Chapter 359

“It’s three o’clock in the afternoon, it’s time for tea.”

A cup of hot tea appeared in front of Su Bai.

He doesn’t drink tea if he has tea, alas, just play!

“I won’t shoot against the two,

I also hope that the two will not embarrass my weak woman. ”

Su Bai looked at Luo Cheng’s back wet with sweat.

Keep nodding.

It’s so weak, but it’s only level 998!

When will I be like these big guys,

No trace of Versailles?

Since the other party made it clear that it would take time,

She was wrong with Su Bai,

It does not mean that Su Bai will be allowed to leave!

The attitude of the eighth domain master,

Su Bai was puzzled for a while.

Friend or foe?

They who have grasped the authority of the old days,

There is no room for buffer with Terran!

this matter,

When in the daughter’s domain,

The dark field has already been explained.

The current master of the Hanging Mountain falls asleep,

Just waiting for eternal authority to reappear!

I want to regain the glory in the old days,

There must be countless anchor points to support!

The first anchor He wanted to seize was Earth!

This is not a question of changing beliefs.

But to be enslaved,

Let everyone become [Slave of Destiny]!

Two powers held by the master of the Upside Down Mountain:

[Destiny], [Slave]!

In His hands, everyone’s life is fixed.

Whatever is in the sky should always be in the sky.

Humble to the dust,

Must stay in the dust forever!

Do things like Dark Domain and Su Bai want to rise?


It is for this reason that

The master of the Falling Down Mountain is the mortal enemy of Gou Sanjia!

The Dark Domain once said that his own salvation was only a matter of interest.

Kill the master of Xuanshan?

That is the resistance of the dark domain to fate!

No one is born a slave to fate!

Know these,

Su Bai understood,

Why is the third strongest player,

Planning for the upside-down mountain for nearly a hundred years!

The sound of the pipa is still ringing,

Since being idle is also idle,

Su Bai began to study his Tyrant authority.

After reaching 99.99% progress, he has not had time to take a closer look.

As for them in the dark field?

“Unlucky people have unlucky ways to live.”

Su Bai said with relief,

“Old Zhao only has to say something to himself in the bottom of my heart,

Things will definitely be resolved! ”

Luo Cheng has never seen the horror of causal weapons,

He doesn’t believe it!

Su Bai patted him on the shoulder,

“Boy, you are still too young. “!”

“I think you haven’t been beaten!”

Luo Cheng’s fist hardened.

Su Bai·Wei!

Su Bai and others are drinking tea and chatting,

The scene is very leisurely!

The monk’s side is extremely dangerous!

No matter how strong the Terran is,

With a level of 799 strength, he went to the 4 domains,

Can’t do it!

Not everyone is as evil as Tyrant.

The monks can live till now,

It all depends on the sixth domain!

A white dragon crossed in front of everyone,

“Four people, listen to my advice, it’s still too late to run!”

The sixth domain, the twelfth evil god,

The white dragon horse nowadays said bitterly,(Read more @

“You don’t know how much Human Race is!”

Four big Yuzi laughed loudly,

“Little Liu, I think the sea water of the Forbidden Sea has entered your mind, right?”

“Just you guys, who can kill us?”

“Is it the baby, or the three bald heads?”

“Isn’t it a 799-level invincible grandmaster, I’m so scared!”


Listening to the four people’s “brilliant words”,

The sixth Yuzi is almost crying!

They are like old generals on the stage,

Flags all over his body!

While the four laughed, there was no pause in their shots!

No matter how strong the sixth domain is,

There is no way to be one enemy four!

The defeat is a matter of time.

As for the great monk?

It was just that he was seriously injured in the previous confrontation!

Zhao Zizhen is also dying!

He tried to speak with his mouth wide open,

Close your mantra, break it for the Lord!

Zhao Zizhen felt cold in his heart.

“This time, I won’t be able to break the closed mantra, right?!”

Gan! He’s poisoned himself again!

Zhao Zizhen gave up,

Can only count on the little monk, or the baby version of the dark field.

The great monk has already begun to prepare for himself.

“For a while, fight to the death for the teacher,

Find a way to send a few of you to escape. ”

The great monk said weakly,

“The relics I burnt,

Put it in the small box opened by the Bodhisattva of the Dark Realm, don’t put it wrong…”

What time is it,

Still thinking about the small box!

The little monk crying, “Master, let’s do it!”

The great monk slowly closed his eyes,

It is not that he is unwilling to make a move, but that he is embarrassed.


Even if there is a map of Pingchuan ahead,

He can’t take the last step!

Unless… someone can push him!

Bang bang bang ——

The little monk kowtows three heads to the big monk.

“Master, offended!”

A stack of robes appeared in the hands of the little monk,

The kind Zhao Zizhen has never seen before.

“Master, don’t make any more moves,

Your three 108 limited edition robes are gone!

I burned it for you! ”

The little monk digs out a bunch of things from the storage ring,

“And the same desk that Tyrant gave,

It’s eclipsing…”

These things are strange.

It seems worthless.

It’s hard to believe that someone collects this kind of stuff!

Hearing the words of the little monk,

Just closed my eyes,

The heart is like a dead monk shaking all over!

His golden body keeps disintegrating,

Based on his supreme Zen practice,

Even can’t control the state of mind!

To know,

Even in the face of life and death,

The great monk also has no fear, and is free and easy.

He is a real Taoist monk,

It means that there is no fear, no resentment or hatred in the heart of the war dead.

Distance to become an Arhat,

Only one step away!

This step,

He is still unwilling to step forward!

Under the leadership of Gou Sanjia,

The invincible master of the human race is about breaking through this matter,

No interest at all!

Shen Huayun: I am not interested in level 900 at all, and I have never touched level 900!

Who can suppress it longer,

That’s the real skill!

Under the words of the little monk,

The great monk’s golden body completely collapsed!

Obsession, break!

In other words, the great monk has a greater obsession in his heart!

Don’t touch the favorites of poor monks! !

A breath of incomparable tyrants,

Suddenly appeared in the field!

“…Be careful of fraud!”

The four Yuzi stopped at the same time,

The little white dragon fell dying to the ground,

The sixth Yuzi was almost killed!

“Monk, you’d better be a little real…”

Before coma,

He didn’t forget to change back to his own body, little white horse.

Being a horse is better than being a dog!

The four Yuzi looked at the monk warily,

I don’t understand why the other party will give myself a dangerous feeling!


Just a 799-level invincible master!

“My Buddha is merciful, and there is also King Kong angry!”

A new Dharma image rises,

Close your eyes,

He is just a 799-level invincible grandmaster,

The broken Vajra Realm.

King Kong glared at him, yet powerless!

King Kong can’t subdue demons and demons?

When entering the Arhat Realm!

If the Arhat fails, you will prove the Bodhisattva’s Taoism!


He wants to cast down demons!

Ye Su couldn’t stop it!

The new Dhamma stands in the heaven and earth,

A majestic voice sounded,

“Poor monks are not good at fighting, this is the first shot.”

“You should know the title of the poor monk before you fall into the Hell of Abi.”

“Always recite my name and enter reincarnation early!”

The law is strict, and the sound is like a bell.

“The poor monk is the Fahai of the Jinshan Temple!”

“The aptitude is dull, and only one and a half tricks have been realized in a century, and it’s ugly.”

A golden dragon soars from behind Luohan Faxiang!

The sixth Yuzi was crushed to the ground by the terrifying coercion, unable to move!

Between heaven and earth,

There are only four words reverberating,

“Dawei Tianlong!”


(The third thing is, the meal is red.).

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