Chapter 361

Pipa Xing was written in the dark domain?

Su Bai doesn’t believe it!

Could it be that Bai Juyi copied the dark domain?

Who copied who,

There is no doubt about this!

Then there is only one possibility left,

Dark field has seen Pipa Xing somewhere!

Is he also a traverser?

This is the first thought that popped out of Su Bai’s mind.


Soon, Su Bai was questioned for the first time -.

If the dark realm is a traverser,

“Luo Cheng Art of War” is released, Xeon Poker…

These things,

How could the dark field not know that Su Bai is a traverser?

If he knew,

What is the purpose of everything Darkfield does?

Too many questions piled up in Su Bai’s heart!


Take a deep breath,

Su Bai forced himself to calm down.

He has walked out of the shock before,

Begin to review everything that I experienced after crossing.

One of the most important things:

Awakening talent,

His B-level talent is [Gaia’s Blessing],

Evolve into SSS-level talent.

Known SSS-level talents,

There are three more! !

Dark domain, scorching, and rift!

Plus his own SSS-level talent [full firepower].

Four SSS-level talents,

Corresponding to the four traversers? !

This is the most reasonable explanation so far!

Su Bai feels,

I am very close to the truth!


On the upside-down mountain,

Su Bai couldn’t find the dark domain to verify his conjecture.

Yan eclipse and split empty two people,

I don’t know where it is at this time.

This secret Su Bai can only be hidden in the bottom of my heart.

Everyone present noticed Su Bai’s abnormality,


No one can guess,

How crazy the real reason is!

Su Bai walked to Baima’s side,

The white horse knelt down on both knees,

Let the dark field in the arms of the little monk level with Su Bai.


Su Bai reached out his hand,

Gently flick on the nose of the dark field.

He said very seriously,

“When this matter is over, I need an explanation.”

“it is good.”

It’s young!

Darkfield spoke!

Get an affirmative answer,

Su Bai did not continue to struggle with this matter.

Prioritize everything,

not to mention,

Here is the eighth domain!

Although the eighth domain master did not attack everyone,


She has the authority of the past 998 level,

There is no doubt that it is the strongest presence on the field!

She kept her back to everyone.

the reason is simple,

Except Luo Cheng, Dark Domain, and Su Bai.

The rest,

Even if you just look at her head-on,

Will become a slave of [slave] authority!

Old authority,

It will fail if you go out of the upside-down mountain.

Within the scope of the inverted mountain,

The power of these powers is not weaker than the current ten powers!

not to mention,

Slave authority is the third-ranked authority!

In other words,

The paper strength of the eighth domain master,

Not weaker than the eclipse!

The eighth domain master opens,

“Darkland, as agreed,

I have done what I need to do,

You should fulfill your promise. ”

No one knows what their agreement is.

The Dark Domain did not affirm, nor deny it.

The eighth domain main soft channel,

“I request to revise our agreement!”

What she said afterwards,

Only Su Bai and Dark Domain can hear it.

“I need to change my real name oath,

Tyrant made the real name oath, and the content has to be slightly revised. ”

“Tyrant decides for himself.”

After Dark Domain said these words, he fell silent again.

Although I don’t know what the agreement is,

Su Bai believes in the dark domain,

If he doesn’t believe it, he won’t be here!

“Yes, but I also want to modify the agreement.”

“It’s fair.”

The pipa girl made her own request,

“Tyrant swears by his real name,(Read more @

If the human dark realm, flame erosion, and cracked empty body fall to the hanging mountain,

Give the complete [Tyrant] authority! ”


Su Bai knew,

The most valuable in me,

It’s [Tyrant] authority!

Gou Sanjia’s authority fell to Xuanshan?

With such a big tone,

Haven’t brushed your teeth for tens of thousands of years! !

Su Bai has confidence in Gou Sanjia,

Especially for the dark domain, I have great confidence!

The owner of the hanging mountain is dead,

The dark field will never die!

“My request is very simple,

If you lose,

The power you hold [old days] belongs to me. ”

Su Bai proposed to change one for another,

of course,

The other party’s old authority is definitely not worth [Tyrant]!

Su Bai has additional conditions,

“I want to know the mastery of the ten old powers,

Especially… the name of the first authority! ”

“no problem!”

The Pipa girl agreed without hesitation.

Compared with [Tyrant] authority,

Everything is trivial!

Even if Su Bai asked her to kill the other domain masters,

The Pipa Girl will not refuse!

