjia must have their own methods.

Even Ye Su,

There may be ways to do it!

Luo Cheng can’t do it!

Until this moment,

Luo Cheng deeply realizes a fact,

The shame of the strong, it turned out to be myself…


Luo Cheng can only paint the ground as a prison,

Help the monk temporarily suppress it.

But this doesn’t work,

Seeing that the golden dragon on the sea is about to fly out.


The eighth domain master’s little finger tick,

These people are too noisy!

be quiet!

I quarreled with her and Su Bai’s performance!

An invisible shackle fell,

The golden dragon on the monk was instantly dimmed,

Not only that, but Level has also fallen all the way,

Downgraded from level 930 to level 800!

The great monk has stabilized now!

On the contrary, Luo Cheng,

I was a little uncertain for a while.

Where is the eighth domain master?

It seems to hurt people,

But the result is beneficial to the human race.

It’s just… this method is too clumsy!

If the eighth domain master is really a twenty-five son,

Luo Cheng believes,

It won’t be such a twenty-five boy!

There is always a banquet in the world,

A song needs an end, and so does a poem.

Su Bai read the last sentence of “Pipa Xing”,

The sound of the pipa also just stopped.

Su Bai glared at everyone.

What are you doing in a daze, applause!

“Papa Papa–”

The applause is coming!

Fa Hai turned into a thousand tricks,

A one-person atmosphere group is comparable to 500 people!

This is the correct usage of Thousand Techniques!

After the applause,

The corners of the eighth domain’s mouth raised,

“Good poem!”

Just when Su Bai was about to say,

‘This poem is from Bai Juyi’.

The next sentence of the eighth domain master,

But made him froze,

Just like petrification!

Just listen,

The eighth domain master said softly,

“Every time I hear this song “Pipa Xing” by Dark Domain,

The slave family is full of emotion, there is such a talented person in the world…”

Dark field, made, pipa line.

Seven words,

Like lightning,

Crazy bombardment in Su Bai’s mind!

Touched his deepest secret!

What exactly is going on? !


(The picture is the top ten old authority.

It took some time to sort out the authority, and the fourth one is sent, rush! ).

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