As long as you can seek the first authority for your master,

The master can end the deep sleep,

The upside-down mountain was born,

The power of the old days reappeared,

Launch an impact to level 1000 again!

if that’s the case,

Everything is worth it!

“I need to know the races of all the domain masters of the Downfall Mountain,

And the race of the master of the hanging mountain! ”

“no problem!”

After adding two conditions,

Both parties swear by their real names!

This oath is very cumbersome and flawless.

Will not give the card a chance of BUG.

And once violated,

The consequences are also very serious!

Su Bai slowly said,

“I, Su Bai from the third and second class of Baichuan City, the wizard crow, the patron saint of night in Baichuan City, the eternal 699 Tyrant…”

After countless attributives,

100% locked on Su Bai!

“…Swear by this, eternal lesson!”

The moment Su Bai swore,

The upside-down mountain trembled!

This is a gambling contract involving the first authority!

Eternal rules appear,

Countless golden chains traverse between heaven and earth,

Even the hanging mountain can’t bear this terrifying rule!

Eternal rules, heaven and earth as a lesson!

The vow has been made,

According to the requirements, the pipa girl

Tell Su Bai all the information!

Ten powers in the old days, who owns them, and how effective are they.


Listening to the name of the first authority in the old days,

Su Bai fell silent.

Miracle, miracle master.

The first authority of the old days-miracles!

Is a word difference really such a coincidence?

Dark domain, nine domains,

Is it really okay?

Su Bai feels very close to the answer!

“The vast majority of domain owners, as well as their masters, are Titan Protoss!”

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

The eighth domain owner thinks this information is useless.

next moment,

The facts tell her,

Maybe this is the one thing she regrets the most!


The scepter emerged,

The top gem is inlaid:

Killing, destroying the world, the seven deadly sins.

The crown appears, and the dragon robe is added!

After reaching 99.99% capacity,

The Tyrant three-piece suit is fully revealed,

The dragon robe is just a look at the moment.

To wait for Su Bai to fully accommodate Tyrant’s authority,

Only effective!

“Rong, the effect is activated!”

Su Bai paused.

Try to narrow the designated range of [Rong],

“I am immortal with the Titan Protoss of the Downfall Mountain!”


The eternal rules that have been hidden before,

Appear again!

The difference from last time is that

The larger the scale, the more thorough the eternal rules appear!

The eternal rules before,

Only finger thickness!

In front of,

The weakest eternal rule is the thickness of the arm!

The coercion is more a hundred times, a thousand times!

“What exactly is going on?!”

…….. 0

The eighth domain master looked at the eternal rules around with trepidation,

Even as strong as her,

The 998-level top powerhouse, the terrifying existence that holds the third authority of the old days!

In the face of eternal rules,

She is as weak as an ant!

It’s like facing endless waves,

She is just a small boat!

This kind of helplessness, hesitation, and confusion!

She has forgotten for many years.


The moment Tyrant’s scepter was activated!

Tyrant’s scepter was held tightly by Su Bai,

The eternal rules seem to be on par with him!

Su Bai knew,

The effect of ‘Rong’,


Terran and the Upside-down Mountain Titan Protoss,


There is no handshake to make peace,

Without interruption,

No top pull,

Hit, just kill Daoxuan Mountain at once!

This is the war of betting on Tyrant’s scepter!

“I, bet on all the effects of Tyrant’s scepter!”

The eternal rule did not respond,

Su Bai put the power in front of him,


“I bet on all the effects of Tyrant’s scepter,

With the upside down mountain Titan Protoss, endlessly dying! ”

Between heaven and earth,

Countless huge chains of eternal rules,

Keep shattering, reorganizing,

In the end, four characters were transformed:

Eternity is a lesson!

【Rong】Strengthening effect:

Tyrant subjects deal +500% damage to the Titan Protoss of the Overhanging Mountain, and suffer -80% damage. When hostile, the effect of authority is +50%, and the divine pollution is -50%!

Bet everything about Tyrant,

Su Bai got the strongest war effect!

The eternal rules recede like the tide,

The Lord of the Eighth Domain is like a fish stranded on the shore,

Gawking breath of fresh air,

Asked in horror,

“You, what are you doing?”

Su Bai grinned.

“I, I just did what I have been doing.”

Gambling authority?

Smaller, the pattern is smaller!

Dark field, flame eclipse, cracked sky dare to gamble,

Su Bai dare not?


I bet your life with you!

Bet on my human luck for thousands of years!

Betting on this battle, Terran will destroy Xuanshan!


(The fifth one, the next one is later, don’t wait. Ann.) What.

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